Essay Example in Organizational Change Management

Published: 2019-09-24
Essay Example in Organizational Change Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1729 words
15 min read

Background Study of Organizational Change Management

Organizational change management refers to approaches that are used to change or transition individuals, organizations, and teams. This is achieved through the use of procedures and techniques that have been designed to redirect utilization of business processes, resources, modes of operation, budget allocations, or other ways of operation which reshape the particular organization or company. Organizational change management utilizes structured techniques to ensure that transitions within an organisation are carried out successfully and smoothly in achieving lasting benefits (Kushalappas, and Pakkeerappa, 2014). The practice is essential in making the business to remain relevant especially in the phase of a constantly changing business environment. Currently, business environments have been revolutionised and as a result, a business has to change according to it. Effective change can only be achieved through effective change management with implementation of activities by the right human resource management team. Effective management is essential in keeping a business economically viable through facilitating its ability to compete with others effectively.

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In the application of organization change management, a whole organization is considered together with what needs to be changed. As an aspect of human resource management, organization change management relies on particular principles and practises to achieve success (Shah, 2014). Among these techniques, change management is utilized as an essential tool for change which is focused on individual transition. It considers how individuals are affected by a change in an organisation. Organisational change management began in the 1960s with models that were based on grief studies. The studies were conceived on the possible correlation between grieving among employees in an organization due to loss of jobs and grieving from health related issues. Models were then developed to capture the human behaviours and feelings experienced during this period (Easterling, 2014). In this model, human resource consideration for organizational change management is understood in the context of communication channels, time, and the effects that might be incurred by participants.

Literature Review

Shah (2014) believes that current organizational change in an organisation is to a significant extent motivated by outside factors and not internal elements. This is because of the evolution in technology that has simplified various business processes and applications. As per Shah, (2014), organisations are likely to suffer if they are not at par with the external factors affecting the industries or business environments in which they are. For instance, he argues that external developments outside companies control are relevant to the development of the firm in the sense that organizations that adapt to external changes are able to create a competitive advantage for themselves within their industries. Firms that adapt to change early are able to benefit more while those that do not adapt quickly are left behind. Shah feels that this factor has contributed to the widespread creation of organizational change management sections and in some situations, has led to the incorporation of organisational change management as one of the core activities of human resource management (Shah, 2014).

Easterling (2014) approaches the subject of change management as an affecting factor to an organisations departments and employees. Therefore, he argues that an organisation should learn how to handle organizational changes. From his perception, since the changes primarily affect employees, the human resource department should be tasked with managing changes. This is because they are the hardest hit by the change, and any negative performance or influence on them could be detrimental to an organisations progress (Easterling, 2014). Factors related to employees at the workplace become a function of human resource; this includes their morale, their performance, as well as their skill development levels.

Shih, (2015) presents a way of achieving change at an organization. He offers various change management models that could be used to effectively transition an organization from one level to another. The models were submitted by John P. Kotter, who is seen as a pioneer of organizational change management (Shih, 2015). In his review, he presents an eight-step process that could successfully lead to achieving successful change in the human resource at an organisation. However, by following these eight steps, Shih advice that the implementing human resource management should follow four steps, these are, determining the need for change, preparing and planning for change, change implementation, and sustaining the change. Shih goes ahead to argue that these stages form a perfect cycle that leads to successful management of change at an organisation by the responsible human resource management team.

Thirumaran (2013) looks at the subject of organisational change management as being fully depended on the human resource management choices. He argues that not all changes are beneficial to a company. Moreover, the benefits that can be derived from particular organisational changes vary with time; they may be successful and important in the short run and cause adverse effects in the long-term or vice versa. Moreover, Thirumaran has gone ahead to suggest four major factors that should be considered when selecting the most relevant organisational changes to adapt. These factors include the objectives that will be achieved by adopting the change, the measurement system, the sequence of steps to be taken, and the changes in the organisation that needs to be implemented (Thirumaran, 2013).

