Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge

Published: 2022-12-15
Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  History Human resources Research Personality
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1263 words
11 min read

Ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility have gained a lot of attention all over the world both in developing and developed countries. The main reason why they have received so much attention is that there has been an increase in the number of corporate immorality. Business ethics also known as corporate ethics is a form of ethical activities that are professional and consequently examines ethical rules and morals that can come up in a business environment (Minus, 2013). Corporate social responsibility is an approach that many organizations employ to contribute to the society; it may include economic, environmental or social contributions that are beneficial to the community (Haski-Leventhal, 2016).

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Corporate social responsibility consists of three theories which include; stakeholder theory, business ethics theory and shareholder value theory of social responsibility. The stakeholder theory of CSR postulates that rather than beginning in an organization and venturing into the community to find out the ethical obligations found there, stakeholder theory starts from the surrounding community (Feller, 2016). It detects and highlights the people and groups whom the company's actions will impact on and find out, "What are their real problems against the company?" "What rights do they enjoy concerning the organization's activities?" and "What form of responsibilities can they put on a given company?" Stakeholder theory confirms that those whose lives are affected by an organization enjoy a right and responsibility to engage in controlling it.

Business ethics theory depends on broader obligations that encompass the entire society and the virtues that portray the positive impact that the organization tries to provide for the community. This theory proves corporate social responsibility by three different but interrelated ethical bases. The bases include; evolving and developing social responsibility and social expectations to distinct social predicaments, infinite or inherent moral senses that was motivated continuously by Kantian values and indicated standardizing norms like equity, fairness and lastly company citizenship, that is, organization being a reliable subject in the community so as to provide social development (Feller, 2016). Business ethics theory term as humanitarian and good obligations rather than statutory responsibilities.

The shareholder value theory claims that the social duties of a corporation are to increase its earnings and at the same time obeying the required standards. Economists allege that the role of a company is to perform business activities which add value to the community, its mission should not be mixed with other related social duties carried out by corporations that do not work for profits and states. Contrarily, it is not a very efficient method of designating resources in markets. Economists suggest that business proprietors are the company's administrators while stakeholders are its representatives and they are required to serve the shareholders interest first (Feller, 2016). Increasing the earnings of the shareholder is supported as essential, but corporate social commitments are considered regularly as a necessary device for a contentious company gain and increased revenues.

Low Emission Capacity Building. This program is an example of good practice in MENA, low emission capacity building is similar to other foreign countries; for example, Egypt is a beneficiary of the vivid but frequent unclear commitment of an extended collection of realities on climate change moderation. UNDP assisted the collective progress of "strategic menu on mitigation" with tremendous potential for discharge decreases and different actions into an understandable structure. The association with the private sector aided the growth of self-sustaining industry cases. The business ethics theory applied in this situation; the government tried to ensure that there are low capacity emissions and therefore the people will not suffer from pollution that could adversely affect their health and wellbeing. This form of good practice in developing countries has ensured that there is a sustainable environment and that the companies do not emit harmful substances to the atmosphere.

Capacity building for GHG inventories and MRV in Tunisia (GIZ) is the second good practice in MENA, in collaboration with the Tunisian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MALE), the GIZ set up a national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and a monitoring, reporting and verification system (MRV) for the Tunisian Building with weight on rooftop PV fittings. Additionally, the project executed a regional Transport approach with the National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) and the Municipality of Sfax. A decentralized strategy illustrates to be thriving as well as the utilization of global criteria for the construction NAMA (Ojeda and Cavatorta, 2017). The theory used here is also the business ethics theory as this good practice in MENA tried to reduce the number of PV fittings which could eventually pollute the environment. The greenhouse inventory monitoring, reporting, and verification system were put in place to try and control the emission of greenhouse gases that could affect the environment.

Administration and evaluation is a form of good practice internationally, management and assessment of the added expense of distribution of labor can boost to enhance impulse, increase buy-in for the method and, at the corresponding time, work as a lead to where additional efforts are required by highlighting difficulties and expenses. For this reason, they should develop sufficient techniques and pointers. As far as practicable, the analysis of these pointers should be undertaken using existing arrangements and systems to avoid creating new layers of authority. Including distribution of labor in present monitoring, evaluation and liability tools also serve to facilitate mainstream and legitimize the process. The theory involved in this practice is the shareholder value theory where they try to increase the earnings of the stakeholders without necessarily finding out what could be the effects of their actions on the environment.

Capacity development is the second good practice internationally, one of the critical goals of the distribution of labor is to develop aid administration and to guarantee that such administration, along with the overall oversight of aid, stops in national governments as opposed to donor's hands. Where such state capacity for managing assistance is not yet present in an associate country, donors should attempt to strengthen it to ensure the sustainability of the distribution of labor. Encouraging the advancement of online supervision data systems is one efficient way to establish partner country ability for managing and tracing aid. The establishment of a formal partner country-donor co-ordination formation with the sectorial area working groups can also aid to meet this purpose while expediting and protecting the division of labor process. Such working groups are how programme-based procedures work. Representatives from the public sector and the private sector should be incorporated in such working groups wherever they can add value. This practice employed the shareholder theory where they concentrated on what would be the impact on the community.

In conclusion, corporate social responsibilities help ensure that there is sanity at the workplace and that companies can provide there is sustainable growth in the community. Organizations have to respect the CSR responsibilities and try their level best to make the society that surrounds them a better place. Being aware of the economic, social and environmental position of the community is a sure way of understanding how an organization can positively impact the society. A company that practices all the theories of corporate social responsibility will reap the benefits of having a stable society which will ensure that it meets its objectives.


Feller, J. (2016). CSR Strategies in International Business. Concepts and Theories for a Competitive Edge. Anchor Academic Publishing.

Haski-Leventhal, D. (2018). Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Tools and Theories for Responsible Management. SAGE.

Minus, P. (2013). The Ethics of Business in a Global Economy. Springer Science & Business Media.

Ojeda, R., & Cavatorta, F. (2017). Good governance in MENA countries. Political Change in the Middle East and North Africa. doi:10.3366/edinburgh/9781474415286.003.0008

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Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge. (2022, Dec 15). Retrieved from

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