Essay Example with Annotated Bibliography on Bahamas and Haiti's Health Care Systems

Published: 2022-03-01
Essay Example with Annotated Bibliography on Bahamas and Haiti's Health Care Systems
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Healthcare Public health
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1763 words
15 min read

A healthcare system refers to the approach through which a country provides and maintains the health of its citizens through diagnosis, prevention and treatment of illness, diseases and other mental and physical impairments in human beings (Kronenfeld, 2002 p. 21). A health system comprises the organization resources, institutions and people to deliver health care to the people or a specific target group. A healthcare system plays a significant role in a country to meet the healthcare needs of the people. Countries design and develop their healthcare systems based on the resources at their disposal as well as the needs of the people. A healthcare system is created by different stakeholders in the private, public sector as well as nongovernmental organizations and charities who provide funding for healthcare services and facilities (Kronenfeld, 2002 p. 22). The primary goal of any healthcare is to ensure that the healthcare needs of the people are met by fostering universal healthcare. Countries should have healthcare goals to ensure responsiveness of a country to the healthcare needs of the people (Lawton & Parker, 2002).

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Annotated Bibliography

Montgomery, C, (2017). Publicly Funded Healthcare: Comprehensive reference guide & citation source. S.l.: LULU COM.161

The writer issues useful information about public health care systems in the Bahamas and the Caribbean countries. In page 15, he discusses the requirements of a universal health care systems and the role played by the government to ensure that health standards and facilities are extended to everyone. Montgomery further outlines how public funded healthcare systems operate and their implications for disaster management and recovery on page 17 to 20. I find the book very resourceful in analyzing health care systems in Haiti and the Bahamas.

Pierre-Louis, F. (2011). Earthquakes, nongovernmental organizations, and governance in Haiti. Journal of Black Studies, 42(2), 186-202.

The journal evaluates the effects of the earthquakes in Haiti and its impact on lives and property. In page 189 Pierre-Louis outlines that, by 1980 the younger generation in Haitian emigres grew after being driven out by Duvalier's and forced to immigrate into United States as a result of the hardship created by neoliberal policies and developments. From that information, it is clear that the systems put in place in Haiti are not favorable in disaster management and preparations. I find the journal helpful as it will aid my research in evaluating different historical boycotts by the Haitian government during the 19th century that created terrible relationships with other countries. In page 190 to 194 the journal also highlights different struggles and how non-governmental organizations weakened the government's power to meet the needs of the citizens and fight any disaster. I find the journal very helpful and not biased in any way.

Reilly, M. J., &Markenson, D. S. (2011). Healthcare emergency management: Principles and practice. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Learning. 272

Creating a good emergency system is very crucial in for disaster management systems. This book outlines the importance of infrastructure and the government in healthcare management systems. In page 4 Reilly and Markenson note that any slight delay in transportation, poor infrastructure, poor access, congestion and bureaucratic problems cause bottlenecks for healthcare systems. I find the book very beneficial to my research because it outlines different resources like roads, politics, finance and transport systems that are very important during in health care operations. A sound healthcare management systems help in response to any disaster in the environment which reduces the number of casualties as a result of an accident. The book also speaks from a general point of view without being biased towards developed countries. Therefore it will be constructive in my research about health care systems in the Bahamas.

Taft-Morales, M. (2011). Haiti earthquake: Crisis and response. DIANE Publishing.

The author of the journal speaks about the importance of developing a high crisis and response team in healthcare to improve on health care systems in Caribbean countries. In page 28 Taft-Morales argues that health care is a crucial development that can help Haitians to overcome the cycle of poverty by creating employment and enabling excellent health care that ensures that children and adults can develop and function properly. Through the journal, an analysis of how Haiti has been responding in times of crisis can be evaluated and any significant developments highlighted. The journal will be very helpful for our research because it is not biased in giving information and focus on Haiti for its case study.

Tappero, J. W., &Tauxe, R. V. (2011). Lessons learned during public health response to the cholera epidemic in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Emerging infectious diseases, 17(11), 2087.

The author talks about the cholera epidemic in Haiti which affected other countries like the Dominican Republic. In page 4, Tappero & Tauxe states that the risks created by outbreaks can be linked to infant mortality rate because they spread at the same rate. Additionally, on page 7 the study summarizes different participation centers and partners involved in mitigating epidemics in a country. I find the report very helpful because it outlines various infectious diseases that can cause a crisis in public health in Haiti and measures that can be taken to ensure that they are mitigated.

Theodore, K., Lalta, S., La Foucade, A., Cumberbatch, A., &Laptiste, C. (2016). Responding to NCDs under Severe Economic Constraints: The Links with Universal Health Care in the Caribbean. Economic Dimensions of Noncommunicable Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean, 133.

