Apple Australian Website: Mapping Consumer Digital Journey

Published: 2023-01-05
Apple Australian Website: Mapping Consumer Digital Journey
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Company Marketing Abuse Environment
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1861 words
16 min read

Apple Australian Website is the online platform that is established by the Apple Computers Incorporation in Australia for its online sales and transactions. Apple Inc. is a technology company that was founded in the year 1976 by Steve Jobs as well as Steve Wozniak to change the way people viewed computers. The founders aimed at introducing computers that were small enough so that many people would have them in their homes as well as workplaces. The company has become a major digital content distributor in the modern world with the company possessing a lot of retail stores globally and in Australia. The Apple Incorporation products include iPhone smartphone, iPod portable media players, and iPad tablet computers among others. It should be noted that since its establishment, the company has dominated the making of personal computers that included Macintosh, Apple II, and Power Mac among others. However, the company started facing some rocky market sales in the 1990s until Jobs returned to the company in 1996 and shaped its design and direction based on its recognizable products. The introduction of iPod music player in the year 2001, as well as the iTunes Music Store in the year 2003, played a vital role in shaping the company and establishing itself as a market leader in consumer electronics.

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In the modern world, the company has been known for consumer electronics as well as the media sales which facilitated the dropping of the name computers in the year 2007. The company has also established a variety of well-developed iOS range of media players, smart phones, and tablet computers. Through its development and innovation, the company became the largest publicly traded corporation in the entire world regarding market capitalization. The organization has established its presence both in physical stores as well as online hence it can serve a lot of customers across the globe. The service of the external customers in Australia refers to the people who deal with the business through various channels including online transactions. These are mainly the final consumers of the products that the company sells. Apple company targets all people especially the middle age segment in the Australian market who are a huge consumer of electronic products. It should be noted that the market for its products is large enough in the smart phone industry. Besides, the current projects indicate that the consumer market is likely to continue increasing leading to more sales. Therefore, there is a need for the Apple Company to continue developing and innovating to tap the ever-increasing electronic market. The company has also witnessed a high customer loyalty due to its high-end and durable products which has made the company to outdo its competitors in this segment of the market. Despite the threat of other electronic companies like Samsung, the company has continued to dominate a lot of markets due to its online presence and quality products. However, to ensure success in the market, it is important to analyze the company's purchase process and its overall digital journey to make viable recommendations that can facilitate better and improved sales.

Purchase Process


Purchase of any product is a critical decision that requires a lot of consideration in order to make the right decision. In this regard, the purchase of the Apple product entails the recognition of needs that an individual has in the market. To get attracted to the company products, Apple has involved various strategies including online advertising and general promotions. This strategy engages the customers through their awareness of the product as well as its importance. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the organization to influence the consumers based on various activities that they engage in so that they can recognize the product and be influenced to purchase.


Creating the necessary information and availing it to the interested customers is a very important aspect which is the next step that the organization engages in to facilitate awareness. It should be noted that the process of information delivery involves the assessment of the products and services offered that are displayed on the website and finding a proper way to ensure satisfaction regarding the advertisements done. It should be noted that the Apple Australian Website has numerous push advertisements as well as pop up promotions that necessitate actions to the consumers. These pop-ups have an important significance in the modern structural online presence as it facilitates awareness regarding various activities that the company engages in. Therefore, the customer can engage with the activities independently and the active engagement creates an opportunity to explore the various options regarding the products offered, their promotions, and their advantages.


Considering the high presence of companies that facilitate online services and offered products similar to those of Apple company, it is important to facilitate an evaluation process that aids in decision making. The online exploration is usually a slow process which means that the customers are unlikely to purchase without an evaluation and conviction that their decision is the best. In some cases, the customers close down the pop-ups meaning that they do not have access to some vital information that can aid their making of the purchase decision. However, the customers evaluate the value of the product based on the information given in the website. The website entails a professional outlook where all the necessary information is given and organized in a professional way. This facilitates the evaluation in the purchase process in the Apple Australian Website.