In a unique approach to understanding organisational change management in human resource, Kushalappas, and Pakkeerappa (2014) elaborates the necessary steps that are relevant to the organisation for carrying out the process of change management. They argue that it is a multi-disciplinary practise that should begin with systematic identification and diagnosis of the current situation of an organisation so as to identify the needs of the business that a potential change may cater for. Moreover, identification of the capability of the company to handle changes is essential (Kushalappas and Pakkeerappa, 2014). This should later be used to identify the objectives for change, the process, and the actual content for a change.

Research Aim

This thesis aims at evaluating the process of organizational change management and the role of human resource management in implementing the change.


This research is going to use various approaches to come up with an answer to the research question. It will consist of a research design, the population, sample and sampling design, data collection techniques and methods, data analysis and presentation. The study will be conducted on the organization in London, United Kingdom.

Research Design

This will involve a descriptive study that will be conceived in a way to enable it to obtain answers to research questions. The issues relating to organizational change management are so diverse. Therefore, a study will be needed to efficiently attain diligence and in-depth analysis of the change situation in organisations.

For this research, descriptive research design will be used; this is because it has the ability to allow the researcher to collect detailed information. Moreover, it is easier to form hypothetical constructs and identify research variables using the technique. The research will apply descriptive techniques to evaluate organisational change management in firms located in London thereby finding out how the process is carried out, the influence of human resource management on the process, and the methods and steps followed in the discharge of the process.

Sample Size

The case study research will aim at having a small sample size with approximately 80 respondents who will be careful selected so as to give responses that will help explain the issues related to the research question.

Data Collection Procedure

Data will be collected from secondary and primary sources using the procedure outlined below.

Identification of target companies

Formulating questionnaires

Issuance of close-ended questionnaires to respondents

Issuance of open-ended questionnaires to respondents with more details

Carry out one on one interviews with some respondents.

Filling out questionnaires as per responses from interviewed individuals.

Data analysis and presentation methods

After data collection, raw information will be edited centrally so as to eliminate omissions and errors and ensure that the gathered data is uniform, consistent, and accurate.

Limitations and ethical considerations

Several problems could be encountered during the study. They will likely threaten the success of the practice. Among them are

Problems of suspicion-The researcher is likely to come across problems of suspicion and contempt from the respondents, as most owners would not want to reveal some of the information deemed to be confidential to the business.

Inaccurate answers-Some of the respondents are likely to give incorrect answers.

Financial implications-This is because the researcher is required to travel to the area of research thus travelling expenses will be encountered.

Time constraints-The time available for conducting the research is likely to be limited for a comprehensive and detailed study.

Ethical issues- In conducting the survey, the researcher will have to make several ethical considerations. First, the researcher will obtain the consent of the participants. This will be done to ensure that respondents are not coerced and that they are free to give accurate information as deemed appropriate. Moreover, the contents of a questionnaire and interview questions are to be modified so as to avoid any unethical information that might upset the participants. Lastly, the language to be used will be objective and neutral opposed to subjective.

Skills, Materials, and Equipment

The physical requirements needed will be questionnaires and writing materials. However, statistical skills will be required in analysing the data. Moreover, presentation and communication skills will be relevant in presenting the results if the survey.


Activity period

June-seep (2016) Oct- Feb (2017) Mar-June(2017) July-Dec(2017) Jan-March(2017) April-June(2017) July-Oct (2017)

Planning for research

Identification of target companies

Formulating questionnaires

Data collection Data analysis Data presentation Original contribution to knowledge

This project aims at evaluating the process of organizational change management and the role of human resource management in implementing the change. Currently, there exist broad researches on the topic. However, there is limited research relating to the exact role of human resource management in the implementation of organizational change management. When this research is complete, the precise role of human resource management in the process of change management will be known. Moreover, the fundamental requirements for an effective human resource team for implementing change in an organisation will be made clear through the research. Also, the research will explain the exact methods followed in attaining effective organisational change management. This will be based on the approaches and techniques that have been utilized by firms located in London and in the United Kingdom in implementing effective organizational change management in human resource management.


Easterling, W.E., 2014, December. University-Government Partnerships and High Risk Research: The Last Stronghold for New Thinking Ab...

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