Annotated Bibliography Example on American Constitution

Published: 2022-09-26
Annotated Bibliography Example on American Constitution
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Constitution
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1068 words
9 min read

Obama, Barack. National Security Strategy of the United States (2010) DIANE Publishing, 2010

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As provided by the American Constitution, one can defend her home as well as the entire country. The constitution recognizes the Americans citizen's values and emphasizes on everyone to uphold their values. The key reason for upholding these values are to ensure that the United States remain safe and of a good environment. The Americans should understand their benefits as the national security assets which apply to any time such as the date of war, time of peace, time of ease and also the time of difficulties. Through this provision, one is confident to defend the States of American as well as his or her home. There have been some noticeable results because the Americans uphold their values. One main impact of this practice is the continuous rise in the technology and the economic in the United States. The power of the United States has increased from small authority to the world recognize power.

Hayek, Friedrich August, and Ronald Haymow The constitution of liberty: The definitive edition. Vol. 17 Routledge, 2013

Through the provision of the American Constitution, I can speak my mind and do as I wish. The constitution of liberty has put down the rights of every American as it emphasizes on the free society. It gives the political machinery to speak freely to the community under little restrictions. It is through this recorded part of the law that every citizen of the American States has right for expression. The constitution clearly states that regardless of the situation that a person is, nobody should restrict her or him from speech. This part of the American constitution has impacted a lot in my life; this is because it gives me an opportunity to express myself freely. This section of the constitution provides that every citizen has a right to pass or articulate his or her opinions and the ideas without the fear of the authority's negative response or the societal neglecting. The constitution parts restrict the authorities or the individual from interfering the citizens' rights to expression as it will be termed as a violation of the law. However, there exist some limitations to this law. Everyone is warning from violating the other rights of the citizens in the name that he or she has the freedom of expression.

Hansen, Max, Kurt Anderson, and H. W. Salzberg "Constitution of binary alloys" Journal of the Electrochemical Society 105.12 (1958): 260C-261C.

The United States old constitution has been revised several times to be adjusted such that the immunity of the citizens are considered and defended as it is required. From the newly discoveries made by the different scientist, the government has been forced to amend the law and modified it to capture the health of the Americans. This part of the constitution will, therefore, prohibit the use or any practice that will lead to a bad health of the nation. Moreover, the constitution parts ensure that every part of the United States access the medical facilities as well as the health services that the government sponsored. It is, therefore, obvious that everyone including young children and those with physical disabilities will access the health facilities without the much effort. The Constitution clearly states that each and every citizen is entitled to be given all the immunities as well as enjoys all the privileges that are being granted to them by the state. However, the privileges are offered to people that have got a particular qualification. It is therefore not a guarantee that everyone will get these privileges since the government has imposed some of the restriction. The American constitution, therefore, affects my life since it eases the management of my health at all times.

Eisgruber, Christopher L., and Lawrence G. Sager Religious freedom and the constitution Harvard University Press, 2009

The American constitution defines that each and every citizen of the united states has got the freedom to identify and be in any is, therefore, a provision that explains the fact that everyone should practice whatever the religion they want. These are the standard section that almost all the Americans prefer as it normally acts as a reference where most of the citizens will use it to defend their views. Within the United States, there are many different kinds of religion including the Christian and the Islamic religion. Since the government protects me from any restriction on making a decision to select the religion, it is an illustration that it affects my life in an indirective way. The influence of this kind is usually recognized over a long time as it allows one to select the religion to practice freely. It is, therefore, a violation of the law when one is forced to practice a particular choice of the religion.

McMillan, Mark. "Is federalism being undermined in the current surge to 'recognize' indigenous Australians in (and into) the commonwealth constitution?." Indigenous Law Bulletin 8.25 (2016): 15.

The American Constitution protects every individual from any form of discrimination. Racial and the sexual discrimination is a practice which the law does not allow. The rights related to this practice are also provided. One is not expected to work in such a way that he or she is showing any discrimination. The constitution influences my life in the sense that it gives me an opportunity to be reasonably considered when recruiting the national labor force. It, therefore, influence my life indirectly as it acts as a defensive mechanism in a case of anyone attempting to violate its law.

Goutam, S. (2013). Anatomy of American Constitution.

This article argues on the protection against racial and sexual discrimination is covered, as well as rights of every individual. The Appendices contain selected provisions of the US Constitution, excerpts from state and federal laws relating to my research. The article also focuses on major civil rights laws and education in the American legal system.

Works cited

McMillan, Mark. "Is federalism being undermined in the current surge to 'recognize' indigenous Australians in (and into) the commonwealth constitution?." Indigenous Law Bulletin 8.25 (2016): 15.

Eisgruber, Christopher L., and Lawrence G. Sager Religious freedom and the constitution Harvard University Press, 2009

Obama, Barack. National Security Strategy of the United States (2010) DIANE Publishing, 2010

Hayek, Friedrich August, and Ronald Haymow The constitution of liberty: The definitive edition. Vol. 17 Routledge, 2013

Hansen, Max, Kurt Anderson, and H. W. Salzberg "Constitution of binary alloys" Journal of the Electrochemical Society 105.12 (1958): 260C-261C.

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