Essay Example: Challenges Military Families Are Facing Due to COVID-19

Published: 2023-09-28
Essay Example: Challenges Military Families Are Facing Due to COVID-19
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Army Family Covid 19 Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 892 words
8 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the norm of everyday activities, and this has not spared those in the military. Military duties have been interfered with in the entire world. Despite having an impact on a person, the pandemic has also embedded its impacts on military families. This essay discusses challenges being faced by military families during these trying times of COVID-19.

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First, military families are going through a period of depression and mental health issues (Siegel, 2013). Certain factors trigger, fear of the safety of the deployed family member. The fear among the families’ members can cause anxiety and lead to depression. Consequently, the lack of communication about the well-being of members amidst this pandemic, causes panic, which can lead to mental issues.

The banning of movement to avoid the spread of the virus has led to families of deployed members not be reunited. This leaves the deployed member overseas away from the family hence creating worry among family members. Also, it is a hitch for families that were anticipating for permanent station change since they have to wait( Mazzarino, 2020). Also, financial strains are a challenge for the military family as they strive to cover for all bills inclusive of those that are not giving services currently, such as childcare facilities.

Moreover, military families are now living with uncertainty. When a military member is sent back home, he must be quarantined. During that period, the military member is quarantined; family members are uncertain of his condition. This uncertainty develops further if the victim tests positive. Family members are drowned emotionally with fear of whether the person will recover or pass on. Also, uncertainty develops once a military member is deployed and has to leave the family to attend to duty. Family members are not sure of what to expect after his departure.

In addition to this, after deployment during this pandemic, the wife is left behind to handle family issues as well as working from home. This may cause a strain as the person’s capabilities are overstretched. The strain is even bigger for a parent who offers essential services in society, such as doctors and nurses, since they have to work for long hours(Mazzarino, 2020). This is difficult because children at home need guidance in homeschooling now that daycare centers are on temporary closure.

Lastly, military families are facing a challenge of a lack of support. Support is essential for military family members as they keep their hope up about their loved ones. However, lack of support from the government and the society at large exposes these families to a variety of issues. Some may fall into depression and may result in suicidal attempts. Also, children may feel left out and lose touch with the deployed parent.

Resources Available to Assist Military Personnel and their Families

Military families are getting resources from different sectors of the nation; some of the resources include: online education offered to veterans children at no cost( Kassraie, 2020). This has facilitated the continuation of education for the children. Moreover, they are getting extra services, such as online libraries, at no cost. This means that their children are not disadvantaged and are getting homeschooled like other children.

Second, veterans and their families are now getting increased access to health care (Kassraie, 2020). This is because the veterans are at risk, which they can pose to family members. Also, the impact of COVID 19 has resulted in other health issues that need to be looked into by medical personnel. Also, veterans and their families have free mental treatments. The treatments are very important since mental health issues are on the rise during the pandemic. (Siegel, 2013).The veterans may experience mental stress as a result of isolation, while family members may get from underlying circumstances of the partner being away during such uncertain times. Access to mental treatment reduces the chances of suicide and depression.

In addition, veterans can get financial assistance through organizations ( Kassraie, 2020). The assistance includes receiving loans and grants. This will help cushion the veteran’s family needs, such as bills and basic utilities. The financial assistance is important since the pandemic strains the economy. Lastly, the creation of help groups that help in providing resources for veteran families. The mutual groups offer services where one can call and talk to a person to offer assistance.

How Military Families are dealing with COVID-19 Restrictions.

Military families are heavily relying on technology to bridge the social gap. Technology helps spouses and children to reach out to the deployed partner. Moreover, military families can interact with extended family members for support using technology.

Also, military families have adopted coping challenges during the pandemic. This helps them to cope with the various issues that they may encounter in their daily lives and help them cope with the restrictions put in place.


Kassraie, A. (2020). Resources for Veterans, Military Families Amid COVID-19. AARP. Retrieved 10 July 2020, from

Mazzarino, A. (2020). How Covid-19 Is Affecting Military Families. The Nation. Retrieved 10 July 2020, from

Siegel, B. S., Davis, B. E., & Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. (2013). Health and mental health needs of children in US military families. Pediatrics, 131(6), e2002-e2015.

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Essay Example: Challenges Military Families Are Facing Due to COVID-19. (2023, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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