Paper Example on Arguments for High MPH Cars and Speed Limits

Published: 2024-01-15
Paper Example on Arguments for High MPH Cars and Speed Limits
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Automotive industry
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1465 words
13 min read


Most countries use road speed limits to set the acceptable maximum or minimum that vehicles may travel. Speed limits are an essential dimension for high mph cars. Speeding cars such as those built on high mph can limit physical activity and public space. High mph cars help save on time, but their fuel consumption is also very high. The aim of setting speed limits is to keep everyone and the roads safe for use. According to Ross, fuel consumption is a factor that closes relates to a car's mph, and there is a need to evaluate various means of reducing energy consumption (75). The following are arguments for building faster cars even with speed limits.

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Fuel Economy

Speed affects fuel consumption in high mph cars. Therefore, consumers should pay attention to fuel costs and know ways in which they can save on energy in extended periods (Kurani and Turrentine 1). However, it is essential to note that faster cars use more energy to accelerate than maintain speed. At speed above 50 mph, there is a swift reduction in gas mileage when a vehicle optimize fuel economy. Present performance cars can go from zero to 60 mph in less than 5 seconds, while faster cars can perform at 2 and 3 seconds at the same mph. Franzese analyzed the effects of cars' speed and weight on the fuel consumption of Class-8 trucks (1).

The analysis showed that building faster cars would not only save on time but also on energy consumption. The rationale behind speed limits is to increase fuel economy. The Energy Saving Trust states that the most efficient speed one can travel in a car to achieve the best fuel economy is 55-65 mph (Lopez-Aparicio et al. 12). Faster cars of more than 70 mph decrease energy efficiency. When using high-speed vehicles, blockade rules are essential to stop entry and exit of traffic in highways. Besides, maintaining a steady speed helps the engine perform better and efficiently.

As the US and the UK move towards increasing the production of high-speed cars, the users must understand such cars' maintenance requirements. Whether the countries choose to decrease or increase their speed limits, high-speed cars and any other automobile require regular servicing and proper maintenance. In the US, highway and rural freeways speed limit are 65 mph and 70 mph, respectively. However, these are standard speed limits because some states have their own rates. For example, Arizona and Florida’s speed limit for rural interstates is 75 mph and 70 mph, respectively. There are no speed limits on Germany highways. However, Germany authorizes 80 mph maximum speed on autobahn. Countries with free high speed encourage responsible and careful driving and reducing road accidents.

Enhancing Road Safety

Even with a speed limit, there is a need to build faster cars because there will be improvement on road safety. Having speed limits on our roads encourages energy consumption and accidents prevention. Speed limit inspires safe driving and avoidance of recklessness. Whereas drivers high mph cars may not support these actions, having speed limits encourages and obligates them to do so. Professional automobile analysts advise drivers to accelerate slowly and drive within the stipulated traffic speed. High mph and faster cars are suitable for highways since speed limits on these roads are high. Users of faster cars will ensure that they follow guidelines for safety road practices and prevention of accidents.

The repeal of the Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act in 1974, requiring 55 mph national maximum speed limit on US interstate led to raising the speed limit to 75 mph (Franzese 1). In most cases, the speed at which a vehicle is moving depends on a driver's preferences. Franzese argues whether to manufacture faster cars or not does affect the adherence to speed limits rules. Drivers of high mph cars ought to be responsible for the road safety rules and regulations. Developing high-speed cars should be per the national needs for energy saving and preventing road accidents. In the UK, newly build cars undergo a series of standardized tests to gauge their efficiency. For example, vehicles must obtain the WLTP certificate before selling.

