Article Analysis Essay on "Why Rural America Voted for Trump" by Robert Leonard

Published: 2023-03-02
Article Analysis Essay on "Why Rural America Voted for Trump" by Robert Leonard
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Political science Democracy Donald Trump
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 692 words
6 min read

In 2016, Van Buren, a rural county in the United States voted for Donald Trump by big margins. He got 72% of votes in that county alone (Leonard n.p). Leonard (n.p) stated that the discrepancy between the Republicans and Democrats is that the Republicans view people as basically bad, while Democrats view people as essentially good. President Trump has depended on rural Americans for votes and ongoing political backing. Most rural counties reciprocated by voting for him and his senate allies such as Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota (Leonard n.p). Two years down the line, Trump has done little for the rural American citizens who trusted him. For instance, the cost of health care services is still considerably high after his Medicare bill was thwarted in the senate. The paper will concur with the argument that both Republicans and Democrats have different ideas.

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Despite, Trump amassing a lot of votes in the rural counties, the president has not addressed the growing tariff rates which are bringing little profits to farmers back in the rural areas (Leonard n.p). This has made the government spend more on procuring items such as beef, pork, chicken, and beef at a higher cost. Trump used the promise of lowering high taxes on locally produced goods to win the hearts of rural citizens (Leonard n.p).

Leonard (n.p) began by describing the citizens of Knoxville, Lowa a county that voted in Donald Trump in large numbers. The citizens are conventional, believe in hard work, household, the martial, and police, socialism is a bad vice and that Donald Trump will be perfect for America. They are part of a developing group in rural America that plunges many citizens in culture by emphasizing on modern values.

Democrats see Republicans as loathsome, misinformed and weak. Leonard is left wondering how the rural Marion County has voted in Mr. Trump into power because they have been voting for democratic leaders before. Some political analysts have concluded that prejudice, chauvinism, islamophobia, economic inequality, and the deterioration of the middle class by Democratic leaders to have aided Mr. Trump to gain major votes in Rural America (Leonard n.p). Just like Leonard, I also agree that Democrats and Republicans have two different ideas. For example, Democrats have a strong conviction that they are born flawless, that they create God and not the vice-versa (Leonard n.p).

Leonard (n.p) also used a movie theater shooting that occurred in Lafayette, where two people were murdered. Mr. Watts indicates that Republicans identified the assassin as a bad person and would handle him as a serial killer (Leonard n.p). Whereas Democrats would look for other reasons to blame such as gun control laws (Leonard n.p). Due to these reasons, Republicans and Democrats fail to agree on important debates such as gun control, or implementation of social programs. Therefore, we can firmly agree that we reside in different metaphysical worlds, with diverse foundational principles (Leonard n.p). Their differences in philosophical viewpoints on American rural-urban development's cause division of the history, economy, and geography (Leonard n.p). In-state capitals across the nation, the legislatures fail to address the problem of commuting by urban dwellers and rural counties' find it hard to supply farm products to the market due to dilapidated state of roads (Leonard n.p).

In conclusion, there is a difference in the political perspectives between the Republicans and Democrats, just as we live in different philosophical worlds, with diverse foundational principles. Democrats have a strong belief that they are born upright, that they create God and not the vice-versa. Meaning they cannot make individual mistakes but blame it on the existing legislative laws. Whereas Republicans deal directly with the root cause of an existing problem. Legislatures from the Democratic party failed to lower the high tariffs on domestic goods which affected the farmers of Knoxville county in Lowa. Donald Trump used their weakness to lure the rural citizens that he would lower the high tariffs on locally produced goods.

Works Cited

Leonard, Robert. "Why Rural America Voted for Trump." (2017). New York Times. Retrieved from:

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Article Analysis Essay on "Why Rural America Voted for Trump" by Robert Leonard. (2023, Mar 02). Retrieved from

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