Black Lives Matter and Inequality - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
Black Lives Matter and Inequality - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism Discrimination Social media Black lives matter Civil rights
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 970 words
9 min read

The event in Ferguson 2014 highlighting police brutality against African Americans resulted in the fast growth of the movement Black Lives Matter (BLM) over the years. The police killed an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, and as individuals went out for peaceful protests, law enforcement resorted to militarized techniques to annihilate the right to free assembly (Anderson). African Americans have been victims of racial discrimination in the history of the US resulting in ethnic-racial socialization where they expect injustice against them. However, the digital age has created a wide platform in social media through which the BLM campaign gained a great following and support. The protests have effectively gained the support of various organizations as different groups network and seek to support the BLM. Hence, BLM is an act of positive deviance against racial discrimination of African Americans especially racialized policing practices.

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Socialization has been a critical component in the rise and progress of the BLM. Ethnic-racial and cultural socialization among African Americans comprises of preparation for racial discrimination and developing Black pride. Being black in the US society necessitates one to be prepared for racist actions and having to live with various forms of racial discrimination (Alem). Considering the history of racial discrimination against Blacks starting from slavery, African Americans grow up with mistrust against other ethnic groups. Cultural socialization warns them of racial inequalities. They also learn messages that emphasize Black pride in the community and deemphasize the significance of race. It is through this form of socialization that pushed African Americans to start and grow the BLM movement so that future generations would not have to endure social injustices that have lasted since the history of the US. The BLM seeks to socialize the younger generation on the importance of equality in society and standing up for their rights.

Social interaction in the digital age has helped propel the growth of the BLM movement. Social media has played a crucial role in extending the impact of the movement. The most noticeable and insightful association between social media and BLM is enhancing the mobilization of new activists. Due to the public sphere quality of social media, there is the creation of participation opportunities for large numbers including joining the protests and fundraising. The BLM grew due to the #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter that not only gained support from individuals in the US, but also other countries (Anderson). The BLM movement has also created an opportunity for a narrative agency on social media with individuals telling their stories of experiencing racial discrimination. Even though social media has had a significant impact on the BLM, the amount of information from the forum is not comprehensive. Thus individuals have had to rely on news channels and other forms of media to learn more about the course of the BLM movement.

The BLM movement has attracted a lot of support as well as criticism from groups, networks, and organizations. The general BLM is a decentralized association with no formal hierarchy. However, the movement has a strong bearing on the community as it included several systematically organized groups such as the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL). Thus, the BLM movement is a merger of groups all over the US that represent the interests of African Americans. Progressive and racial justice associations have participated in the funding of the BLM such as donations for bail for those arrested during the demonstrations (Alonso and Olivastro). Corporate organizations have also shown their support for the BLM especially following the killing of George Floyd that led to a nationwide wave of protests. However, some groups have criticized the protests especially in cases where there was looting of stores. Despite the criticism, there is no denying how much an extensive network the BLM movement has created with organizations and groups joining forces to support the campaign.

The BLM movement has disrupted the social order of US society with individuals seeking to engage in positive deviance to end racial discrimination in the US. Racial issues and injustices against African Americans have been evident for years in the US. In the past, individuals have resorted to seeking justice in court in conformity with societal standards. However, when law enforcement kept arresting and shooting innocent African Americans, there was a need for positive deviance through protests (Alem). The BLM movement has been an act of deviance and in some instances, criminal activities such as looting have taken place. However, the movement has had a significant impact on teaching the younger generation to participate in acts of justice such as speaking up on behalf of those facing injustices.

Therefore, the BLM movement has been a highlight of how racism is systematic and knitted into the fibers of various components of American life. This means that in each community, workplace, school, and governmental agency, there is a need for people dedicated to ending racial injustice. The socialization of African Americans in taking pride in being black and fighting racial injustice is one of the aims of the BLM movement. There are networks, groups, and organizations in almost every community in the US dedicated to fighting racial discrimination and inequality. Increased social interactions through social media platforms such as Twitter have helped create awareness and mobilize support for the BLM movement. Therefore #BlackLivesMatter has been a crucial campaign against racialized policing and injustices in the US.

Works Cited

Alem, Tedeneke. “The Black Lives Matter Movement Explained.” World Economic Forum,

Anderson, Monica. “History of the Hashtag #BlackLivesMatter: Social Activism on Twitter.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 31 Dec. 2019,

Gonzalez, Mike, and Andrew Olivastro. “The Agenda of Black Lives Matter Is Far Different from the Slogan.” New York Post, New York Post, 2 July 2020,

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