Paper Sample about Antigone, An Annotated Bibliography

Published: 2022-04-25
Paper Sample about Antigone, An Annotated Bibliography
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Theatre Antigone Sophocles Dramatic literature
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1543 words
13 min read

Brunn, Victoria. "Revolutionizing Antigone: A Puerto Rican Adaptation of Sophocles'Tragedy.'." Romance Quarterly 59.1 (2012): 36.

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Playwrights have been returning to the play Antigone to draw inspirations for their stories. This article reviews the Puerto Rican adaption of Antigone by Luis Raphael Sanchez. La Pasion Segun Antigona which loosely translates to 'The Passion according to Antigona Perez uses the tale of Antigone to explore themes such as geography, politics, and family. The adaptation uses the story of Antigone's struggles between laws and religion though in the Latin American context. The play is an example of how Antigone differs when it is shifted to favor the context of another culture. In this case, it takes place in a fictions Latin American dictatorship. This article is a useful example and an expert opinion on the research paper. It is cultural evidence in support of the thesis.

Castro, Andres Fabian Henao. "Antigone Claimed: 'I Am A Stranger!' Political Theory and TheFigure of The Stranger." Hypatia 28.3 (2013): 307-322

In this manuscript, the author uses Antigone to suggest constitutional frameworks for immigrant citizens. He argues that Antigone can be read to enlighten on the nature of being a stranger in another land and citizenship. The author interconnects Antigone with the conflict in the border between Israel and Palestine and the refugees there. The author hopes to disclose the nature of the sense of belonging and what it takes to be a citizen. Antigone's alternative is constructed in the ideologies of Greek culture which has a significant influence on Western ideologies. This article is crucial to the understanding of the phenomenon of alienage. Subsequently, the material is relevant for the paper as it touches on current sociopolitical issues.

Clare, Brennan. Theatre review: Antigone/ Royal Exchange, Manchester. 25 October 2008. 14April 2018. <>.

Typically, Sophocles drama Antigone normally depicts the struggle of individuals against the state. Most of the versions of the play are pro-feminist, a tragic challenger of a sister so desperate to bury his brother and never minds the law or her uncle's decree. Clare Brennan reviews a version of Antigone played in Manchester. She asserts that unlike the typical storyline, Greg Hersov's productions suggests a unique view. In this twisted version, it is Creon (the uncle) who is testing the limits of the authority. He steps beyond the bounds of state authority. Played by characters in usual attires (Creon wears a loose brown suit), the play depicts what it is to oppose laws in the modern democracy. This adaptation reflects current governance a democracy thus useful for this paper.

Honig, Bonnie. Antigone interrupted. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

What is important in this book is the fact that it gives some solid points on the contemporary debates in arts and humanities. The book offers suggestions on how the western dominated humanism can be attuned to a more dynamic and universally accepted form. The paper analyzes Sophocles play Antigone addressing its aim based on the concepts and theories formulated by intellectuals and historians. It goes ahead and tests the different ideas proposed by these philosophers. This book is crucial for students and researchers in a range of subjects as classical and politics. As a result, the book can be used in this study.

Jesse, Green. Theater Review: Juliette Binoche and That Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet Inspire aNew Antigone. 28 September 2015. 14 April 2018. <>.

In this article, Jesse reviews Belgian director Ivo Van Hove production of Antigone. Played at BAM, the production is set at both ancient desert of Thebes and downstage of what looks like a modern office with furniture. The characters are wearing mostly black costumes. In this version of Antigone, the apparent themes of the play are not portrayed as it is given some twist. The adaptation more about justice than the characters. The production uses much effort to argue for some ideas. Most importantly, how impunity manifests itself in modern-day offices is brilliantly portrayed. In the event, issues of justice and equality are addressed. Consequently, the review is relevant to the paper.

Johnson, Graham. "Sophocles' Antigone: Tragedy as Satire?" College of DuPage 1 Jan 2009,Article 25 ed.

In his article, Johnson attempts to persuade readers that there is a possibility that tragedy can be satirical. He uses Antigone for his arguments and emphasizes that the play Antigone is a tragedy for a purpose. The author analyzes characters in the original play by Sophocles through argumentation. According to Johnson, the play Antigone is intended to have some satire. The purpose of the over irony is to have the characters at the extreme of their actions and emotions. With the play being a catastrophic satire viewer will tend to review their lives and examine the extent to which they temperately or righteously live out. In other words, the elements of satire will have the viewers or readers think of their actions and reflect upon them. This article can connect with the assertion of the final paper.

