Free Essay Sample Comprising a Care Plan for Lisa

Published: 2022-09-29
Free Essay Sample Comprising a Care Plan for Lisa
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Nursing care
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1800 words
15 min read

Gerontology, which is the study of aging has been a relatively developing science implying on different happening that has made significant progress and development over the past decades (Moody, 1988). According to O'Brien (2016), the events of aging within the human body have been explained and elaborated through the use of various aging theories either psychologically, physically, or biologically. However, in this paper, I will deliver a care plan for Lisa in consideration of the theories of aging. Also, the writing will provide precise information regarding what Lisa needs and the risks present in the situation. Objectives of intervention with Lisa, services that need to be delivered, and anticipated outcome are among issues that the paper will highlight about Lisa home care plan.

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Lisa, an 86-year-old widow, lives alone and has been experiencing different situations as a result of aging. At the first part of the case study, it defines events surrounding Lisa's ability to go things and undergo her daily activities. According to Lum, Sudore and Bekelman (2015), delivering a care plan for the elderly has never been easy since they are prone to different occurrences such as injuries, mental deteriorations, and infection. In the drawing of a care plan for her, I will deliver a care plan divided into three major categories (Gulanick & Myers, 2016). In the first section of the care plan, it will involve the programmed and error theories of aging. Through the details of the theories, they deliver that an as an individual age, so as his physique and other aspects and structures of the human anatomy (Hedden & Gabrieli, 2004). In the first section of the care plan, it entails the risk for falls. Since Lisa is prone to falling and it might deliver damages that could render great fatality, in this step of the plan, it seeks to ensure that the fall for risk is mitigated and proper measures are set up

Moreover, with the details of the psychosocial theories of aging, according to DeLiema and Bengtson (2017), they involve the activity theory, continuity theory, and disengagement theory. In the contexts of the activity theory, it provides that an individual age is successfully depending on the activities they handle (Diggs, 2008). The approach derives that the more one does, the better they age. Under the continuity theory, it derives that people aging successfully develop proper habit into their old age. It brings about the idea of intuitive sense (Lynch et al., 2015). With that in mind, it leads to the second part of my home care plan involving activity intolerance. In this part of the care plan, it relates to the changes accompanying the process of aging that is evidence by weaknesses, abnormal blood pressure, and other illnesses that could come along with aging (Kirkwood, 2002).

In the final section of the care plan, it entails disturbed through the process. Through this, it I related to infections, memory deterioration, depression, malnutrition, and other events of aging. The activities to be handled in the plan are evidenced by memory deficits, hallucinations, altered attention span, impaired ability to deliver sober decisions and solve problems, and disorientation to person, time and place. In this section of the home care plan, I will ensure that Lisa's problems concerning memory deterioration among other frustration caused by distractibility do not develop but are decreased. Moreover, according to Jin (2010), there are modern theories elaborating on aging within the given categories of aging theories such as programmed longevity theory (Gavrilova, 2002), endocrine theory, wear and tear theory, among others.

Nursing Diagnosis: poor health, memory deterioration, questionable personal hygiene, as well as a fractured hip

Goal: Get the necessary help she needs.

Nursing Care Plan for Lisa

Nursing Interventions Rationale Expected Outcomes

Assess Lisa's environment for factors that could increase the chances of falls

Evaluate Lisa's medication and determine how they may cause a fall.

Evaluate and assess conditions that could increase Lisa's risk of fall. (such as, Imbalances, Medication, mental instability, and history of such falls. Improper placement of things like furniture and unfamiliar environments could deliver an increase in Lisa's risk for fall

Drugs side effects could deliver side effects that increase chances of fall.

Proper evaluation plays a major role in determining requires precautions in case of a fall. Does not sustain fall

Does not experience fall injuries as a result of fall.

Implements strategies that will reduce chance of fall at home.

Establish progressive goals to increase ambulation.

Deliver a thorough assessment of Lisa's current mobility and physical activity.

Provide emotional support and acceptance by encouraging Lisa in every small accomplishment. Activity levels can be increased gradually.

It will enable the care giver acquires a baseline for handling situations

The elderly can experience cases of depression. To hinder that, it is appropriate to promote interactions. Seeks assistance in performing daily activities.

Faces less challenges and discomfort while ambulating.

Modifies activities to decrease intolerance.

Ensure that any present vital signs remain with the given parameters.

Encourage memories and talks about the past occurrences.

Encourage Lisa to voice concerns of memory loss and feelings.

Speak slowly and clear enough and giving Lisa time to respond.

Assess Lisa's attention span and ability to make sober decisions.

