Anna Karenina Essay Sample

Published: 2022-06-28
 Anna Karenina Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leo Tolstoy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1234 words
11 min read

Beta Couple: Levin and Kitty

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Author Filibuster: among Tolstoy's favorite tropes, it is the conclusive section of the book following the suicide of Ann which encompasses in totality an anarcho-pacifist Christian moralist address.

Decay protagonist: either Ann or Levine

Big Fancy House: As the book revolves about the Russian aristocracy, it is no surprise that these come up very often.

Author Tract: Tolstoy's book serves more so as an agency of delivery of itself

Blue and Orange Morality: This refers especially to the manner in which Vronsky conducts his life and affairs. He entails conflicting albeit stringent rules governing his behavior, his courtesy or lack thereof in how he treats people and situations and almost everything else found in his existence.

Author Avatar: Konstantin Levin by way of Tolstoy's admittance

Anguished Declaration of Love: Levin experiences one instance of these in the onset of the book.

Cannot Spit It Out: This happens to Koznyshev as he runs dumbfounded following Varenka asking him to propose

Dogged Nice Guy: Levin has a shade of this in him even though he takes his time in coming around and tends to be kitty until when the story has already advanced.

Doorstopper: This is as colossal as it can get given the book is a huge volume running a little over 800 pages in length.

Earn Your Happy Ending: Basing on their depiction at the conclusion of the story, it is quite easy for readers to tell the authors position, disposition and attitude toward every other character in the story.

Fourth Date Marriage: this goes down between the couple that is Levine and Kitty. In an interesting twist of events, Kitty turns down Levine when he first proposes majorly because of Vronsky but later on says yes when he comes back later in the story and proposes to her again.

Love At First Sight: Vronsky and Ann

Morality Chain: this is evident in Seryozha who is to Anna but very much disliked for Karenin. Her effect for Vronsky however, holds water and roves to be stronger even than her love and want to be with her son

Poisonous Friend: this is manifested in countless times in Lydia for Karenina.

Royally Screwed-Up: excepting Levine and Kitty, it turns out that Kitty's parents, brother to Vronsky, his wife and nearly all the aristocrats and royalty have alienated family that appears unhappy and detached. Most of these also end up in affairs if not total detachment.

Rape as Drama: unfortunately, Kitty has her turn at this when a doctor molests her leaving her very dazed by the act.

Viewers Are Goldfish: The author cherishes the idea of having characters constantly retell their sorrows, dilemmas, and predicaments.

Walking the Earth: As a consequence for misguided financial and also lifestyle choices, Levine has his turn at this in the book.

Your Cheating Heart: it is a favorite of most of the royalty and aristocracy members to have and engage themselves in affairs outside their marriages. However, there are a few exceptions in the book such as Levine.

Zero Approval Gambits: in a bold move Karenina, in fact, attempts this and has Anna walk straight into it with the full knowledge that she had neither other choice nor option.

The employ of metaphorical idiom by way of words, expressions or even art with the aim of creating the ingenious artistic effect is referred to as a scholarly figure of speech. The term figure of speech similarly has been employed to refer to the recurrent creative and expository gadgets, expressions of thematic concerns or even words in creative works of art and literature. This is aptly highlighted and explicated in the novel Karenina. Taking a third person point of view in its narration, it paints the narrator's attitude toward his characters while at the same time shedding light on the interesting though the restrictive life of its main characters Anna and Levine. (Tolstoy & Gyllenhaal, 2016).It is primal to note that Anna and Levine are the novels focal protagonists. As such Levine's and Anna's social experiences are highlighted in every one of the eight segments of the books through careful variation of tone that calls for cherry and humor even through the pensive dispositions of Stephan's endeavors and also through a considerably overwrought truthful voice.

The opening line of the work by Tolstoy bears heavy reflection on the contents of the story, "Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its way."Among the primal threads of the novels circumnavigate around Anna, an endearing mother who is also compassionate, kind and in a way rash. Similar to a lot of other women in her social circles, she is in a marriage not fuelled by love rather courteous courtship for expediency, socially speaking. She is espoused to one Alexei Karenina, a frailer, bitter though respectable diplomat in one instance Anna travels to Moscow all the way from St. Petersburg where she comes across valiant representative Alexei Vronsky who is having the best years in his career in the military. She is smoldered in a classic case of falling in love the very moment he sets his eyes on her despite the saddening reality that she is a wedded woman and as such can't be handed a just divorce as was the case with the lawful system of Russia of the time. Gradually the lovebirds lay down everything of the imperative in their lives so that they can be together. However, seeing as the story is not one of romance as in western dispositions rather tragedy they come to terms with the realization that it may not be worth its salt after all following the aggression and reaction of family and friends as the love itself proved to be fleeting.

Remarkably, Klaus Badelaire opines on the book's focal thematic concern in a Series of Unfortunate Events, emphasizing that, "The central theme of Ann Karenina is that a rural life of moral simplicity, despite its monotony, is the preferable personal narrative to daring life of impulsive passion which only leads to tragedy" (Tolstoy & Gyllenhaal, 2016). It is apparent in Klaus' opinion that Konstantin Levin resides in lands located in the country as opposed to St. Petersburg or Moscow as such. His kind of life, therefore, comes with presuppositions and giving of the high life in society. In the onset of the story, he is seeking to be hooked to Kitty to whose acquaintance he has had for some time now. Even so, he faces a multiplicity of issues that prove an obstacle in his way of endearing kitty say for example the fact that she is also being sought after by the well-meaning and classy Vronsky. Despite their incautious tendencies, Anna and Levine, the later muses over his alternatives while the former languishes in her want for a better and finer life.


Conclusively, it is to state that the novel is a Russian classic that surpasses exemplary world literature. Though many times viewed as a great romantic novel; it is imperative to note that it is storytelling of the tragedy through romantic offing of the novels two major protagonists, Anna and Levine and finally, by way of extension it entails fine and detailed satire touching on the present-day culture of the Russian society.


Tolstoy, L., & Gyllenhaal, M. (2016). Anna Karenina. Retrieved from

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