Free Essay Example - Canon and Classic

Published: 2023-07-31
Free Essay Example - Canon and Classic
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Learning Knowledge Books Comparative literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 698 words
6 min read

Canon and classic are terms that castigate the beliefs on evaluation and hierarchy. The literary canon can be defined as the authentically accepted form of literature. Canon literature is viewed as worth preserving and can be passed from one generation to another. In contrast, classic literature defines reads that can be highly praised. The term classic describes literature pieces that fall at the top of the canonical hierarchy. Therefore, this paper distinguishes canon and classic books by analyzing the different literature pieces studied in class.

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Canon is a term describing what happened in an original story rather than an adaptation (Lombardi n.p). It refers to content officially altered by a creator through different means. In literature, canon books are those narratives and texts considered to be the most essential and influential at a particular period. For instance, in the 19th century, people were exposed to different kinds of literature through one means or another (Lombardi n.p). The narratives were established to represent the authors’ views, movements, and historical events. Notably, canon books are understood to be value determining hence explaining why they are increasingly ingrained in the education system. However, the process of deciding what makes a book a canon has been under scrutiny over the years.

In contrast, classic works tend to meet a high-quality standard and have a substantial influence on readers. As Lombardi indicated, classic literature is an expression of truth, life, and beauty (n.p). It is of a high artistic quality and adequately represents the time it was written. A classic literature is often appreciated for its construction and literary art. A classic is a book that one reads to inform others about it. By reading it, a person proves fit to join the intellectual reading club. Reading classics make one to join the intellectual elite. The first time that one reads classics does so to climb the intellectual ladder. However, with time, a person enjoys reading them. The literature has proved to be inspiring over time.

One would likely believe that there exists canon literature for children to a significant extent. There exist books known to be great literature for children. However, no consensus exists on canon literature for the children. Analyzing what can be categorized as a great book is essential. Regardless of the desire to rank and categorize books, some primary focus is lost. People are less likely to read books for the minors when there exists some for the adults. Realistically, the opinion of others does not matter when reading books. What matters is one’s own opinion. From this, what is essential to understand is that some books and children reads are classified as canons and classics. One of the children’s literature that can be classified as a classic is ‘Ann of green gables’ by Montgomery. According to Bates, the read can be classified as a classic novel for children set in the late 19th century (n.p). The book analyzes the adventures of Anne Shirley, an orphan girl, who was sent by mistake to two siblings that wanted to adopt a boy to work in their farm. The novel precisely describes the hassles of Anne Shirley through her life.

Similarly, the novel, ‘The secret garden’ by Frances H. Burnet, is another classic novel set in England. Also, the story, ‘Harry the Dirty Dog Read’ by Betty White, falls under the category of children classics. Children classics do not focus on the love for a child only. Instead, it is a story of a child that is powered by a sense of loss of an adult. The majority of these classic stories started as real stories for existing children.

In conclusion, classic books are those that are essential and highly valuable. Canon and classic books are almost similar, with classics being at the top of the hierarchy of the canon books. The books are considered highly valuable and essential as well. Although no significant process categorizes classics for children, some books can be described to fall under the children’s classics.

Works Cited

Bates, Jordan. “Literary canons exclude works no matter how selective canon makers are.” The Daily Nebraskan, 16 May 2018,

Lombardi, E. “What makes classic literature classic?” ThoughtCo, 2019,

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