Perform frequent assessments of neurologic status. It promotes the sense of continuity and boosts the memory.

Helps reduce cases of frustrations and anxiety.

Aids in completion of activities and reduce confusion.

Helps determine Lisa's ability to participate in executing care and personal hygiene.

It allows recognitions of challenges requiring modification of the home care plan. Participate in activities especially care.

Recognize any change in behavior.

Demonstrate ways one can cope with changes in health status.

Ensure proper maintenance of orientation of time and place.

Lisa's Care Needs and Evaluation of Present Risks

Nonetheless, through the events concerning the need for a care plan to help Lisa, Lisa is facing a significant problem which she refuses to agree to. For example, she is growing into poor health every day over the past five years. She sustained injuries from a fall at home in her bathroom which has been another factor along with other events of prior medical conditions. According to her medical history, Lisa suffered from hypertension, osteoporosis, and difficulties in walking due to a fractured hip bone. Also, it is evident that Lisa's memory is deteriorating as she tends to forget about things and sometimes asks the same question repeatedly which has imposed frustrations to her children.

On the other hand, Lisa is also experiencing questionable personal hygiene since she cannot take of herself without needing help which she insists that she does not require any assistance. To ensure that Lisa acquires the proper care she needs;

Transportation- Lisa needs transportation to places like Mass, the local bank, shopping, the village library, visiting friends, and GP visits. However, in this situation, there are risks present since Tom drives her to the places she wants to go, but Tom is planning to have a hip replacement in the coming month. Therefore, it means that there is a risk that Lisa might lack transportation to the place, or instead she might opt to drive herself which is risky.

Mobility- mobility is critical to an elderly individual even if it involves moving around their surroundings (Chiu et al., 2018). As for the case of Lisa, she uses a walker to ambulate around the house, but she mostly relies on using a stick and holding to furniture around. In the event of this need and situation, there is a risk that Lisa could fall again. It imposes a risk of falls (Milos et al., 2014).

Medication- adequate medical is imperative in the elderly. Although Lisa does not depict any severe signs of serious illnesses, it is essential to ensure that she is provided with adequate medication which might comprise of physical therapy, clinical visits and other home-nursing systems that would help give her a more comfortable life. Also, `it could prove helpful especially with the consideration that her memory is deteriorating.

Personal Care- Personal is critical on a daily basis. Lisa appears to be able to dress; however, she may need assistance with other activities such as personal grooming and bathing. Through this situation, there are other risks of falls among with cases of injuries.

Nutrition- to enjoy a comfortable and healthy life, diet is critical since it helps deliver proper care (Guigoz et al., 2002). Lisa needs nutrition especially meals that are easy for her to eat.

Correspondingly, there are different risk present in these situations. With every need for care, there is a distinct risk factor that could deliver significant impact involved aging. For example, there is the risk factors include; altered mobility, skin breakdown, disorientation, sleeplessness, environmental conditions, and Impaired balance. Also, the risk factors could also involve hearing difficulties as well as associated medical diagnoses (such as dementia, cataracts, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease). Negligence of the needs that Lisa needs could invoke or trigger the possibilities of the risk factors which could deliver a risk to Lisa as well as other people around her, especially her family.

Objectives of the Intervention with Lisa

With consideration to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the nursing objectives are a vital aspect in the delivery of care to Lisa and accordance with the plan (Council, 2015). For example, with the use of the Slips Assessment Tool (SAT), it delivers a definite help in the assessment of slip risk in-house. With the use of the SAT in line with theoretical data, it could depict on the impact of changing given factor which could render a slip risk of a floor (Dempsey & Maynard, 2005). However, to achieve the objective of the intervention of Lisa, it is critical to note what Lisa needs and ensure that she agrees to it. The goals are in correspondence with the three aspects in the care plan concerning the risk for falls, activity intolerance, as well as the disturbed thought process. In the structure of these objectives, the objective concerning the risk of falls seeks to ensure that different nursing interventions (such as assessment of conditions that could increase the level of fall risk is overseen) these factors could include a history of falls, sensory deficits changes in the memory status and other imbalances (Tang & Woollacott, 1998).

On the other hand, the activity intolerance encompasses other factors that relate to functional changes accompanying the process of aging. As per the situation of Lisa, this intervention objective involves assessing her current physical activities and mobility and also deliver encouragement to Lisa that it is okay to feel tired hence should perform operations more slowly. In the involvement of disturbed thought process objective of the intervention for Lisa, it will aim at ensuring that Lisa's attention is assessed as well as her ability to decide along with sending, receiving, and interpreting information or a message delivered to her.

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