Essay Example on Audience: Children

Published: 2023-09-14
Essay Example on Audience: Children
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Healthcare Child development Disorder Nursing care
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1638 words
14 min read

Children's health is essential. No one can underestimate the efforts by governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in improving and making sure that children have good health by providing vaccines and other treatments against diseases. This highly signifies that the child's life is precious. Apart from the government and NGOs, other people have roles to play in ensuring as children mature, they have no complications by taking care of them. Parents, doctors, and nurses have a huge role to play, simply because they are closer to children. In modus operandi, toddlers can not be able to explain for themselves their sickness—the close observation of the parent matters. Therefore, parents should communicate with doctors as nurses take care of them. However, it should be clear that there are children with complications that are children with developmental disabilities (CWDD) (Villarreal, 2016).

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In the article "Nursing Care of Children with Developmental Disabilities Having Surgery" " children with developmental disabilities may have undergone surgery; therefore, the need to have special care arises (Villarreal, 2016). These types of children are vulnerable and require time-to-time intervention by nurses. Their physical state, intellectual and psychosocial should be assessed regularly (Villarreal, 2016). In this scenario, nurses have obligations of ensuring that children with special needs are functioning well or if not, the correct measure taken to ensure their wellbeing is safeguarded. This is done with the aid of the family, considering that they are intimate people to the patient; therefore, they have a close examination to them, unlike nurses who attend to them once they are taken to the hospital. Seemingly, the assessment should not be underrated. It should be taken seriously to ensure the child is getting on well as far as his or her health is concerned.

Since CWDD require a lot of attention, nurses should be able to understand the legal implications and their attitudes towards children with a developmental disability (Villarreal, 2016). As mentioned earlier, parents should be accepted as partners in the health care team. Parents play a crucial role since they are the one who provides fundamental information about the children. Establishment of open communication is prudent between the nurses and parents to ensure that nurses get to understand every single progress and deterioration happening to the patient (Villarreal, 2016). However, parents can be able to manage some of the condition in children. For instance, home-based care of nursing dressed wounds, helping in improving intellectually, and physical fitness by initiating exercises and providing required nutrition to the child. In more critical conditions, nurses come in to help. For instance, malignant hyperthermia and latex allergy require nurses’ intervention. Additionally, the child with pain, Down syndrome, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele, and myopathy require nursing care plans (Villarreal, 2016).

The compassion of nurses to the parents and children with developmental disabilities should exist (Villarreal, 2016). They should have a positive attitude towards the children. They should not feel like it is a burden to them. Typically, it is hard to deal with such patients, and they require a lot of time and concentration. Therefore, they should be passionate while administering care. Same to caregivers, they must endure the hardships they go through while looking after children with developmental disabilities.

According to the article “Satisfaction with Primary Health Care Received by Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities”, physicians are rated highly in their role of well being of children with developmental disabilities (Liptak, 2006). The objective of the article was to evaluate the perceptions of families who have children with developmental disabilities regarding the primary care physicians and also to determine whether there was a difference which existed for different conditions. The mailing was the method deployed in gathering information from the families, specifically those with children who had physical disabilities (spina bifida or cerebral palsy), mental retardation and autism (Liptak, 2006).

Results revealed that 120 families gave their response (Liptak, 2016). Physicians were rated low regarding providing care to children with developmental disabilities. According to the article, it was probed that physicians play an integral role in the well-being of children than parents. They recognized the ability to invent new mechanisms of care and their sensitivity towards the needs of children. According to the parents who responded, the physicians provide little information about the children’s’ conditions (Liptak, 2006).

Additionally, it is the role of medics to give guidance on how children with a developmental disability should be handled. With the case study conducted, practitioners seemed to provide little or no advice on how the children should be looked after (Liptak, 2006). Also, they were rated low on how they prescribed medicines and their qualifications and knowledge to take care of the children. Notably, parents who had children with autism spontaneously complemented medics to be worse in their profession towards helping children with developmental disabilities (Liptak, 2006). In their sentiments, they requested for alternative medicines and support from the community. This shows how families with children with developmental disabilities are going through hard times.

