Challenges in Turnaround Strategies for Struggling Schools in the United States - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-07
Challenges in Turnaround Strategies for Struggling Schools in the United States - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education United States
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 660 words
6 min read

In the turnaround school history, the efforts of the law of incessant inertia are noticed. In this law, the lower and poorly performing schools are seen to have no improvements even after being worked on (Darling-Hammond, 2015). During California's academic performance, it was noticed that the state targeted the lowest-scoring schools for the interventions. A percentage of eleven of the elementary schools made explore progress out of the targeted category of schools. In the category, it was noticed that only one high school was able to reach this mark (Darling-Hammond, 2015). The persistent failure of fifty-two Ohio schools in 2008 paved the way for restructuring. After some time, a few of the schools showed significant improvements. In 2008, a study by the Center on Education Policy investigated the results of the restructuring in five states. California, Ohio, and Maryland were able to make adequate yearly progress.

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For many years of great expenditure and experience, the law of ongoing ignorance will hinder us from the basic tactics that will enable us to make a struggling school excellent. Researchers have noted the Department of Education that has its own ignorance of what is to be done on the nation's worst schools (Darling-Hammond, 2015). The laws of NCLB do not specify any action to be taken for schools that remain in the implementation of the phase during the restructuring for more than a year.

The turnaround efforts are advocated regardless of the evidence. Nancy Grasmick is a big supporter and recognizes turnarounds as a unique discipline (Fullan, 2011). In the Obama administration, it has been brought into concern that turnarounds are the key to the improvement of urban districts. According to Arne Duncan, the Education secretary, turning 1000 schools every year was going to turn around the whole nation. This would change the lives of over ten million underserved children. A study in 2006 called The New Schools to Venture Fund was able to outline that a large aversion to turnarounds and takeover strategies was among the successful schools.

The education reforms have historically taken different forms; this is geared by the motives and motivations of the reformers (Fullan, 2011). The Education Reform in America greatly encourages and acknowledges public education as primary K-12 education, which is the primary source of education for America's youth (Fullan, 2011). Most of the teacher's strikes, which occurred recently in the United States, were geared towards changing the narrative of K-12 education. The reformers try to convert the education in the form of an input-output system. The Education turnaround should be a difficult thing to achieve.

Urban turnarounds in urban education have greatly failed. Urban public education has never developed any solution to its failures like industries do (Fullan, 2011). A clear and established way of closing all the schools should be highlighted in order to pave the beginning for the solutions. The schools should be given a year contract that should constitute the performance measures. Any failure from these schools should result in a closing.

Progressive leaders usually use the school closure and the replacement system in order to help transform their Brocken districts. In 2004 Joel Klein of New York closed over one hundred traditional schools and opened three hundred public schools. Other big cities have also closed the troubled schools. On the continuous reorganization of the management and structure without determining the purpose of the institutions, our schools can never improve (Fullan, 2011). The school improvements can only be attained through the improvement of the curriculum.


The American education system should completely start in a fresh way. This is because, after reforms, little promising progress is experienced. The curriculum should be designed in a good way so that it can help in solving the problems.


Darling-Hammond, L. (2015). The flat world and education: How America's commitment to equity will determine our future. Teachers College Press.

Fullan, M. (2011). Choosing the wrong drivers for whole system reform (pp. 3-4). Melbourne: Centre for Strategic Education.

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Challenges in Turnaround Strategies for Struggling Schools in the United States - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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