Biology - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-12
Biology - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Biology
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 421 words
4 min read


Biology is in itself the study of life, but again what is life? It seems like a pretty straightforward question with a very obvious answer, but it is not always as easy as it looks (Wilkin & Gray-Wilson, 2020). For instance, one of the branches of biology referred to as Virology studies viruses which possess some characteristics of living organisms but lack others.

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It is therefore revealed that although viruses can attack living organisms, they can cause ailments, and even reproduce; they do not meet criteria that are employed by a biologist to define life. Therefore, it is essential to note that living organisms possess various characteristics that make them unique. Such features include order, sensitivity, growth, and development, homeostasis, regulation response to the environment as well as energy processing.


It is essential to recognize that living organisms are highly organized, which helps them respond to stimuli. The living organisms can reproduce by replicating their DNA, dividing it equally as they prepare to form two cells further (Gitt, 2009). Further, the organisms can grow and develop by follow-up specific codes in their genetic makeup, the gen act as an instruction manual on how the cellular development and this ensures that the offspring grows to exhibit most of the characteristics exhibited by its parent (Gitt, 2009).

However, the core features of all living organisms are the information that they encompass or transfer. This information controls all life procedures as well as proactive functions. The transmission of material hence plays a vital part in “all living organisms” (Harris, 2020). For instance, when an insect transfers pollen from one flower to the other, this is in itself the first place of the information transfer process; in other terms, this means genetic information is transferred.


Additionally, it essential to note that information is at the center of the development of an organism, and the organism possesses the various characters as they do as a result if the transfer of information. From the duplication of DNA to the formation cells, information act as a guide, and this helps the organism to possess similar characteristic as their parents (Gitt, 2009).


Gitt, D. W. (2009, April 2). Information in Living Organisms. answersingenesis.

Harris, W. (2020, June 18). How the Scientific Method Works. Howstuffworks.

Lambers, H., & Bassham, J. A. (2020, March 17). Photosynthesis. Britannica.

Wilkin, D., & Gray-Wilson, N. (2020, February 20). Characteristics of Life. Ck12.

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