Free Essay with Benefits of Online Education in Arizona State University

Published: 2019-06-11
Free Essay with Benefits of Online Education in Arizona State University
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  University Education Internet
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 746 words
7 min read

Tomei, Lawrence A. Online Courses and ICT in Education: Emerging Practices and Applications. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, 2011.

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Assessment tasks

Learning materials and assignment for the entire study program are offered online. This strategy saves time and resources for both the professor and the students. Both participants can sit down at home and do discussions online. The assignments are sent to the student online. The professor attends to the assignments and submits the results to the department and back to the students online. Online courses assessment criteria have no statistical significance difference in the changes in knowledge, and the skills performance of the students enrolled in the online method and the traditional method of learning where the learner attended the classes in person. The course content offered in both methods is the same and if anything the online system makes the materials readily available from different locations.


Technology advancement allows learners to interact more efficiently with their facilitators through the many online platforms. Students can use smartphones, laptops to access social media sites to interact with other learners and the facilitators. Online students tend to concentrate more than those in the traditional method because there are no distractions. Students who are shy have a chance to share their views because there is no face to face interaction with the tutors and other students.


Online learning allows the learner to be more flexible on the day to day decision they in life. The online study does not affect the current job of the students since they can continue with their profession while still learning. Working while pursuing academic credentials allows the learner to be independent other than depending on family support for school fees. Online learning does not affect the work timetable for the learner.

Inoue, Yukiko. Online Education for Lifelong Learning. Hershey, Pa: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA, 2007. Internet resource

No need to commute

Online student will not suffer the hustle of commuting daily to the physical campus. Sometimes the weather conditions are adverse hindering movement. The traditional method learners or facilitators will not attend lessons on such a day. On the contrary, online students comfortably access learning from their rooms. Online students save a lot on gasoline and fare compared to the traditional learners.

Technical skills improvement

Online learning requires basic computer applications knowledge. As the learners navigate between different learning systems, the computer skills are improved. These online skills translate into professionalism in the IT world. Students incorporate the idea of video/audio materials in assignment and completion of online forms.

Career advancement

An online student can take and complete degree and masters programs while still working or raising a family. Furthering education while still working creates a good impression to the employers and colleagues. This is because they will perceive you as an ambitious and a person prepared for new challenges.

Conducive learning environment

Learners have all the time to wear what the feel like for comfort. There are no physical class lessons where you have to mind what to wear. Learning materials are sent electronically, and assignments submitted electronically. Online students will not be worried about parking space, traffic congestion, leaving work or home early to attend lessons. Learners will not miss important family gathering in the name of attending classes.

Mizoguchi, Riichiro, Pierre Dillenbourg, and Zhiting Zhu. Learning by Effective Utilization of Technologies: Facilitating Intercultural Understanding. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2006. Print.

Allows credit transfer

Students who are on summer vacations, taking vacation jobs or have traveled away can apply for credit transfers if the college is accredited. Also in the case of dissatisfactions in the current campus student can seek credit transfer to another college of choice.


Online students can plan their time well without having to be inconvenienced by the college timetable. Online learners learn and work when they have peak energy and rest when they want.

A Variety of courses and programs

Higher Education offers a variety of options to students online. All types of academic degree programs are available online and can be pursued online from the lowest to the highest level.

Works Cited

Mizoguchi, Riichiro, Pierre Dillenbourg, and Zhiting Zhu. Learning by Effective Utilization of Technologies: Facilitating Intercultural Understanding. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2006. Print.

Inoue, Yukiko. Online Education for Lifelong Learning. Hershey, Pa: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA, 2007. Internet resource

Tomei, Lawrence A. Online Courses and Ict in Education: Emerging Practices and Applications. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, 2011.

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