Anti-Bullying Essay Sample for Free Use

Published: 2019-10-08
Anti-Bullying Essay Sample for Free Use
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Society Bullying
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1214 words
11 min read

A bully is someone who uses his or her superior strength to intimidate others and typically forces them to do what he or she wants. Bullying is the act of using aggressive behavior amongst school-aged youngsters which involves superficial or real authority imbalance. The conduct is unwanted and has the prospective to be reiterated over time. There are voluminous forms of bullying that range from cyber mistreatment, physical bullying, relational aggression, verbal bullying, and sexual bullying to prejudicial bullying (Stoddard, Varela & Zimmerman, 2015). The essay, therefore, seeks to illustrate measure to curb bullying in institutions around the world.

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Schools are places where children are taught the ways in which they behave correctly (Chadaga, Villines & Krikorian, 2016). Schools play a vital role in shaping the reader's life he or she steps into a classroom from the time. Schools are supposed to modify learners to become better members of the society when their time comes in the impending future. Unfortunately, this is not often the cases. Most students in schools are suffering from serious glitches as a result of bullying.

The problem of bullying is rampant within the school institutions (Keller, Budin & Allie, 2016). To elaborate on the seriousness of this issue, I would like to refer to one of the bullying cases that I witnessed in my class while teaching in one of our country institutions. There was a girl in my class who was in most cases reticent. She was somehow thin and in most cases would stay in class while other were out in the play fields. She usually never spoke to anyone but will instead opt to spend her time alone whether in break time, lunch time or games time. Once, during the recces, I witnessed four of her classmates hit her inside the classroom. The bullies hit her stomach and leg and said some nasty things about her. Later, three more of her classmates joined in the fray. As the bell rang, they halted and ran away.

Quite often, some students try to manipulate other with the use of force and violence of which they do with utmost enjoyment. Bullying causes a lot of problems to those that it is done too. It hinders them from realizing their full potential (Chadaga, Villines & Krikorian, 2016). As a witness to various forms of bullying within my class, I would opt to share my sentiments and propose the ways of dealing with the vice.

There are several reasons as to why some students bully others. In the first place, they want to exercise their authority over others. Teenagers who have attained the age of puberty make the majority of the bullies as they are impulsive. They try hard to show some of their classmates how superior and strong they are. Bullying to seem to be the only good method that they can utilize in showcasing their physical strength and prowess (Sherner, 2015). Most of them think that they are powerful as they are filled with a sense of success when they bully others. To some of the bullies in schools, they usually regard it as a fighting game that they enjoy and to them, it is not bullying.

Besides, while at home, most of the bullies are lonely. The parents care less about them. They have nothing to do as they do not in most cases participate in any of the extra-curricular activities. The bullies feel a sense of satisfaction when they bully others and in most cases, many bullies dont know the ways of expressing their anger appropriately (Tshotsho & Thwala, 2015). Bullies often voice their disgruntlement with the use of force and violence on other class members when frustration sets in.

Schools need to hold educational programs that will educate on the importance of students being their brothers and sisters keepers thereby stopping bullying. Such programs will aid the students in understanding the importance of accepting one another even though their exits difference from where they come from. The school administration also needs to educate the teachers on bullying through seminars and workshops (Sherner, 2015). Some teachers in some cases do not understand what bullying is, and therefore such a program will aid them in getting a better understanding. The teachers also should be familiar with the types of bullying and find the appropriate ways in dealing with the vice. Once bullying is established within the school setting, the teachers are expected to talk to the students involved in the vice and aid them in solving it.

Secondly, there is a need for moral education. Training on social skills needs to be encompassed in the lessons of moral education programs (Keller, Budin & Allie, 2016). The students are imparted not to be aggressive but assertive. The student also needs to learn the ways of controlling their tempers and also ways of developing a sagacity of sympathy. Special care needs to be given to the students who are potential targets of bullies. With this, they will feel a sense of belonging and may make them come forward and report the cases of bullying to their teachers thereby eliminating bullying in one way or another. When such care is given to the bullied students, they develop the courage to stand out from the crowd and advocate for other ways of handling the bullying cases. For the development of a healthy social life, more activities ought to be introduced to such students. The encouragement of the students to seek help when bullied is of utmost importance.

The class teachers ought also to be responsible I monitoring the students behavior at times of recesses to avert the occurrence of any form of bullying. In the incident of bullying, the students involved with bullying others need to be punished. Punishment may make them never to redo the same to any other student however week the student may be as this will serve as a constant reminder (Tshotsho & Thwala, 2015).

Finally, all the stakeholders within the school ecosystem ranging from the parents, teachers and the students need to cooperate with one another. The parents are required to spend more time with their kids and ensure that there is an improvement in their relationship (Harcourt, Green & Bowden, 2015). In the cases where the parents discover that their children are involved in bullying others or are being bullied by others, they should report immediately to the school administration for appropriate measures to be taken. With both sides of the divide directing efforts toward this mistreatment, the vice of bullying will be efficaciously tackled.


Chadaga, A. R., Villines, D., & Krikorian, A. (2016). Bullying in the American Graduate Medical Education System: A National Cross-Sectional Survey. Plos ONE, 11(3), 1-14.

Harcourt, S., Green, V. A., & Bowden, C. (2015). "It is everyone's problem": Parents' experiences of bullying. New Zealand Journal Of Psychology, 44(3), 4-17.

Keller, R., Budin, W. C., & Allie, T. (2016). A Task Force to Address Bullying. The American Journal of Nursing, 116(2), 52-58.

Sherner, T. (2015). STOP Bullying and Encourage Civility in the Workplace. ONS Connect, 30(4), 44-48.

Stoddard, S. A., Varela, J. J., & Zimmerman, M. A. (2015). Future Expectations, Attitude Toward Violence, and Bullying Perpetration During Early Adolescence: A Mediation Evaluation. Nursing Research, 64(6), 422-433.

Tshotsho, N., & Thwala, S. K. (2015). The Effects of Bullying on Teenage Girls in Swaziland High Schools. Journal Of Education And Training Studies, 3(6), 179-184.

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