Free Essay Example. Body Language Messages

Published: 2023-02-12
Free Essay Example. Body Language Messages
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social psychology Human behavior Communication skills
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 626 words
6 min read

Personal and organizational communication is at many times conveyed using body language messages, which are easier ways of expressing feelings as compared to spoken words. Many people in everyday conversation use it but do not even realize it. Research shows that many people pay attention to what is being expressed more than what is said (Darrington & Brower, 2012). Body language messages are non-verbal cues of communication, in which the physical behavior of humans are used to convey information. The paper will analyze and demonstrate different body language messages and how they are used in communication.

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The current body language messages I see include nail-biting, hand placed on the cheek, touching the nose, tapping of fingers, head in hands, to mention but a few. Individuals using these body language messages sometimes do not realize it. Body language messages are often filtered through emotions, semantics, and role expectations (Wong, 2016). This communication unifies individuals in an organization. Sometimes the interpretation of these body language messages is misused. However, organizations can improve their internal communication by creating a supportive environment. Moreover, they can develop training programs, which can enlighten employees on the right and effective use of body language messages in communication.

I have found that interpreting body language messages are vital in communication. In many cases, it is not easy to understand the body language messages unless I pay attention to the communication context. For instance, I have come to realize that people bite their nails without even realizing it. From my research, I discovered that people with the habits of nail-biting demonstrate insecurities, nervousness, and sometimes stress. At the same time, when the hands are placed on the cheek, it can imply that the person with this type of body language message is lost in thought, or is thinking about something (Darrington & Brower, 2012). When the hand is placed on the cheek, it demonstrates that the person is under deep concentration. On the other hand, touching the nose can signify a number of things. It can signify disbelief, rejection, or even signs that the individual is untruthful about what they are saying. Paying close attention to body language messages is an important part of communication and can help a great deal in interpreting messages conveyed.

I also sometimes misinterpret these body language messages when I only pay close attention to what is being said without considering what is expressed. For example, nail-biting can be an obvious signal but if the people communicating are not directly facing each other, they may strike with the conversation (Wong, 2016). I misinterpret nail-biting because at many times I do not realize the act. In a similar approach, when I'm talking to someone and he/she placed his/her hand on the cheek, I do not even realize that the communicator is lost in thought. I think that the person I'm communicating with is involved in a deep and healthy conversation.

In conclusion, understanding body language messages can help improve personal and organizational communication. Successful communication either through verbal or non-verbal requires the involvement of humans. In a similar approach, a greater understanding of body language messages can be enhanced if individuals involved are trained to pay close attention to communication cues such as context, and at the same time be trained on the interpretation of the body language messages. Organizations, therefore, should analyze and identify ways to enhance the understanding of body language messages in communication.


Darrington, J., & Brower, N. (2012). Effective Communication Skills:" I" Messages and Beyond. Retrieved from:

Wong, S. S. (2016). Emotions and the communication of intentions in face-to-face diplomacy. European Journal of International Relations, 22(1), 144-167. Retrieved from:

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