Essay Sample on Benefits of Corporate Universities

Published: 2023-02-12
Essay Sample on Benefits of Corporate Universities
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  University Professional development Business strategy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 657 words
6 min read

Acquisition of knowledge has been a headache for an extended period but essential in an education-based economy. Corporates all over the world stepped in to help in solving the world the nightmare of higher learning. Many big firms in the world chose to invest in corporate universities, which provide the needed support in the advancement of education. A corporate university is an organization of higher learning that looks to offer specific training in its area of specification. Due to an increase in corporate universities over the years, many peers discuss the concept of the corporate university as a useful tool in higher learning. This paper looks into details of the corporate universities impact in shaping the world.

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Some of the universities in the world receive criticism for failing to offer quality courses that enable scholars in the highly competitive world. The corporate universities help solve the issues of relevance and competence of the courses offered in higher institutions of learning. A corporate has tested the economy in a particular field, and its main interest in providing specific classes in a specific area comes handy with success (Lytovchenko, Ogienko & Terenko, 2017). A corporate university operates on absorption policy, where most of its graduates end up working in the mother corporation. This policy solves the issue of graduates' hopelessness after completion of higher education and acts as a motivating factor to scholars.

Talent proves to be the highest paying venture in the world currently, but very few nation universities would spend their resources considering this investment (Morley, Scullion, Collings, & Schuler, 2015). The corporate universities steps in to address this educational gap by provision required knowledge in different fields of talent. Human Capital Institute helps bridge the talent management gap for a while through the provision of education and research on talent management.

The corporate universities help in saving the employer the cost of hiring. Many corporations have set up corporate universities that act as training schools for higher management. This strategy has a positive impact on the employee and the company. The company saves money that would have been spent going through cartels during the hiring of higher management employees, and the employee partially benefits due to the increase of knowledge and relevant.

Corporate universities address education issues where the real world lies. The companies strengthen how they operate on the ground and growing management from the firm. Corporate universities emphasize the need for leaders' understanding and embrace of developing economies through a sustainable business strategy and philanthropy. According to experts, if you are going to impact anything, you need to be equipped with proper knowledge on the ground.

Corporate universities have added a significant impact in the world currently. People may take corporate universities to be less competitive due to popularity issues. Suggestions have it that MacDonald's campus in china is harder to acquire admission than Harvard as ninety-nine percent of people who apply never get admitted. Corporate universities challenge traditional universities each day. Corporate universities can be expensive, according to critics of the organizational education system, but they give valuable returns on their investment. The dream of every scholar is to earn from their hard work besides the acquisition of knowledge (Rhodes, C. 2017). Corporate universities bridge the worry of joblessness as they accumulate a high percentage into the mother corporations (Morley et al. 2015). However, the corporate university seems to fail in addressing the question of diversity in their training method as they major on one particular strength which poses as failure of corporate university system.


Lytovchenko, I., Ogienko, O., & Terenko, O. (2017). Use of project-based learning of adults at corporate universities in the US and Canada. Journal of Intercultural Management, 9(4), 31-45.

Morley, M. J., Scullion, H., Collings, D. G., & Schuler, R. S. (2015). Talent management: A capital question. European Journal of International Management, 9(1), 1-8.

Rhodes, C. (2017). Academic Freedom in the Corporate University: Squandering Our Inheritance? In The Future of University Education (pp. 19-38). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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