Free Essay Sample: Belief and Compromise

Published: 2020-04-27
Free Essay Sample: Belief and Compromise
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Personality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 654 words
6 min read

A belief refers to something that someone continuously wants to abide by in one's life, unconditionally or conditionally. In the interpretation just from the mentioned definition, it might be correct that it is very dangerous to compromise one's own belief than to adhere to it, for once bargained; belief may not be referred to "belief" any longer. The purpose of this paper is to discuss this statement, It is more harmful to compromise one's own beliefs than to adhere to them and also explains my stance.

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Compromising with someone's own belief infers an individual let go off his principles simply because of certain trivial, selfish advantages, or he does not have the capability to oppose what he believes is wrong, or he regards it to be minor enough that conflicting and taking certain pain. All these are signs of an individual with low principles and inner power. Nonetheless, I feel there are diverse circumstances for us to gauge this statement, and the outcome will be seen. Consequently, I absolutely come to an understanding with the author's avowal that it is harmful to compromise one's own belief. I have significant reasons to back my stance and include:

Firstly, an individual will lose his or her self-belief and individuality. For instance when someone work in an organization whose policies and ideas he totally dont comply with, or he usually don't come on good terms with his manager unprincipled business practices and continues not to have courage to oppose him, that individual will be unable to find respect for himself, and it is a rancorous circle that will continue to occur. This example indicates word of mouth beliefs. Secondly, it's a loss of mutual co-operation, reliance, and integrity. For example, what if individuals like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi could have adjusted with their own belief in contrast to foreign atrocities simply because it was hard to adhere to their own principles (Geertz, 2001). Nothing fine can be attained without dedication, hard work, and commitment. Individuals will lose trust in one another. Additionally, think of circumstances if our politicians or even our military officials begin to compromise with their values.

one may argue that it is more detrimental to abide by one's own beliefs. For the reason that they may be basing their views at short term welfare like sticking to a poor job and submitting to corruption simply because it looks simpler. Ones own belief should be flexible and coherent with a particular period. For example, when Galileo established his heliocentric concept people abide by to their old belief of sun-centric concept, which actually is not proper at all (Lerner, 2001). This example is like a family life cycle where people tend to believe that a particular belief is always right. With continuous changing periods may be circumstances and situations change. People should accept innovations though it can never be ascribed that since, one is ready for change compromising with one's own beliefs is also suitable.

Many superstitious beliefs such as widows should not be permitted in the participation of any auspicious event; a girl in her menstrual period is not permitted to come out of a house for four days, and even female infanticides. These are still present in numerous regions and are daunting the nation's economy (Bandura, 2004). Wont it be useful if these beliefs are compromised rather being adhered to? This example is also like a family life cycle where people tend to believe that a particular belief is always right

In light of these mentioned points, it can be concluded that, compromising with own belief can make an individual lose her or his identity, confidence, individuality, and self-respect and is thus harmful in the long run.


Bandura, A. (2004). Behavior theory and the models of man. American Psychologist, 33-39.

Geertz, C. (2001). The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books.

Lerner, M. J. (2001). The belief in a just world. New York: Springer.

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