Art Project: Sights and Scenes of Mars

Published: 2023-12-25
Art Project: Sights and Scenes of Mars
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 639 words
6 min read

Ever since I was a kid, I used to wonder whether there were other worlds like earth somewhere in the universe. So many unanswered questions about the space and what it has in store for us lingered in my mind day in day out. Recently, I had an opportunity to visit planet Mars on an expedition with astronauts from Astroworld. As our spaceship cruised in space, I could not help but marvel at the beautiful universe. Therefore, this paper underscores a critical discussion of my creative work in planetary landscaping.

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Fig 1; hand drawn creative work of planetary landscape

Mars from afar looked like a gigantic brown balloon floating in space. It looked beautiful, completely the opposite of what I thought it could resemble. The brown colour was a dull one but subtle brown. The picture appeared in my mind as an artistically painted ball, not with a shouting colour. It looked amazing. The fact that the spherical sphere, as I could se it from far, was floating in the air was fascinating. Later on, I learned from one of the astronauts that it was orbiting on its path around the sun. All planets do.

Below is a collage of pictures obtained from more proffesional trips. The first one indicates planet Mars as seen from space while the others indicate how Mars looks like on a rather up-close view. As our spaceship approached its destination, I noticed a sudden change. Due to Mars gravity, the landing was accompanied with much difficulty. Gravity on Mars is way less than that of the earth so walking on Mars is not an easy task as we do on earth. I learned that the less gravity is due to the difference between its radius and its mass.

Fig 2: images of mars landscape (Ascott and Edward 66)

It was exciting that one can float in the air. Imagine a world where you can not trip and fall. The terrain appeared hilly and rocky. A fair comparison is a desert on earth. It was a suitable terrain for space rover racing, and the astronauts did it for fun as it was the only sport that could be supported by gravity. The rocky feel was the fact that it never rains on Mars. Rain is unheard of there. Due to the absence of rain, there was no vegetation at all (Taton and Wilson 28). The land appeared bare. There was no evidence of vegetation either in the visinity and as far as my eyes could capture.

Further expedition into Mars gave me a realization that Mars had longer days and nights and, thus, a more extended year. That was fascinating. The planet revolves around the sun longer than earth because of the increased radial distance from the sun. I also discovered that two beautiful moons illuminate the longer nights; Phobos, which causes a partial solar eclipse, and Deimos. That is what I had signed up for definitely. The downside is that Mars looked desolate; no human could survive there without water. Its rocky terrain was brown and windy a times. A sheer cold also accompanied the nights. One of the fellow austranants clarified that the cold was due to the distance from the sun.

In conclusion, the earth is warmer as compared to Mars because it is closer to the sun. The reason why I chose Mars as my project is because it has a resemblance to earth. So it is easy to relate. Its features are more or less similar to the features found on earth. Consider it inhabitable earth.

Works Cited

Ascott, Roy, and Edward A. Shanken. Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology, and Consciousness. U of California P, 2003.

Taton, R., and C. Wilson. Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics, Part A, Tycho Brahe to Newton. Cambridge UP, 2003.

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