Change Theory Essay Sample

Published: 2018-01-15
Change Theory Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Society Human
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1193 words
10 min read

Change, they say, is the only constant thing in life. Although people are quite reluctant to accept change, it is a crucial aspect of life. As a fact, self-actualized individuals are open to changes and take things as they come. Some call it living one day at a time. Perhaps the hardest thing about change is the fact that it tends to wipe off old habits, people, places, career and even lifestyle. Coping and adapting to something new can prove to be too hard a task, but then again it is part and parcel of life. Changes are affiliated with new opportunities and challenges alike. However, human beings only tend to appreciate the good and disregard the bad forgetting that it is a package deal. Besides, life cannot be all smooth; it is a journey punctuated with ups and downs Above all, life happens to us all and the fact that smooth seas never made experienced sailors should be enough encouragement and motivation to accept changes. Every move is unique and valuable regardless of whether you like it or not. It prepares you by creating the best version of yourself. Changes are indicative of progress which parse is symbolic of growth. Nevertheless, changes can be of two types: adverse changes and positive changes; and what becomes of them has a lot to do with your reaction to the same (Mo & Goldblatt, 2010).

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Change, whether negative or positive, is indicative of progress and development. The absence of change puts one on the same spot and no real development. Perhaps the most scaring thing about change is the adaptations and adjustments associated with it. People have a tendency of staying away from new routines because of the time and resources are taken to adjust to the new system. They are so used to their normal way of doing things that some even mistake it with the only way. Whereas some changes are voluntary, some are mandatory. There are changes that people make out of free will, and they have no sense of urgency whatsoever while some changes are forced. Circumstances mediate forced changes and they have a direct impact on the current state of things. These changes are sudden in nature and often leaves the affected ones with no much choice. As a result, the changes occur and then time catches up with them. It is these kinds of changes that people detest and avoid at all costs, the unplanned changes. For this reason, philosophers advise that you should always be prepared for anything to avoid the frustrations affiliated with unexpected changes. This paper is going to talk about a planned and an unplanned change that took place in my workplace and how the past was honored in these changes (Balognese, 2012).

The organization of focus is the education industry. Starting with planned change, for so long the school system has been focused on grades and performance rather than learning. Too much emphasis has been put on classes that students are not learning anymore. There is so much to learn in schools, yet all this goes to drain because students are striving to achieve high grades instead. This system needed to change for the better. The planned change was to stop evaluating and basing students on performance and encourage the realization of full potential of the student through the process of learning. There has been a common myth that education is the only key to success and for one to be successful, then they have to sit in class for a few years so that they can be employed and sit behind a desk for a couple more years. This system became so deeply integrated into our lifestyle that parents no longer explore other options. They could have a kid who is so talented in another field, but due to fear of changing the system, they subject them to it; knowing too well it is not meant for them. There has been planned variations in this field that encourages diversity when it comes to learning. The change has altered the perspective that people in education: teachers, parents, students, and society in general. It has changed their definition of education and widened their scope on the same. Education is no longer concentrated on academic performance and grades; it focuses on the bigger picture which is to equip the learners with the necessary information and skills that they need in life. This planned change has influenced many learning organization in a positive manner (F.M., 2010).

When it comes to unplanned changes, these happen every time in the education system. An excellent example of unexpected change is paying for courses that one has not qualified for but interested in. In the not so distant past, students had to work hard and burn the midnight oil for them to secure a position in the universities of their choice and pursue their dream course. Days when saying “I want to be a doctor,” was more than a mere wish statement but a declaration of purpose. Students back then knew what they had to do to see their dreams through and they did exactly that. However, times have changed, and in this money-crazed present-day world, you can be just about anything provided you got money. If you got enough money, you could pay for any course you wish to pursue whether you qualified or not. What’s worse is that you can even get your desired grades if only your pockets are deep enough to speak for you. These unplanned changes in the education system have diluted education and made students lazier than ever before. Learning institutions have been affected by these sudden changes in that they are accepting and enrolling students for courses they have not qualified for or would not have done under normal circumstances. This change has significantly affected the quality of education (Barlevy & Neal, 2012).

Whereas it’s nice to focus on the future because the past is gone, the past plays an essential role in shaping the future. It is from past mistakes and successes that we learn. The past should guide the changes we make in life, and therefore, we can accurately predict the course that various decisions can take. It is always important to evaluate a change before implementing it. In escaping monotony, it is possible to get tempted into exercising change without proper evaluation. In the education industry, the past has played a significant role in shaping the current education trends and habits. Old habits of bookkeeping and examinations have been modified in the modern world education. Online libraries and tests have made education more accessible and simpler; thanks to the past.

In conclusion, changes can be either negative or positive and how they impact organizations has a lot to do with their implementation and desired goals.


Balognese, A. (2012). Employee resistance to organizational change. New Foundations.

Barlevy, G., & Neal, D. (2012). Pay for performance . American Economic Review, 1805-1831.

F.M., D. (2010). Dream! Create! Sustain! Mastering the art and science of transforming school systems. MD Rowman & Littlefield.

Mo, Y., & Goldblatt, H. (2010). Change . New York : Seagull Books.

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