Burning Injustice: Media Coverage and Criminal Justice Process in Louisiana Church Arson Case

Published: 2024-01-27
Burning Injustice: Media Coverage and Criminal Justice Process in Louisiana Church Arson Case
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media Church Criminal justice
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 467 words
4 min read

In the modern world, we live in, technology has advanced, and communication has become easier than before. Different Media are being used daily to update different people worldwide. Media articles give information about issues ongoing in a nation. Crime media articles provide people with information about the time a crime is committed when suspects are arrested, court proceedings of the case, and the final sentencing of the case. in this essay. I will discuss the case of the three black churches burned in a Louisiana parish.

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The article “3 Black Churches Have Burned in 10 Days in a Single Louisiana Parish” talks about when the crime occurred. It gives people awareness of what happened; it contains important information about the specific churches burned (Zaheer, 2019). The second article about when the arrest was made, “'Evil Acts': Son Of Sheriff's Deputy Is Chief Suspect In Black Church Arson Cases,” updates people on the action taken about the crime it presents important information about the suspects (Holley, 2019). The next article, “Louisiana: Advocates Concerned after three black churches burned in a Week,” is about the court proceedings; it keeps people aware of the case's progress and contains important information on how advocates are handling the case (Barber, 2020). After case sentencing, the last article, “US man given 25-year prison term after setting fire to three Black churches,” updates people on the court’s decision. It presents important information about the punishment given to the offender (Adam, 2020). In the above four articles, information is well presented without any bias.

The media discussion about the case changes well as the case progresses through the criminal justice process. That is, it is very flexible and first in updating people about every step of the case. I feel it’s the responsibility of the media to keep people updated with true information. The articles are a good example of this because they explain everything clearly without leaving out any important information.


In conclusion, crime media articles educate people on how courts handle cases and how fair the nation's criminal justice process is. Through the media, people have been able to get full information on the case discussed above from the start to the end.


Zaheer (2019). Surveillance of Enterococcus spp. Reveals distinct species and antimicrobial resistance diversity across a One-Health continuum. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-16. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/05/us/louisiana-black-church-fires.html

Holley, J. (2019). Who was burning the black churches?. Columbia Journalism Review, 35(3), 26-34 https://www.npr.org/2019/04/11/712173532/authorities-arrest-suspect-linked-to-3-burned-black-churches-in-louisiana.

Barber, K. H. (2020). Whither shall we go? The past and present of Black churches and the public sphere. Religions, 6(1), 245-265. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/09/louisiana-church-fires-black-congregations-targeted

Adam, N. (2020). Churches on fire. The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 55(3), 236-363. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/03/louisiana-man-guilty-black-churches

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Burning Injustice: Media Coverage and Criminal Justice Process in Louisiana Church Arson Case. (2024, Jan 27). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/burning-injustice-media-coverage-and-criminal-justice-process-in-louisiana-church-arson-case?pname=speedypaper.com

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