Beginning of American History - Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-14
Beginning of American History - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States American history American culture
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1445 words
13 min read

American history is dated back to 1500 BC. This was after the arrival of the American natives who formulated their constitutional norms. The colonization of America started in 1492, after the arrival of Cristopher Columbus, who initiated the European Colonization of America. However, most of the colonies emerged in 1600. This is evident in the writings and records of John Winthrop. While reviewing the beginning of the History of America, one can not leave the impact Spain had on the United States. The efforts of Colombians were felt to expand the Atlantic, but finally, the outcomes were disparate.

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The American civilization was swept away with new diseases as they imported foodstuffs, which they expected to grow. Therefore, it was advantageous to Spain. Spain got strength mostly from the wealth of Inca Empires and Aztec. The wealth accelerated their efforts to take advantage of European nations. This did not last for long as they were contested late. With this, therefore, kingdoms arose, including England, Portugal, Holland, and France, who anticipated to gain Spanish. By the 17 Centauries, Spain had started losing the privilege to rivals.

In the 1760s, they formed thirteen colonies, with 2.5 million people who inhabited the Appalachian Mountains. The colonization continued until they managed to colonize France. After winning France, the British government started taxing, for instance, the Stamp Act of 1765; this was against the constitution of the colonialists'. The imposed taxing caused the rise of resistance, such as the Boston Tea Party, which lead to a stipulation of end of self-governance in Massachusetts by the parliament in the year 1773.

The recording of the conflicts started in 1775, which was more intense, and armed people contacted the fights. The Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia declared the independence of colonies to the United States in the year 1776. With the massive support from France, the United States wore the Revolutionary War after being led by George Washington, who was the general. It led to the peace treaty of 1783 with the land of east Mississippi, excluding Florida and Canada being given to the new nation. Afterward, a central government was established following the Articles of Confederation, which seemed infective since it contained no executives and also failed to collect taxes. In 1988, there was a convention that resulted in a new constitution that was implemented in the year 1789.

To foster preservation and security of freedom and rights of individuals so that they could not be tampered with, the bill of right6 was added in the constitution in the year 1791. After that, Washington became the first president of the United States. It should be forgotten that he had an advisor by the name Alexander Hamilton who was the chief advisor to the president. Through them, a central government was established, which was substantial. They implemented many things that aided in the growth and expansion of the US. Significantly, they purchased the Louisiana Territory, which was on the side of France. Louisiana Territory doubled the size of the US. In the record, the last war, which was the second war between the United States and Britain, occurred in 182. The battle is considered to have solidified the national pride.

The expansion of the United States continued with encouragement from the notion of manifest destiny. The increase during this time was towards the Pacific Coast. Surprisingly, while the United States fought to expand its territory, possessing a vast land, it had only a population of four million people by 1790. The community started proliferating. By 1810, the United States had recorded a population of 7.2 million. In 1860, the population had mounted to 32 million. This signifies how healthy the nation was. Economically, with the community in the country, the GDP was also doing well.

After gaining colonies in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America, Spain had extended its reach Towards America. However, the efforts to combine the continent arose, which led to the modern-day United States. The efforts to unite the continent first aimed at starting an economic dominance and religious purposes for new territory. In 1513, Juan Ponce went to La Florida. While there, he found more than 150, 000 Native Americans. It was after two and a half Centauries that the Florida population was reduced following their interaction with African and European people through slave raids, war, and even different diseases, which profoundly impacted the reduction of their community. Juan Ponce, together with other explores, had anticipated finding a lot of wealth as they visited Florida, but this was not the case as they had imagined.

In 16 century, there was a fight between the Spanish colonizers and Florida Native people and other Europeans. Spain was superior at the time. In the 1560s, Huguenots, who were French Protestants, were expelled from Florida at an area today known as Jacksonville, the northern part of Florida. Sir Francis Drake, an English Privateer, made it illegal for the St. Augustine's wooden settlement. The desire of Spain to extend was seen in the 17 Centaury when they continued to environs of St. Augustine from Johns River, which is on the south of the St. Augustine, an area which was estimated to be 1000 miles. The missionaries were granted permission by the Crown to stay among Guale villagers and Timucua; this encouraged the encomienda system of settlement.

Three ships, namely: Godspeed, the Susan Constant, and the Discovery sailed Englishmen to James River, which is currently known as Virginia where they settled. The place was free of people, and also the Spain control never reached there. This offered them absolute security as they only bordered Indian villages who were not up to them. The place was not right. The Indians had abandoned the area due to its infertility in terms of Agriculture production and brackish tidal water, which could lead to a debilitating disease. Despite the shortcomings at the location, they were able to settle and build there. They invested at the place heavily though it was not easy.

At last, few people survived. Many people lost their lives by 1609 as they starved because of no food and also, their relationship with Indians had deteriorated. They only survived by the tobacco, which was grown at Jamestown. This was the commodity that much saved Virginia.

The English colonies were mostly founded with efforts of loftier compared to those in Virginia. It should be clear that not all the migrants who moved to New England were Puritans. Although, the culture, religion, and Politics of New England were dominated by the Puritan. After the English reformation 1625-1649, the Puritans fought for purification of the Church of England, which was more of Catholicism. However, even though the colonies in England could build wealth on the land with elites, the prosperity remained narrow, compared to the Caribbean, Carolina, or Chesapeake, which had a lot of wealth.

The European settlement at Massachusetts and Virginia was more vital. Even though the place was not inhibited, it generated to there growth. It is important to note that tobacco assisted in the growth of their economy. However, this was significantly impacted by the slave trade. The slaves mostly emerged from Africa; with this, therefore, the slave trade is considered to have boosted the economy. The slaves were transported through the Atlantic. They had a significant change in the culture of the Europeans.

In 20th, the United States become the leading industrial power worldwide. Due to corruption, inefficiency, and traditional politics, a lot of reforms were made, including constitutional amendments between the 1890s and 1920s. With these amendments, they emerged new standards, such as the direct election of senators and federal income tax, prohibiting women suffrage. Women got the right to vote in the year 1920, with Native Americans who were able to acquire Citizenship and the right to vote by 1924. In 1925, Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought to an end the domination of the White House. However, he carried on board stimulus measures such as support to farmers, employment, minimum wages, and social security. After World War II, the United States emerged as a superpower. Also, the deal for the cold war, which included the United States, targeted the spread of communism. After the cold war, the United States has channeled its concentration towards the battles taking place in the Middle East.


Snyder, Christina. Slavery in Indian country: the changing face of captivity in early America. Harvard University Press, 2010.

Horn, James. A land as God made it: Jamestown and the birth of America. Basic Books, 2008.

Jacobs, Sylvia M. "Saltwater slavery: A middle passage from africa to american diaspora." The Journal of African American History 93, no. 4 (2008): 568-571.

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