The research outlines the economic effects of non-communicable diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean. In page 6, Theodore et al., affirms that "There is an increase in the prevalence rate of NCDs globally and as a result economic growth and developed is negatively affected, while at the same time increasing poverty and healthcare inequalities." The research will help my study to evaluate some essential non-communicable diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean countries that have adverse economic implications and how they can be prevented. The report will be beneficial for our research having in mind that the case study was in the Caribbean countries.

World Bank. (2008). Haiti: Public expenditure management and financial accountability review. Washington, D.C: World Bank.

The report outlines the significance of proper public expenditure and financial management system in Haiti. According to the research conducted by World Bank in 2008, the macroeconomic policies adopted by Haiti in the mid- 2004 have helped the country to reestablish fiscal discipline, increase national reserves, reduce inflation and restart the economy. This highlights the significance of financial accountability of public funds and resources. Through the report, an analysis of the benefits of economic responsibility on Haiti's government side can be outlined. The news is beneficial for our study because it is credible and describes the importance of a proper accountability mechanism in managing public funds in Haiti health care systems.

World Health Organization. (2017). WHO country cooperation strategy at a glance: Bahamas.

This research shows the significance of cooperation between humanitarian aid organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the government in combating any health crisis in the Bahamas. World Health Organization, 2017 affirm that implementing different strategies that are in line with the rules and regulations of the world health organization is essential. The research also notes that implementation, surveys, multisectoral collaborations, legislative and fiscal policies and evaluations are necessary in developing a reliable health care system. Through this study, I can outline what a country requires to promote a healthy health care system. I find the analysis very honest and not biased in any way.

Zeng, W., Cros, M., Wright, K. D., & Shepard, D. S. (2012). Impact of performance-based financing on primary health care services in Haiti. Health policy and planning, 28(6), 596-605.

The author analyses the impact of performance-based financing on health care system. Zeng and Shephard outline that "the performance of Haiti health care is improving, but the country remains one of the poorest countries with health indicators along the in the west" (Zeng and Shephard, 2012). This is an indication that more still needs to be done in Haiti to improve the health care system currently being used. I find the study very useful for my research because it outlines the crucial role played by financing on health care systems in Haiti and the information is not biased in any way.

Boslaugh, S. (2013). Health care systems around the world: A comparative guide. 34, 198

The author provides useful information about health care not only in Bahamas and Haiti but also for the whole Dominican Republic. Page 119, the discuses emergency health services. He discusses further the role of government in healthcare and public health on page 165 to 166. I Boslaugh went also and analyzed the major health issues, emergency health services, healthcare personnel. I find this book to be straight to the topic and not biased in any way.

Clark, M., Julmisse, M., Marcelin, N., Merry, L., Tuck, J., & Gagnon, A. J. (2015). Strengthening healthcare delivery in Haiti through nursing continuing education. International nursing review, 62(1), 54-63.

This Report highlights continued nursing education in Haiti to be the key to strengthening healthcare delivery. The authors presented a case of the 'Beyond Expert Program.' It is new nursing continuing education program. I find this source to be very reliable and not biased.

Haar, R. J., Naderi, S., Acerra, J. R., Mathias, M., & Alagappan, K. (2012). The livelihoods of Haitian health-care providers after the January 2010 earthquake: a pilot study of the economic andquality-of-life impact of emergency relief. International journal of emergency medicine, 5(1), 13.

This journal shows the role of humanitarian aid, NGOs, local service providers and regional economics in the aid industry. The authors use the case of Pre - earthquake Haiti and its health systems to take care of patients with chronic conditions. The Journal has useful information and not biased.

Hoell, J., Robertson, J., Rubio, P., & Werner, J. (2013). Fodor's Bahamas.

This article informs on the situation in the Bahamas concerning health support. It focuses on the broader view from outside the Bahamas. The authors analyze the situation on the ground and possible solution in aid of Bahamas. I find it so resourceful as well.

Lochan, I. S. (2017). Motivational Factors Affecting Medical Doctors' Decisions to Practice in Nassau, Bahamas (Doctoral dissertation, Kaplan University).

This report focuses on the motivation of Medical doctors not only in the Bahamas but also in other parts of the world. In page 4, a piece from the uncompetitive salaries in the Bahamas, the doctors face the challenge of accreditation recognized in countries outside the Caribbean. It limits their work opportunities and influences their decisions when seeking residences and post-training positions in advanced nations. I find this source to be very relevant to the topic.

In Upvall, M. J., & In Leffers, J. (2014). Global health nursing: Building and sustaining partnerships. 135

This book focuses on the suitable future collaboration. Its relevance applie...

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