Free Essay: Behavior and Perception

Published: 2023-08-22
Free Essay: Behavior and Perception
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Social psychology Human behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 622 words
6 min read

Cocktail party effect- participants in the pep rally could have a cocktail effect experience, which is an ability to focus on the person's voice and exclude the others (Foy & Joshua, 2018). This is possible because the students could hear their names shouted despite the noises during the pep rally.

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Conformity- the student’s behavior during the pep would lead to conformity as students could listen to the speech that is being given as everyone in the bleacher is doing.

Deindividuation- they could suffer from deindividuation, which is a loss of self-identity in the group. This is because all the seniors could wear a red shirt taking away the opportunity for the students to express their identity at the pep rally (Kopec & David, 2018).

Figure-ground- the figure-ground at the pep rally could be the cheerleaders that stand out from the background of all the students that are mixed with some designated t-shirt colors.

Occipital lobe- The student leaders at the pep rally would use the occipital lobe to see the t-shirt colors that are different. This would help put the students from each grade in the right section of bleachers making the school flag (Mogan et al., 2017).

Procedural memory- the group cheerleaders could use procedural memory in remembering their routine of performance.

The sympathetic nervous system- the exciting speech and having everyone yelling and cheering could cause students sympathetic nervous system to increase the heartbeat rate.

The example shows that the group composition has an influence over the interpretation that the perceivers make in the behavior of every single participant in the group. This is the same, for example, with a man doing the same chore with ladies as compared to when they are doing with fellow males (Mogan et al., 2017). There, the aspect of gender is diagnostic in regard to the distinguishing of the subgroups in the larger group. Focusing the attention on the diagnostic attribute in the subgroup, the person perceiving this may exaggerate the difference between the two subgroups in the larger group.

The diagnostic attributes and attention are focused on all the attributes that serve to distinguish between the group members or between any two groups that are in the same context. If there is a slight change in the group composition or a slight change in the context can have a powerful and albeit acknowledgment and indirect influence in the perception of a person and their interpretation of the social behavior (Mogan et al., 2017). The one perceiving is not aware of the degree to which the perception is very sensitive to the small contextual cues.

It can also be demonstrated on the basis of the indirect influence of the situational context in the interpretation of the behavior occurring in the work of perceiving the person prototypically. From the degree in which the person perceived as a good example in a certain type of personality. After reading stories of target persons and the degree in which every participant is a prototypic example of an extrovert (Mogan et al., 2017). Every person can be described on the basis of the episodes that are occurring in different situations. The interpretation of different characters depending on the context that the characters are observed. The situational clues describe the negative inhibitors and the outcomes of the checkup. Therefore there are different combinations of inhibitors and facilitators depending on the situation that is in place.


Foy, Joshua M. "School Personnel’s Knowledge and Perception of School Refusal Behavior." (2018).

Kopec, David Alan. "Environmental psychology for design." (2018): 317.

Mogan, Reneeta, Ronald Fischer, and Joseph A. Bulbulia. "To be in synchrony or not? A meta-analysis of synchrony's effects on behavior, perception, cognition, and affect." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 72 (2017): 13-20.

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