Annotated Bibliography Example on Hoarding Disorder: Treatment and Diagnosis Insights

Published: 2024-01-04
Annotated Bibliography Example on Hoarding Disorder: Treatment and Diagnosis Insights
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Behavior Disorder Cognitive development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 735 words
7 min read

Treatment Modalities for Adults with Hoarding Disorder

Farquhar, K., & Caiazza, R. (2020). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Hoarding Disorder in an Older Female. Clinical Case Studies, 19(3), 205-221.

This is an informative article that explores cognitive behavioral therapy as one of the treatment measures suitable for treating adults, particularly females with hoarding disorders. In the article, the authors claim that while there are several competent ways and measures of treating hoarding disorder in adults, embracement and utilization of psychological therapy is one of the proven and effective ways of treating such patients. In particular, the authors assert that cognitive behavioral therapy is an evidence-based intervention that has played an integral role in easing the stress and tension involved in hoarding disorder. The article is therefore useful for this research chiefly because it complements it by availing critical interventions suitable for containing the disorder.

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Ayers, C., Pittman, J., Davidson, E., Dozier, M., Mayes, T., & Almklov, E. (2019). Predictors of treatment outcome and attrition in adults with hoarding disorder. Journal Of Obsessive-Compulsive And Related Disorders, 23, 100465.

This is a useful article in this research not only because it recommends a suitable intervention for treating adults with hoarding disorder but also because it avails predictors of treatment outcome and attrition in adults suffering from the disorder. In the article, the authors acknowledge that establishment and containment of hoarding disorder particularly in adults in quite an engaging task, considering multiple therapeutic interventions that have failed to contain or treat the condition. In their research, however, the authors established that emotion-related constructs and interventions such as stress management are critical to facilitating the patient’s treatment and recovery processes. Overall, this article influences my argument by acknowledging that the effectiveness of the emotion-related constructs is facilitated by the incorporation and integration of high levels of the patients’ avoidant coping.

Weir, K. (2020). Treating people with hoarding disorder. Monitor On Psychology, 51(3), 36. Retrieved 1 October 2020, from

This is an informative and useful article, considering its information layout and classification. The article starts by introducing the reader to hoarding disorder and the various treatment intervention milestones achieved over the years. The article shapes my argument, particularly by confirming my earlier research that while there exist multiple therapeutic interventions to treat the disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy is the appropriate and most effective intervention. Typically, by embracing cognitive behavioral therapy the victims of hoarding disorder experience a reduction in the symptoms while demonstrating a positive discard of hindering behaviors. Overall, this is an informative piece of information that will positively guide and influence the research process.

Diagnosis of Hoarding Disorder

Mataix-Cols, D., Frost, R., Pertusa, A., Clark, L., Saxena, S., & Leckman, J. et al. (2010). Hoarding disorder: a new diagnosis for DSM-V? Depression And Anxiety, 27(6), 556-572.

The article is useful in this research specifically because it explores quite a wide range of literature on the diverse ways of diagnosing hoarding disorder in adults. The articles start by asserting that some of the diagnostic interventions are interdependent implying that they can be used interchangeably based on the condition under review. In this case, the authors state that DSM-IV-TR is one of the best diagnostic interventions suitable for hoarding disorders. However, the authors state that based on the results generated, a clinician may consider using the criteria used to diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Saljoughian, M. (2015). Hoarding Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment. Medication Management, 40(11), 60-62. Retrieved 1 October 2020, from

This article is useful in this research chiefly because it outlines and breaks down hoarding disorder, including its signs, symptoms, and the various interventions suitable for treating the condition. In the article, the author states that while hoarding disorder is often used to diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder, it can be independently diagnosed. However, the diagnosis process starts by understanding the key features defining the condition. Therefore, to diagnose hoarding disorder as the author documents, one needs to express signs and symptoms such as the existence of large clutter at the victim’s place of work or residence, loss of important items such as money, and inability to move furniture among other goods, and feeling overwhelmed by the goods one possesses. Overall, this article will help shape my argument in the research by providing critical information for the analysis.

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Annotated Bibliography Example on Hoarding Disorder: Treatment and Diagnosis Insights. (2024, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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