Beyond Borders: A Journey to Higher Education in Turkey - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-03
Beyond Borders: A Journey to Higher Education in Turkey - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Culture Students
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 551 words
5 min read

Studying abroad is the dream of every student wishing to pursue higher education in a different geographical and cultural environment. All I ever dream of is to study in Turkey, a country that is not only rich in diverse culture but also offers high-quality educational programs. My primary motivation for studying in Turkey is to seek new cultural experiences. I want to experience a world that is different from my home country, fascinating and safe to live in while pursuing my higher education. Studying abroad is also a future game-changer. Despite other considerations like course availability and cost, my goal is to acquire a promising career after completion of higher education. Turkish universities have been ranked to be among the best across the world; thus, pursuing a degree in the country will boost my employment prospects.

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Additionally, my goal of studying in Turkey is to have a better understanding of the world and be able to overcome the challenges of living in a different country. I have done enough research on the culture, customs, and people to familiarize myself with the state in preparation for the study abroad. I also inquired about the cost of studying in the country to set aside enough funds for tuition and upkeep. Other arrangements for studying in Turkey include acquiring a visa, a plane ticket, visiting a travel doctor, and obtaining a travel license.

However, studying abroad is accompanied by numerous challenges. I anticipate facing various difficulties while in the Republic of Turkey, which include acquiring a residence permit. The procedure of obtaining a residence permit from the Vatan Emniyet is not easy, and police officers are reportedly rude to newcomers. There are no shortcuts to obtaining the residential permit, and the only way to address it is to be patient and follow the protocol. Further, adapting to a new environment is another significant challenge I expect to experience while in Turkey. Settling in new surroundings, meeting new people, and having to experience new cultures is a great challenge. The way of life in Turkey is quite different from that in the US. For instance, while in the US, people can call others by their first names in Turkey, people have to be addressed by their status. Although adapting to such cultures is quite challenging, the best way to address the problem is to interact more with locals to learn about their culture.


Conclusively, acquiring new friends while in Turkey can be quite problematic. Some of the strategies I use to gain friends include holding parties and attending group discussions, which are common socialization platforms for many students. However, in the case where my designs do not work in the new environment, the first step is accepting rejection. Not everyone in my class back in my country is my friend; hence I would take meeting unwelcoming and unfriendly students in Turkey as ordinary. Nonetheless, to make new friends, I have to learn basic Turkish phrases, language, and conduct to help me interact and engage with the students. I also have to get more social and identify a few students I can frequently converse with during and after classes. Acquiring a few friends will be the starting point of getting to know more students, understanding my environment, and having a positive, educative life in Turkey.

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Beyond Borders: A Journey to Higher Education in Turkey - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 03). Retrieved from

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