Change Leadership Essay Example

Published: 2021-01-25
Change Leadership Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 855 words
8 min read

Transformational leadership requires more advanced and sophisticated processes and leadership skills. It is normally messy, always chaotic, and involves extreme negative impacts. In transformation, the aspects that leaders attempt to create are radically different from the current state of affairs, and the outcomes are usually unclear at the beginning. Notably, a lot of surprises accompany the change process, and the approaches used determine how best the results can be achieved (Cummings & Worley, 2014). The two approaches discussed in this paper include Organizational Development with reference to coach image and sense-making approach in relation to interpreter image. Additionally, the steps for each framework are comprehensively analyzed.

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Coaches have proven impacts on the organizational development, for instance, the addition of a coach in any given initiative makes the organizations members more focused (Cummings & Worley, 2014). They appear as change midwives since they have the knowledge when change approaches when it arrives when a nudge is needed, and when it occurs at a high rate. In this regard, coaches act as change catalysts in that they manage the rate or speed at which the change occurs thus facilitating a smooth transition process.

System theory relates network power as being proportional to the quantity and quality of connection nodes. The inclusion of coaches in the management of the organization creates deep connections throughout the organization. Particularly, deepening of many personal networks within the organization implies that many workers have the trusted personal relationship with each other and the management. A lot of research connects employees performance to the level or quality of the relationship they have with their bosses (Cummings & Worley, 2014).

Incorporating coaches in the organization increases the overall performance through the deepened personal connections across the system. Interactions with the co-workers and direct reports are the biggest impacts that of both internal and external coaches. Through this, the problems within the organization are effectively handled and situations related to conflicts greatly improved. Improved ability of empowerment and delegations are achieved by asking relevant and important questions on the organizations management. Coaching acts as the distinct art of performance improvement. Therefore, leaders are encouraged to focus on coaching skills to enhance their sway in the organization (Cummings & Worley, 2014).

Sense-making refers to the activities that enable the management to simplify the complex problems surrounding the organization (Cornelissen, 2006). Specifically, articulation of the unknown by trying to tackle it can sometimes be the only way to grasp what it means. Sense making is considered a key leadership capability that is very essential in the todays management world. Sense-making approach as it relates to interpreter image enables the leaders in an organization to acquire a better understanding of the activities that are going on in their environment. This consequently facilitates other leadership components such as invention, relation, and vision.

Additionally, sense-making requires a lot of courage to ensure it is effectively applied in the organizations management. This is because even though there is a deep human need for understanding and knowing the ongoing in the constantly changing world, illuminating this change is normally an unpopular and lonely task (Cornelissen, 2006). This approach is normally needed when the understanding of what the world entails become unintelligible in certain ways. This usually arises due to the rapid change of the environment thus presenting surprises which the established system cannot handle unless sophisticated and more advanced changes are made.

Adaptive challenges that require outside responses often present some gap between the existing capacity and aspirations. This gap cannot be closed with the existing operation modes thus requires the application of sense making with interpreter image to mitigate it. For this to occur, the phenomenon has to be forcefully carved away from the undifferentiated flux of the original experience and conceptually labeled so that they act as the communication exchangers currency (Cornelissen, 2006). Sense-making with interpreter image, therefore, make management be intractable actionable.

Steps involved in sense-making approach as interpreter image is simple and precise. According to Cornelissen (2006), the first step is coming up with a plausible understanding of the situation at hand and consequently finding what it means in terms of its impact or intensity on the management process. Testing the meanings and the understanding developed from step one then follows. Notably, the testing is done via actions and other possible case scenarios. The final step is abandoning the understanding in favor of new ones or refining the already existing understanding to come up with desirable solutions to the change problems.

On the other hand, steps of the Organization Development as a change framework are explicitly important for a smooth transition. As outlined by Cummings and Worley (2014), the first step is problem identification that is done by the organizations experts on the mitigation processes. Consultations with coaches are done, data gathering and the problem diagnosis carried out. Feedback is received, and the coach in charge join actions with other workers to forge diagnosis and planning strategies. Change action then follows with coaches forming the basis for change.


Cornelissen, J. P. (2006). Making sense of theory construction: Metaphor and disciplined imagination. Organization Studies, 27(11), 1579-1597.

Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage learning.

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