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3064 The Birth of Democracy in the United States. Free Essay 3065 Critical Essay Sample on Grain Brain by David Perlmutter 3066 Free Essay. Problem Identification Professional Product 3067 Essay Example: Mediation and Moderation 3068 Essay Sample: How My Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Improved During the Session 3069 What Specific Health Conditions Increase Risk of Malnutrition? - Essay Sample 3070 Research Paper on Shortage of Airline Pilots in the United States 3071 Paper Example. Social Media and Leadership Practice 3072 Paper Sample: Leadership and Social Media 3073 Paper Example on Long-Term Control and Quick Relief Treatment for Asthma 3074 Paper Example on Exogenous and Endogenous Growth Theories 3075 Free Essay Sample on Causes of Modern Slavery 3076 Essay Sample on Training a Specific Athlete 3077 Type 2 Diabetes refers to a chronic medical condition characterized by an individual's body inability to maintain blood glucose at a normal level due to the body cells develop resistance to insulin hormone effect or inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin for optimal functioning (Chrvala, Sherr & Lipman, 2016). An individual diagnosed with type 2 diabetic condition requires to effectively undertake several self-care management interventions such as leading a healthy lifestyle (active physical activity, appropriate dietary plan, and body weight) and sticking to their medication or insulin therapy plan (Chrvala et al., 2016). It is essential for an individual living with type 2 diabetic condition to effectively undertake self-care management interventions to facilitate the improvement of the quality of life by ensuring favorable care outcomes (Chrvala et al., 2016). This work evaluates various learning theories perspectives and their implication for advanced practice nurses in effective provision of patient education to young adults on type 2 diabetes and medication adherence towards enhancing their self-care management capability. 3078 Type 2 Diabetes refers to a chronic medical condition characterized by an individual's body inability to maintain blood glucose at a normal level due to the body cells develop resistance to insulin hormone effect or inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin for optimal functioning (Chrvala, Sherr & Lipman, 2016). An individual diagnosed with type 2 diabetic condition requires to effectively undertake several self-care management interventions such as leading a healthy lifestyle (active physical activity, appropriate dietary plan, and body weight) and sticking to their medication or insulin therapy plan (Chrvala, Sherr & Lipman, 2016). It is essential for an individual living with type 2 diabetic condition to effectively undertake self-care management interventions to facilitate the improvement of the quality of life by ensuring favorable care outcomes (Chrvala, Sherr & Lipman, 2016). This research paper evaluates applications of various learning theories perspectives ineffective provision of patient education to young adults on type 2 diabetes and medication adherence towards enhancing their self-care management capability. 3079 Economy Improvement 3080 Work Study Clinical Placement

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