Are Reliability And Validity Important Principles In Psychological Measurement?

Published: 2023-11-04
Are Reliability And Validity Important Principles In Psychological Measurement?
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Intelligence Counseling
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 656 words
6 min read

Reliability and validity establish a remarkable criterion for the perpetration of psychological measurements based on the psychological test (Nájera, 2019). The frequency accrues enhancement based on the individual's scores, thus leading to the establishment of the characteristics of the person under psychological investigation. The aspects that attain considerable focus by the psychological researchers established to incline extensively to the scores correlated with the features of intelligence, working memory capacity, depression levels, and self-esteem (Nájera, 2019). Therefore, the ratings established to achieve display and thus attain definition based on the measured result, thus creating the considerable suggestion of the nature associated with the cognition construct. In confirming the working of their measures, psychologists deem to collect confirmation data rather than perpetrating mere assumptions of their inferences which is very resourceful(Nájera, 2019). In this write-up, the imperative nature of reliability and validity in association with psychological measurement accrue effectual display.

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Reliability ascertains to incline inferences with the consistency associated with measurements. Three types of flexibility were established to attain exceptional consideration by the psychologists in the manner of their elucidation of the concepts (Clark, 2016). These types of consistency develop to be test-retest reliability, also referred to as overtime, inherent flexibility displayed across items, and inter-rater reliability insinuated to apply to across different researchers’ modes of consistency (Clark, 2016). When researchers establish to construct measurements following the methodology of test-retest safety, a remarkable assumption divulging the measures perpetuated to be consistent in consideration to the across time criterion creates to achieve exceptional display. Besides, an inclination associated with internal consistency is established to display people's inferences to achieve consistency concerning the multiple items of measurement (Clark, 2016). Moreover, interrater flexibility insinuates behavioral measures to constitute essential judgment criteria based on the observer.

Validity is established to insinuate the scores inclined to a particular measurement to correlate effectually with the intended variable (Racheva, 2020). Validity is deemed to perpetuate the reliability of the insinuations presented by the researchers in the process of enhancing the attainment of the measurements. Accordingly, three types of validity are established to attain utilization in the process of strengthening the facilitation of psychological measures. These were determined to include face validity, criterion validity, and content validity (Racheva, 2020). Face validity is deemed to enhance interest construct based on appearance "on its face." Content validity enhances measurement through the utilization of the "covers" concept. Furthermore, criterion validity achieves measures based on variables in a particular situation (Racheva, 2020).

In the process of establishing an individual's psychological measurement based on validity and reliability, remarkable results ascertain to perpetuate and thus divulge the authentic features of an individual under consideration (Racheva, 2020). Besides, the process establishes to incline the genuine insinuations associated with the methodologies of measurement facilitated by the individuals in the societal setting. Moreover, the features displayed in the individual characters' heights can also attain utilization in the process correlated with the facilitation of the judgment criterion of an individual (Racheva, 2020).

From the above elucidation, it is evident that validity and reliability are deemed to constitute a considerable extent of merit in facilitating psychological measurement based on tests. Accordingly, reliability and validity were ascertained to determine the authenticity correlated with measures of the individual characteristics. Besides, the attained results display a considerable likelihood of achieving utilization in the process of facilitating the judgment of the individual.


Clark, L. A., & Watson, D. (2016). Constructing validity: Basic issues in objective scale development. Retrieved from

Nájera Catalán, H. E., & Gordon, D. (2019). The importance of reliability and construct validity in multidimensional poverty measurement: An illustration using the Multidimensional Poverty Index for Latin America (MPI-LA). The Journal of Development Studies, 1-21. Retrieved from

Racheva, R., & Totkova, Z. (2020). Reliability and validity of a method for assessment of executive functions in drivers. Behavioral Sciences, 10(1), 37. Retrieved from

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Are Reliability And Validity Important Principles In Psychological Measurement?. (2023, Nov 04). Retrieved from

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