Case Study Based On Gibb's Reflective Model. Free Essay.

Published: 2019-09-10
Case Study Based On Gibb's Reflective Model. Free Essay.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine Case study
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1203 words
11 min read

I had an interview with a patient where my objectives were based on oral medications. Specifically, my objectives were;

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To discuss with the patient on how, when, and why she should take her prescribed medications (Metformin 500mg TID and Glimepiride 1mg OD) in relation to meal times and other activities.

To discuss the side effects of the taking of the Metformin 500mg TID and Glimepiride 1mg OD.

I intend to meet my objectives by meeting and talking to the patient about the timing of taking the medications mentioned above as well as the working of that medication and the effects that arise out of their use. In this regard, I will interview the patient and establish the best way that I can use to educate her on the same. It will also offer me the opportunity to understand what the patients know about her oral medications. Specifically, I will know whether she understands when she is supposed to take them, whether she knows how the medications function and whether she is aware of any of the side effects of the oral medications (McGarry et al., 2013). I would use the Gibbs reflective model in writing this paper.

The patient that I was conducting my objectives on was born on Oct 8/1942 had an Ht- 147 cm, Wt- 68.7 Kg, BMI 31.8. The Patient has been diagnosed with type II DM 10 years ago. As such, she was on Metformin 500 mg, TID and Glimepiride 1mg OD. Initially, I approached the patient who came for Diabetic follow up at my clinic and inquired from her if she was interested in knowing about the medications that she was taking. With the patient's permission, I went ahead with teaching her about a few things. Before that, however, I encouraged patient to state her preferred style of learning. She responded by saying that she was comfortable with mostly visuals. As such, I drew pictures of organs like liver and pancreas to show the function of metformin and Glimepiride. Additionally, I explained about the medications from 2013 clinical practice guidelines quick reference guide handout and other books. Moreover, I inquired with the patient on the timings that she takes her medications in relation to food. The Patient explained her timing of taking the medications and the taking of her food.

In the interview, I was feeling that the patient did not have adequate knowledge on the time that she was supposed to take the medication. Additionally, it was my feeling that she needed this advice, as it would be critical for her to know the timing so that the medication does not adversely affect her. Additionally, I felt that the patient should know the side effects of the medications so that she does not get worried when she takes her oral medication and the side effects arise (Singh & Jiva, 2014). More importantly, I felt that she needed to know how the medications work on her body, as she will have a better understanding of the reason as to why she has to take the medications and the effects that the medications have on her specific body parts. Indeed, my feelings were of the dissemination of the necessary information so that she could have a better understanding of her own body and the medications that she was on.

From the situation of the patient and the experience that I got, some good and bad things were notable. In this regard, the fact that the patient was willing to get this information was a good thing that can be reported. Additionally, her willingness to participate in the interview was a good thing given as she could have chosen to ignore my request for an interview. More importantly, her decision to open up to me about what she knows about oral medication was a nice thing to do. However, the sad things start with her inability to understand the time that she is supposed to take her medication. In this regard, she was having the medications at wrong time of the all along. Additionally, she was not able to understand the effects that the medicine has on her body. As such, when the side effects occurred, she though that the medications were not good as they failed to heal her of those side effects. This lack of information from the patient was something that was not good, as she should have been given that critical information (Williams et al., 2012). However, the experience that I obtained from this interview will help me understand well all the patients that I deal with. Indeed, it awakened me to the fact that patients are not always aware of the medications that they take and neither are they accustomed with the side effects of the same.

Despite the fact that this interview was a good experience, it could have been better. In this regard, it would have been more of a participatory interview rather than a one sided one. If the patient had some little knowledge, about the medications that she was taking and the effects that they had, it would have been more of a discussion and, therefore, everyone would have learnt more. However, I seemed to be the only person talking as the patient had little knowledge about type II DM and neither did she know Metformin 500 mg, TID and Glimepiride 1mg OD which were the medications that she was taking to help cure her condition. Additionally, she could only understand the visuals, which I had not prepared in advance. Therefore, the only ones present were not very well detailed. It would have been more positive had she been able to use other means of communication other than the visuals. Similarly, if the visuals had been more organized the experience would have been better for us all.

If this situation arose again, there are varieties of things that I would improve on. In this regard, I would be more prepared and, therefore, thorough in the information that I will offer to the patient. My expectation about what the patient knows would also be low so that the information that I would give would be more comprehensive. Additionally, I would ensure that the visual means of communication are well organized in case the patient feels comfortable with that mode of communication. Indeed, I would be more prepared for the task ahead as the present experience has offered me the opportunity to know what it is like to interview such a patient. I would make the patient more relaxed during the interview so that we can have proper exchange of information. More importantly, I would ensure that the patient leaves me with comprehensive information on the timing of her medication and the effects of the medication on her body.


McGarry, J., Clisset, P., Walker, W. L., & Porock, D. (2013). 16 Reflection and future learning. Placement Learning in Older People Nursing, A guide for students in practice, 1: Placement Learning in Older People Nursing, 177.

Singh, A., & Jiva, D. (2014). Critical incident analysis of a significant event in practice. Journal of Operating Department Practitioners, 2(7), 347-351.

Williams, C., Mostashari, F., Mertz, K., Hogin, E., & Atwal, P. (2012). From the Office of the National Coordinator: the strategy for advancing the exchange of health information. Health affairs, 31(3), 527-536.

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