Jones, Kendra. "Approaching Antigone. A Critical and Performative Analysis of Sophocles'Antigone, Spurring the Creation of a New Post-Dramatic Work, No More Prayers."Interdisciplinary Humanities 31.3 (2014): 6-17.

The author analyzes the use of Antigone as a tool for learning and driving political agenda. He argues that retelling the story of Antigone is prejudiced and that theatres never portray the original intention that Antigone intended. In the light of this argument, the author uses his works which is a twisted version of Antigone and compares it with the original version. With his work, 'No More Prayers,' the author attempts to teach the audience on what transpires when a story is retold over and over. He insists that the originality is distorted to suit audience, actors, storyteller or the directors. The distortion of the original story of Antigone to suit modernity makes it comprehensible. This review explains the reason for versions of Antigone hence can be used in the research.

Priscilla, Bui. Theater Review: "Antigone." 17 October 2016. 14 April 2018.<>.

Sophocles ideas have succeeded in surpassing the ages since the classical times of ancient Athens. Priscilla reviews Travis Donnelly production played at Arena theatre. She emphasizes that the play is poignant. There is no costume or any form of attire worn by the characters in the stage. Brilliantly, the characters manage to vividly depict the conflict between the two brothers Eteocles and Polyneices. Priscilla mentions that there is the proper use of the stage where dead bodies are dragged from one end to the other as the power struggle unfolds. As a result, the play not only depicts the theme of sibling rivalry and democracy but also vividly shows the dangers of civil wars. Wars affect many societies modernly and an issue that ought to be addressed.

Reed, Valerie. "Bringing Antigone Home?" Comparative Literature Studies 45.3 (2008): 316340.

Reed argues in this paper the exciting point surrounding Antigone and the concept of home in the play. The underlying question is whether Antigone belongs more to her family or home or the sphere of the city she calls home? Who Antigone is lying in between her family and the public and the dilemma here is choosing either of the two. What concerns the author is the Greeks reception of this dilemma. The author further places this play in the context of the modern era. The role of Antigone and its relevance in the current social structure is revealed from the article. Subsequently, the paper can be an important source for this research.

Tripathy, Jyotirmaya. "Biopolitics In Sophocles' Antigone." Explicator 71.1 (2012): 26-30.

This article deliberates on the biopolitical interpretation of the play Antigone. The author asserts that biopolitics is what symbolizes the admission of natural life into the space of political practices. The composite nature of the body and the problematic relationships with the state power is explored in this article. Most importantly, the paper mentions the two approaches to the body. These are the Creon and Antigone versions. The former recognizes the body as a narrative that state offers rights and citizenship. The former sees the body as sacred and beyond state disciplinary actions. The article further states that the state might not be the only source of political rationality. These political, social issues that faced the society back then still manifests in modern society. Subsequently, this article can be an important source for this research.

Works Cited

Brunn, Victoria. "Revolutionizing Antigone: A Puerto Rican Adaptation Of Sophocles 'Tragedy.'." Romance Quarterly 59.1 (2012): 36.

Castro, Andres Fabian Henao. "Antigone Claimed: 'I Am A Stranger!' Political Theory And The Figure Of The Stranger." Hypatia 28.2 (2013): 307-322.

Clare, Brennan. Theatre review: Antigone/ Royal Exchange, Manchester. 25 October 2008. 14 April 2018. <>.

Honig, Bonnie. Antigone, interrupted. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Jesse, Green. Theater Review: Juliette Binoche and That Downed Malaysia Airlines Jet Inspire a New Antigone. 28 September 2015. 14 April 2018. <>.

Johnson, Graham. ""Sophocles' Antigone: Tragedy as Satire?" College of DuPage 1 Jan 2009, Article 25 ed.

Jones, Kendra. "Approaching Antigone. A Critical And Performative Analysis Of Sophocles' Antigone, Spurring The Creation Of A New Post-Dramatic Work, No More Prayers." Interdisciplinary Humanities 31.3 (2014): 6-17.

Priscilla, Bui. Theater Review: "Antigone". 17 October 2016. 14 April 2018. <>.

Reed, Valerie. "Bringing Antigone Home?" Comparative Literature Studies 45.3 (2008): 316-340.

Tripathy, Jyotirmaya. "Biopolitics In Sophocles's ANTIGONE." Explicator 71.1 (2012): 26-30.

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