Analyzing the Mixed and Visual Rhetoric in Sports Management - Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-26
Analyzing the Mixed and Visual Rhetoric in Sports Management - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Sport
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1141 words
10 min read

The sports management field is mainly involved in the process of handling the sports attributes. The teams involved in this sector are mainly involved in managing, organizing, and planning the aspects of a department that handles physical activities. In this industry, there exist various rhetoric analysis concepts. The images that are depicting the people involved in sports can sometimes deceive and provide wrong analysis in the eyes and minds of readers. There exist instances that fans debate on the performance of players in the various teams, with some people supporting the action and abilities of these sports personnel with others against them.

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A significant number of entities rely on commercials that features players or activities in the sport management sector to deliver messages to their clients on the commodities they are selling. In other cases, the players are presented as part of visual art, and this mainly involves relying on the best players with a huge following. The move will prove beneficial to an entity, for there are assumptions that the fans of that player will buy into the products advertised through that player or the athletes’ images. Adverts are often used by organizations to create awareness of their products to the wider market. Considering that the sporting sector is significantly followed by many people, these entities rely on the athletes who are shown using the commodities of an entity to advertising them.

On the part of the recipients of this information, they must possess visual literacy, and this incorporates having the ability to engage in image analysis to know their meaning and form. The images are received by wider audiences, and it is not everyone that accepts the images and even agrees with the statements being made by a sports personnel. They are those that may not adore a player, and in this case, they will not be willing to take the message being passed across nor be ready to purchase the commodities that they are advertising.

Bad sports rhetoric is a common concept that is applied in the sports management field, and it is not inherited, but rather it is taught. Managing to understand how it operates requires an individual to learn and know the basics. It is often practiced in many sectors that are involved in sports rhetoric. People often hone their skills in this art, and this is a move that provides them with a great chance to become a success. The field of sport management is often affected by the activities taken by the other stakeholders that are involved in this industry, such as commentators and reporters. However, it is critical to note that they can never manage to offer quality bad rhetoric analysis is they fail to engage in emotional tautology.

It is essential to note that mind games are a common phenomenon in sports, and it can help teams to win tournaments. It is a practice that involves creating visual rhetoric in the minds of people and making them believe that what is being said is true. It is a move that can help to improve the confidence of a team at the same time destabilizing another. All the supported statements in the sports management activities should always be enclosed in emotional tautology, and this is a move that enables people to rely on emotional dismissal to deny and fail to focus on a statement and propositions made. There is a need to ensure that there a balance between the visual rhetoric used by entities and the elements that exist in the sports management sector.

Players can change their teams in the course of their careers. Spectators are likely to raise rhetoric that a certain player has managed to take significant steps towards success but has not managed to take their team to a win in a tournament final. Such rhetoric can be countered by relying on the available data and evidence, for it can be noted that the same player has managed to get to finals with three other teams. In those three instances, it can be noted that the player single-handedly dragged their team to the finals, and this is an issue that makes them special and critical to their team’s success.

The statement can be further be supported using the ideas that the best players in the history of the game may have failed to win a championship, and this is an indication that the current player is being judged wrongly. Therefore, when handling the visual and mixed rhetoric in in the sports management field, countering involves dismissing points that are on the contrary, and this should be followed by asserting the original points as the main basis for giving a response.

When viewing a commercial involving a player that is advertising soccer balls, the concept that surprised me is the lack of authenticity. The visual art shows an image of a player that hits a ball and manages to bring down a wall without the ball either tearing. In normal circumstances, a strong wall cannot collapse after getting a hit from a rubber ball. What is likely to happen is that the ball will bounce back, and probably a small section of the wall may wear off. The commercial is exaggerated, and it may go against the visual rhetoric that is expected in the sports management sector. Visual rhetoric covers the facilitation of an effective communication process by relying on texts and images. The effectiveness of a communication process can be determined through the process of delivering quality information with a high level of genuineness. The details included should not be included for this may adversely affect the decision-making process of the persons that will receive the information.

The assumption made by the creator is that the various players in the sports management field have extraordinary skills, and they can manage to undertake activities that do not seem normal in real life. They have the capability to engage in activities that are beyond the capability of a normal human being. The issues are likely to register in the readers’ minds that the extra power is caused by the commodities that they are advertising. The images used are one showing a powerful athlete that has excessive power.

Some of the elements that are noted on the professional culture that exist in the sports management sector and the piece of media is that all the stakeholders are working towards realizing growth and success in their respective fields. The various teams are seeking to develop their activities to ensure that the activities accomplished are significant, and everyone understands the mechanisms that they can use to solve the problems facing their institutions. It can be noted that there is an overlap on the values, beliefs, and attitudes that are found in this piece of media and the sports management sector.

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Analyzing the Mixed and Visual Rhetoric in Sports Management - Paper Example. (2023, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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