Free Essay Sample - Apgar Scoring

Published: 2023-03-28
Free Essay Sample - Apgar Scoring
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Knowledge Nursing Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1041 words
9 min read

Apgar score is the examination of newborn babies that is carried out shortly after birth. The test mainly checks on the baby's muscle tone, heart rate, and other signs to see if any extra care or emergence may be needed.

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left to the one-minute APGAR score of the newborn baby is assessed with these findings: heart rate 152, acrocyanosis, lusty cry, and flexion of extremities. What is the baby's Apgar score, providing the rationale?

The Apgar score for the newborn baby is 8. Hence the baby is in good health.

Describe the immediate care of the newborn from delivery to 6 minutes after birth.The health assessment of the baby through carrying out of the Apgar test in checking the condition of the baby.

To elicit information effectively about the newborn, gestational age exam. Explain the Ballard neuromuscular maturity criteria and the physical maturity exam.

The Ballard assessments test the physical features that are dissimilar at different stages of a baby's pregnancy development. Therefore mature babies often have high scores than young ones. However, neuromuscular maturity is carried through 6 assessments. The flexion of the baby's arms towards the wrist, arm recoil, scarf sign, popliteal angle, and heel-to-ear evaluation. Thus the higher the score of the baby, the more neurological mature the baby is.

Which findings should the nurse expect during the physical assessment head to toe of an average newborn 4 hours after delivery?

The skin for the healthy baby should be pink in color with vernix caseosa present and can stay around the skin folds after bathing the baby for the first time. In the forehead and cheeks, lanugo is the most noticeable on the shoulders with acrocyanosis within the early 48 hours.

Explain the parent's infant safety while in the hospital (i.e., prevention of infant abduction and mobility around the unit).

Parents with newborn babies in hospitals should be conversant with the nurses that are taking care of them and together with their babies. It is also crucial for the parents to ask any suspicious person that will enter their room and report them immediately. Parents should be vigilant at all costs by not giving their baby to the person intending to be a nurse with an identification card of the nurse to avoid cases of child abduction.

As the discharging nurse, what screenings are completed for an infant in the first 24 to 48 hours?

There are mainly three areas where newborn babies are screened. Newborns are tested at the heel stick where a small sample of blood is collected, a hearing screen, and pulse oximetry to look for the amount of oxygen in the newborn baby. However, the test of the blood is carried out when the baby is 24 to 48 hours old since some conditions may be undetected if the baby is examined before 24 hours old.

What immunizations would be required?

At birth, the hepatitis B vaccine is administered. The first dose is applied to a newborn baby within 24 hours.

In formulating discharge instructions for a healthy newborn, the nurse should include which information?

Infant nutrition (breastfeeding)

Breastfeeding is essential in the growth and development of a newborn baby since the milk contains immunological benefits such as protecting viral and bacterial infections to the baby.

Cord care

The cord of the young baby should be kept clean and dry. Maintaining the rope to be dry makes it fall off easily. The mother should use the cotton that is immersed in alcohol to wipe out the cable with stool and urine for at least three times a day.

Safety ( I.e., car seat, internet, environmental temperature, protection, etc.)

After birth, the newborn baby tends to be wet from the amniotic fluid, and therefore the baby can quickly get cold. Hence the baby should be dried well and covered with a warm blanket to prevent heat loss.

Reasons to notify the physician

The nurse or any health physician should be informed immediately in cases of emergencies, such as an accident on a newborn baby, either the baby falling or fever, to take necessary action to save the baby.

Postpartum Scenario

Explain the postpartum assessment of B-U-B-B-L-E H-E.

After pregnancy, most women are in danger of getting infections, the development of deep vein thrombosis, and even illness. Therefore BUBBLE-LE( breast, uterus, bowel function, bladder, lochia, episiotomy, lower extremities, emotions) acronym is often used by nurses to help them remember all the components of the postpartum assessment and teachings by detecting any signs of complications that may develop after birth.


Assess the nipples for cracks, and ask the mother if they are firm. Palpation should be minimized for moms feeding their babies with bottles


Assess the height by finger width, position, and fundus should be firm, ensuring the uterus remains boggy for contraction.


Record the first two voidings of the mother, and check for any signs of frequent voidings.


Assess the stool of the mother and encourage her to take fiber.


Examine the period regularly and inform the doctor of excessive bleeding.


Assess for hemorrhoids, assess the episiotomy using REEDA, and apply the ice bags if required after about 8 hours of delivery.

The mother is 4 hours postpartum and gets out of bed and notices a large amount of blood in the bed. She sits down and calls the nurse. What are the most appropriate actions by the nurse?

The nurse will use the BUBBLE-LE acronym to remember all the parts that are supposed to be assessed and give necessary advice and prescriptions.

What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client?

The primary purpose of the nurse is to examine and assist the mother to regenerate her strength and protect any further problems. Therefore, the nurse will be required to check on any signs of shock, condition of the uterus, and any maternal symptoms that may have resulted in bleeding.

Which instruction should be included in the postpartum discharge teaching for the patient who just had a vaginal delivery?

The discharging teaching should contain all the possible solutions for the mother from the issues of vaginal discharge, bleeding, contractions, and vaginal soreness to assist them in trying to avoid some of the complications during healing. For instance, vagina discharge instructions should concentrate on all the possible complications that a mother is expected to experience and their solutions in overcoming the pain.

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