Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-12
Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social activities Healthcare Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1169 words
10 min read


Human beings are naturally built to be relational creatures. We love to get together with friends and have fun through events. Events offer various advantages to people such as an opportunity to network, to learn through educative events and a chance to get inspired. Inspiration can be drawn from multiple sources. However, an event usually brings about a whole new level of inspiration. This inspiration in the form of groups helps to create mutual bonds that go a long way in creating healthy friendships. The Corona Virus Pandemic, however, debilitated the usual order of events. A large number of events have been rescheduled or cancelled. Thanks to technological advancement, we can now hold virtual events. We can get the same value from a virtual event while maintaining the social distancing guidelines. The 12th Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk in Long Island is a community event that is marked yearly, but this year’s event will be held virtually.

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The Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk

The Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk in Long Island is an event aimed at raising awareness of brain aneurysm. This is a medical condition where a protuberance or swelling occurs in a blood vessel found in a person’s brain (“Brain Aneurysm - Symptoms and Causes”). This protuberance may burst to result in bleeding of the brain. David Chalif, who acts as the chairman of the Neurosurgery Department at Southside Hospital explains that the event is held to celebrate survivors of brain aneurysm, commemorate and honor those who lost their lives due to it and most importantly to raise awareness on the same (Long Island Weekly). This year’s walk aims to raise funds that will support further essential research on brain aneurysm. Furthermore, the funds will benefit the organizations that host the event.

Two organizations are responsible for organizing this noble event namely; Northwell Health and the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Northwell Health is a nonprofit healthcare system caring for the health of New Yorkers (“About | Northwell Health”). It prides in being the largest private health network with a large number of employees. It invests heavily in research, education, and healthcare studies. Brain Aneurysm Foundation, on the other hand, is a global leader in awareness on brain aneurysm, education, advocacy, support and funding for research in brain aneurysm (“About Us - Brain Aneurysm Foundation”). The partnership of these two entities helps to raise funds and awareness on brain aneurysm.

Distancing Guidelines

The 12th Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk in Long Island is set to be held virtually this year on Saturday, September 26, 2020, as from 10:00 a.m. (“12th Annual Long Island Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk - Brain Aneurysm Foundation”). Following the social distancing guidelines as a result of the Corona Pandemic, there will be no physical event at the end of the walk. Participants will sign up to be virtual participants and will be given a free T-shirt for successfully signing up. Before the virtual event on Saturday, September 26, participants will be free to walk or run anytime on or before Wednesday, September 23, 2020. The participants will then post photos of themselves doing the run or walk on social media with the caption #LongIsland20. Being a fundraising walk, any person willing to donate their funds to this noble cause is free to attend the event. Usually, the event is flooded by families with members who are survivors of brain aneurysm, friends to such survivors, families and friends that lost one of their members to brain aneurysm and health practitioners who are familiar with the condition.

In October 2009, the first-ever Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk was held (“North Shore University Hospital, Brain Aneurysm Center Chair of Research - Brain Aneurysm Foundation”). It was not a popular event back then and it did not attract large crowds. The event, however, grew steadily in popularity raising the funds at the event tremendously each year. Before this year’s virtual event, participants would meet at Jones Beach State Park early in the morning donning matching T-shirts. They would then run four miles and walk another two miles. It was a fun-filled event for participants. This year’s event is unlikely to elicit the same amount of fun.

Overwhelming support and once in a while criticism has been the response to past events like these. For example, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, a walk aimed at raising funds for cancer patients, has had close to 11,000 supporters since 2018 that have raised approximately $1.3 million (“Join Me at Making Strides against Breast Cancer Events”). Various questions have also been raised about the accounting of the funds from the walks. The event is a worthy cause as many survivors attest to the fact that they would have been dead had their families not been aware of the symptoms of brain aneurysm. Furthermore, there have been no known issues concerning how the funds raised from this event are spent. Everyone should make an effort to attend the 13th Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk in 2021.


In conclusion, events offer various advantages to people such as an opportunity to network, to learn through educative events and a chance to get inspired. The Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk in Long Island is held to celebrate survivors of brain aneurysm, commemorate and honor those who lost their lives due to it and most importantly to raise awareness on the same. Two organizations are responsible for organizing this noble event, Northwell Health and the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. The event is set to be held virtually this year on Saturday September 26, 2020 as from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and any willing participant is welcome. The walk dates back to October 2009 when the first walk was held. Overwhelming support and once in a while criticism has been the response to past events like these. Finally, the event is a worthy cause as many survivors attest to the fact that they would have been dead had their families not been aware of the symptoms of brain aneurysm.

Works Cited

About | Northwell Health. Northwell.Edu, 2019,

About Us - Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Brain Aneurysm Foundation, 22 July 2020,

Brain Aneurysm - Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic,  , 2019,

Frederik Nielsen. 7 Reasons Why People Attend Events (+How You Can Benefit from Them) - Billetto Blog. Billetto Blog, 13 Aug. 2019,

Join Me at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Events. Acsevents.Org, 2019,

Long Island Weekly. Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk Goes Virtual - Long Island Weekly. Long Island Weekly, 19 Sept. 2020,

North Shore University Hospital, Brain Aneurysm Center Chair of Research - Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Brain Aneurysm Foundation, 21 Feb. 2019,
http// A

12th Annual Long Island Brain Aneursym Awareness Walk - Brain AneurysmFoundation. Brain Aneurysm Foundation, 15 Sept. 2020,

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