Purchase Decision

Once the customer evaluates all the pros and cons of the product, they make a decision to purchase the product. At this point, the customer has made a decision and thereby engages with the website to select the item. The product is placed on a cart and the client can select the delivery option as well as specify all pother personal details. Once all the details are selected, the customer clicks the confirmation button that places the order. The customer then is able to customize the requirements and the website leads them to a payment mode through various channels like PayPal or use of a Visa and Mastercard and other platforms. The post-purchase services involve prompting the customer to sign up as a member of the Apple Australian customer for the upcoming booked event at the venue and future updates in case of a repeat purchase. The customer is also prompted to follow their social media accounts as this will help them know of any general eventualities at the organization as they are always up to date. There are vouchers offered by the company that is mailed to the customer.

Mapping the Digital Journey


174815546037500Via Referrals and advertisements 174244075374500Access website for information Decide to book a slot or slots at the company


169100520510500181483090487500Make a decision on the choice of meal to accompany the bookings placed 169481589535000Read and agree on the reason for submitting the credit card details Submit credit card details

169100562674500Choose a delivery option or select the place where you would like to pick your product 169481562674500Receive a final confirmation email about the placed product for purchase 170751592202000Sign up for future updates via the company's website

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Critical Analysis of the Customer Experience

Customer experience is a critical factor in ensuring the success of business activities. Apple Inc. has been able to give its customers a five-diamond treatment that has enabled it to outperform most of its competitors. The customer loyalty in the year 2018 was noted to be about 90% which was achieved through concerted effort experience in the online stores. The company has established a social media presence which is used to interact with the customer and create a strong online presence. These include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram among others. Through the creation of social media platforms, the Apple Australian has facilitated an unparallel branding opportunity where the old and the new brands can reinvent themselves. Besides, advertising which is an important aspect of consumption has been facilitated which has led to significant influence to the consumer base. This has led to a very positive experience. The Apple Australian website is an important tool towards achieving the organizational mission and vision. The organization has a company website with a clear symmetrical arrangement that attracts the viewers. The website has a light grey background making the other website subtitles clearly visible. The organization engages its customers via the website, as the various services are outlined including booking, contact information, current affairs matters arising, functions and catering services among others. The website is linked to all their social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This makes it easy for their customers that visit the website to access all the other social media accounts.

The website is clear and does not have to excessive push marketing techniques. These techniques used in the online platform to create curiosity by the consumers can be annoying hence their few numbers on the website is an advantage to their customers. Sometimes, it has been established that the presence of these pop-up advertisements can be annoying and discourage a customer from proceeding to make their initial orders. However, their presence would expose customers to their variety of products and hence could help some of them in the choices available in the company. New customers may lack some critical information which could be passed to them via these pop-up advertisements. Instead, this customer could complete making their order forgetting some crucial items they may have needed to inquire, hence affecting the service they receive from the website. The website offers customization services as the customer is not limited to selecting fixed menus. The customer is flexible to choose from various food types to eventually present their favorite meal as per their desires and diet. A negative characteristic in the website is one where it logs one out when they spend some time in the inactive mode. This can discourage a customer from proceeding with their initial order as it might have taken the time to come up with the product choices. This is a disadvantage to the company and may lead to losses if such customers lose interest in proceeding to complete their order.


The Apple Australian can improve on its current e-marketing tools to improve the viewership and reach more clients. They should maximize the use of graphics and video design tool which they have not exploited fully. The use of push marketing in graphic and video design is a crucial aspect of reaching out to the customer. Pop up advertisement can reach many customers if used decently. By this, the Apple Australian needs to employ the use of such kind of advertisements but ensure they are in a reasonable amount and not chocking to the customer. When pop-ups advertisements are used minimally, they are set to come up the user's screen in time interval hence giving the user sufficient time to decide as well as not to seem to be annoying and after increasing sales without considering the consumers' affairs.

The Facebook platform of the Apple Australian is not fully utilized as the page does not make use of video advertisements. Such kind of advertisements can be used to create a positive pers...

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Apple Australian Website: Mapping Consumer Digital Journey. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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