Essay Sample on Business Ethics. Super Bowl Commercials

Published: 2022-10-14
Essay Sample on Business Ethics. Super Bowl Commercials
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Business ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 667 words
6 min read

Ethics is actually the most important aspect of our everyday life; super bowl TV commercials have been widely criticized for their unethical acts in the eyes of the public. Brooks et al. stated that the selected TV commercial worth analyzing is "Go daddy sport and Jovial depiction" (348). Go Daddy sport is a commercial characterized with the supermodel and Leo DiCaprio ex Bar Rafaeli, the characters who are involved in this commercial are Walter and Rafaeli with the aim of passing a message that supermodels are not supposed to kiss ugly people. This is contrary to Kohlberg theory fifth stage which recognizes the contribution of others to the society.

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Jovial depiction commercial as well is characterized by individuals who are portraying the role of each age in the society (Rapaport, 214). It gives an account of the elderly people who are sneaking out a night of debauchery and later discounted as being deemed and ageist (Grau et al., 765). They used the older retired people to pass their message to show commitment and understanding of their roles in the society.

The Go Daddy Sports commercial had some ethical norms which were aimed at reflecting the reaction of society and how the society would have to view their day to day activities. According to Kohlberg conventional stages, the message which is intended should be passed on ethically so that it cannot harm the society in any way. Adults acting the commercial were one ethical issue which represents the concern to the society and what the society thinks (Ghillyer, 124).

Jovial depiction as well had some ethical issues portrayed in the commercial which include the action of the elderly to have worked in that manner through the commercial. Dobrin theory suggested that the society should be driven by the elderly because they are the ones who understand what is happening in the society, using the old as the characters were ethical as well and promote the viewership of most American families.

The ethical dilemma in both commercials is the interpretation of the role of the character whereby their roles have been designed to meet the day to day activities of the people. You can clearly interpret the inner meaning of the commercial; it is ethical to be concerned of what is expected of the society and the extent to which the impact will have to the society (Kanner, 45).

The producers basically used the human beings which would portray their day to day activities to attract the attention of the reader. Using human beings of a different gender was an excellent perfection whereby the society was able to understand what really is to be done when it comes to ethical judgment (Farrell, 100). This can further attract the attention because all you have to do at this point is to give out the best narrative for what is actually happening in the commercial.

Ethical concern is the most important part of any commercial, and every member of the society must ensure that the content portrayed is actually healthy. According to Kohlberg, it is important to present the audience with a moral dilemma for their betterment and for the critical analysis of the topic (Lefkowitz, 76). This is the best way that the society can be able to understand its position in critiquing the content being displayed to them by the writer of the commercial.

Work Cited

Brooks, Mary E., Shannon Bichard, and Clay Craig. "What's the score? A content analysis of mature adults in Super Bowl commercials." Howard Journal of Communications 27.4 (2016): 347-366.

Farrell, Michael. "Poisoners and Their Characteristics." Criminology of Homicidal Poisoning. Springer, Cham, 2017. 95-112.

Ghillyer, Andrew. Business ethics now. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.

Grau, Stacy Landreth, and Yorgos C. Zotos. "Gender stereotypes in advertising: a review of current research." International Journal of Advertising 35.5 (2016): 761-770.

Kanner, Bernice. The Super Bowl of advertising: How the commercials won the game. Vol. 77. UNC Press Books, 2004.

Lefkowitz, Joel. "Ethics and values in industrial-organizational psychology." Routledge, 2017.

Rapaport, D. "Super Bowl commercials: How much does a spot cost in 2017." Sports Illustrated (2017).

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