Free Essay: Changing the Health Care System

Published: 2023-08-20
Free Essay: Changing the Health Care System
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Leadership analysis Personality Healthcare policy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 991 words
9 min read

The cost of health care in the United States of America is considered to be very costly, despite the fact that the country is spending a significant amount of money in the healthcare sector. It is considered no better because some of Americans have been seeking health services in other countries. The United States also has one of the best healthcare systems and best doctors, but the cost of treatments is so high and thus making it hard for some of Americans to pay for their treatment. Therefore, if I was the leader of a free world, this paper will highlight what I would have done to improve the healthcare system in the US at the same time reducing the cost of treatment

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Making use of mobile clinics

Mobile clinics are clinics that are essential in providing preventive care service, primary care service, dental care services on trucks, vans, or buses that have been equipped and modified to provided health care services, especially in both urban and rural underserved areas. The United States currently has more than 700 mobiles; hence increasing this number will help in improving the health care system in the country. In 2013, there was a study that was done on a mobile clinic referred to as Family Van. It was found to have reduced the cost of treatment for Americans because of the lower visits to emergency rooms as well as low blood pressure among the patient that were attended to in the Family van.

Supporting the Congregational Networks

A congregational service is a group of individuals who volunteer to offers transportation means to people who require medical attention. These individuals are instrumental in improving the health care system since it will not be meaningful to provide health care facilities that cannot be accessed. These groups of people are essential, especially to the poor, since they will be able to seek medicals attention or get to see a doctor when they have appointments.

Working with students operated clinics

These are clinics that are associated with medical schools in the country. They are useful in providing medical care, and also it helps them to gain medical experience in giving medical care. They provide medical service services, especially to the vulnerable population. In the years 2009, there were about 110 clinics that were being run by these students. Although they provide health care services mostly to the venerable population, they are, however, limited when it comes to the type of care they provide to the patients. In most cases, they help individuals with high blood pressure, manage some of the chronic diseases, or people with diabetes. They cannot provide more complex medical attention, such as surgery, for instance.

Increasing medical cover services.

Medical covers are crucial when it comes to the provision of healthcare for all. In the year 2008, the Congress passed a bill known as the MIPPA (Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act) that gave grants to organizations that have low income and provide health care services such as providing referrals where needed, detection of disease and overall provision of health care. They also offer services such as screening, depression, and diagnosis of cardiovascular issues. (Graban,2016) Increasing medical covers for such organizations and individuals will, therefore, go a long way in improving the health care system and also reducing the cost.

Setting up a healthcare task force in various hospitals.

Setting up a task force will be useful in ensuring that people can access health care wherever they are. It will offer an avenue whereby the community and the health care officers will be able to work together in ensuring that they improve the health care services. Considering that coordination is critical, especially when it comes to the transportation of patients. The task force will be useful, ensuring that there is proper coordination and thus preventing unnecessary deaths that may come as a result of delays.

Increase the money spent on primary care.

Primary care is important because if more money is spent on primary care, it will reduce the cost of treatment and also improve health care services. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that in all budgets, primary medical care is given a priority.

Ending bleeding that may lead to death in rural areas.

Some of the rural areas in the United States of America has one of the highest maternal mortality rates when it is compared with third world countries. This needs to be put to an end because it is taking the lives of so many mothers. One of the ways of stopping this, therefore, is investing in primary health care. It will go a long way in minimizing deaths that are related to bleeding.

Use of technology to improve the accessibility of healthcare facilities.

As a leader, I will make sure that in invest also in technology, especially when it comes to health records. Ii will be beneficial because, in some cases, you find that the record of a patient may be misplaced or wrong recordings may be taken, which is largely contributed by manual work. Technology will, therefore, be useful in preventing some of these mistakes that may lead one to be misdiagnosed. Another area where technology will e useful is when it comes to accessibility. Technology will make it easy for one to access a hospital easily or even communicate with a doctor without necessarily going to a health care facility.


In conclusion, being a leader will require one to take several measures, especially when it comes to healthcare. Health care is basic, and in order to ensure that Americans access health care that is not expensive, it will require leaders to take several steps, especially when it comes to budget. One of the ways of reducing the cost of the healthcare system is to invest fully in the healthcare system of the country.


Graban, M. (2016). Lean hospitals: improving quality, patient safety, and employee engagement. CRC press.

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