Consumer Preferences and High Demand

Ross notes that the objective of building faster cars and new models with original automobile specifications is to regulate their energy intensity (77). Ross argues that reducing the maximum power unit of a car's weight can help in fuel conservation. It is essential to note that car manufacturers are now more interested in building high-speed and lightweight cars that consumers mostly prefer. Kurani and Turrentine point out that most buyers view automobiles as a significant purchase influenced by the need to fit current and future lifestyle concerning family size and career goals. Customers prefer high-speed cars because they are efficient in saving time and money. Countries such as the US and the UK should build faster cars and set speed limits that are within the performance of high mph cars.

In this context, the US and the UK automobile industries focus more on building cars with high mph and horsepower capabilities. For these reasons, speed limits are essential in ensuring proper road maintenance and the safety of users. Franzese encourages automobile manufacturers to build lightweight vehicles with high mph to ensure that they meet the buyers' future needs. In today's dynamic global environment, people are considerate of having things done faster and on time. High mph and faster cars are essential in meeting these objectives.

In the US today, the new automobile market has over 1,000 combinations of models and makes them available in a single year, excluding the used cars market (Kurani and Turrentine 4). While most consumers prefer high mph cars, navigating the automobile marketplace can be tedious and daunting. Nonetheless, due to this kind of consumer behavior, there is a need to build high mph cars to meet consumer needs. In this case, when considering buying a car, mph speed cars will always be the first choice for customers. Demand faster for vehicles is high in the US and the UK. Sales volume is stable, and vehicle manufacturers need to improve the type of cars they build to meet consumer needs.

Reduce Road Congestion

Lopez-Aparicio et al. claim that high-speed cars have numerous benefits to individuals and society, including the provision of high transport capacity, thus reducing congestion and more transportation choices (2). Therefore, all countries must adapt to high-speed to enhance operational and commercial aspects. In addition, high mph cars have respect for the environment and offer high safety. The reason for this is that such cars have low fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. High-speed terrains enhance logical territory structure and help contain urban sprawl (Lopez-Aparicio 2). Speed limits should not be a hindrance to the production of high-speed vehicles since authority can utilize blockade rules.

Competition between the UK and the US is consistently rising because of the increased demand for high-speed cars. The US and the UK manufacturers must build current vehicles with the latest or current technology design with features like voice assistants, automated driving, cyber protection, and cloud-based solutions. Even with the speed limit regulations, faster cars' demand will ensure that future speed limit guidelines accommodate customers' preferences for accelerated driving. Consequently, there will be reduction in road congestion as there will be swift movement of goods and people.

Countries with high-speed cars and roads built to accommodate such cars will be more competitive and better positioned to attract tourism, industries, and investors. People will have the freedom to security hassles and delays that only consume much time and lots of money. Businesses will run faster, and clients will receive prompt confirmation of their orders. Since mph goes hand in hand with mpg, higher-mileage models help motorists save money, time, and fuel consumption.


As highlighted above, speed limits do not affect the production of high mph and faster cars. Speed limit regulations promote road safety to both individuals and society. Due to increased demand for speed cars, the UK and the US should be optimistic about building vehicles that deliver acceleration and fuel efficiency. The goal of building high mph cars and faster cars is to meet consumer needs. On the other hand, speed limits promote safety of the users and roads. Therefore, to regulate competition between the two nations, faster cars are essential and have speed limit regulations.

Works Cited

Franzese, Oscar. Effect of Weight and Roadway Grade on the Fuel Economy of Class-8 Freight Trucks. www.Pub33386.pdf

Kurani, Kenneth, and Turrentine Thomas. Automobile Buyer Decisions about Fuel Economy and Fuel Efficiency. Accessed 4 December 2020.

Lopez-Aparicio, Susana, et al. "Costs and Benefits of Implementing and Environmental Speed Limit in Nordic City. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 720, 2020, pp. 1-13. ScienceDirect, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137577. Accessed 4 December 2020.

Ross, Marc. "Automobile Fuel Consumption and Emissions: Effects of Vehicle and Driving Characteristics." Annual Review Energy Environment, vol. 19, pp. 72-112, 1994. doi: Accessed 4 December 2020.

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