The indication that medical personals are failing in their duties to ensure the particular group is well safeguarded raises concerns. Apparently, with the scrutiny, a lot of families are having nightmares by looking at their children who suffer different conditions. The dissatisfaction by health workers in various aspects have resulted in families looking for other options (Liptak, 2006). For instance, parents with children with autism have no faith in physicians. This has led to them looking for alternatives to make sure their children’s wellbeing is good. Alternately, they seek support from the community and also medicine. This is something that could best be done by medics. They are well trained and have skills to take care of the children more so, by giving guidelines to parents on how they should handle them. It is a shame, and government intervention must be felt. Although the American government enlisted children with developmental disabilities to be under children with special care needs, which is under priority areas for quality improvement that scrupulousness must be channelled, there are still shortcomings.

Importance of Nurses’ Involvement in Quality Improvement

Nurses’ involvement in quality improvement is essential to the population (Davila, 2016). It improves the health care of the population, for instance, children with developmental disabilities. This is crucial since every patient fights for better health care. The intervention of the nurses in gearing the process of proper health care more so, to the special group in the community is prudent. However, nurses ensure that patients are experience is good (Davila, 2016). Enhancing patients experience guarantees excellent service by the medics. This encourages the patient to seek more services hence improving the health. Unlike when the experience is not right, patients may intend to explore other alternative methods elsewhere, for instance, in the community.

Additionally, nurses’ involvement in quality improvement reduces the cost spent on health services (Purdy, 2017). This is clearly shown where the nurses regularly attend to the patient, therefore, monitoring the progress hence avoiding the worsening of the situation of which, when treated, may cost a lot of money. With this, primary health care should be improved and safeguarded to ensure that individual people who require heath attention like children with developmental disabilities have a good experience, their health improved and also their families spent less on their treatment (Purdy, 2017).

How nursing values can be used to help improve safe patient care

Nursing is a career that requires devotion. One gives him or herself into a career to make sure the health of other people is the priority (Wang, 2019). With this, therefore, nurses have values which improve the safety of patients. Notably, nurses should have empathy and also caring (Wang, 2019). Empathy makes a nurse be closer to the patient and attend to him or her effectively.

Similarly to caring, they should be in a position to provide the required conditions and aspects to the patients hence improving the safety of the patient. Additionally, communication is a fundamental value that a nurse should poses (Wang, 2019). They should be able to communicate with their patients efficiently as they attend to them. Through communication, they will be able to understand the progress of the patients hence improving their safety.

Teaching and critical thinking are also values that nurses should poses (Wang, 2019). For instance, in the case of children with a developmental disability, they should be able to think critically and teach parents how best they can look after their children. However, psychomotor is a skill that enables nurses to provide comfort to patients. This is done through the laying of hands. While assessing a client, nurses use their hands. While undergoing assessment, the dignity of the client is valued. The comfort is appreciated. Through this, the safety of the patient is improved.


Davila, H., Abrahamson, K., Mueller, C., Inui, T. S., Black, A. G., & Arling, G. (2016). Nursing assistant perceptions of their role in quality improvement processes in nursing homes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 31(3), 282-289.

Liptak, G. S., Orlando, M., Yingling, J. T., Theurer-Kaufman, K. L., Malay, D. P., Tompkins, L. A., & Flynn, J. R. (2006). Satisfaction with primary health care received by families of children with developmental disabilities. Journal of Pediatric Health Care: official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Association & Practitioners, 20(4), 245-252.

Purdy, I. B., Melwak, M. A., Smith, J. R., Kenner, C., Chuffo-Siewert, R., Ryan, D. J., ... & Samra, H. A. (2017). Neonatal nurses NICU quality improvement. Advances in Neonatal Care, 17(1), 33-44.

Villarreal, P., & Johnson, C. P. (2016). Nursing care of children with developmental disabilities having surgery. Seminars in perioperative nursing, 4(2), 96-111.

Wang, K. Y., Chou, C. C., & Lai, J. C. Y. (2019). A structural model of total quality management, work values, job satisfaction, and patientsafetyculture attitude among nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(2), 225-232.

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