Free Essay Describing Chinese and Japanese Case Studies

Published: 2022-06-16
Free Essay Describing Chinese and Japanese Case Studies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Community health
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1153 words
10 min read

Chinese case study

While travelling to a foreign country like China where the main is Chinese, a business card would only be suitable to appear in the Chinese language since a majority of the population understands the language. Also, a few of the cards could use English in case a few people are not Chinese by origin but could be interested in the type of business.

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Expectations of health care providers turning up for the meeting on time would be low. From the case study, use of herbal medicine in clinics implies they value traditional methods of treatment even with advancement in the medical field. However, a few may turn up on time due to a curiosity of learning a new tip.

Chinese mainly enjoy noodles, sour soups and chicken hence such is likely to be on their menus. Each meal is served on a different plate (Kastner and Kastner, 2009). When a meal that is one is not familiar with, it's not advisable in indulging in eating it to avoid getting disappointed.

Both Western and Chinese life enjoy having a break from their activities and enjoy vacations away from home. In both scenarios, they seek medical attention when faced with an illness. However, Chinese value their traditional and would incorporate both in their treatments with the latter being put into great considerations (Liao, 2011). In western culture, they value quality health care where they follow prescriptions given since they believe that health care personnel are in the position to provide the best quality.

For those who seek medication from traditional treatments, the risks continue to increases due to inadequate diagnosis. Additionally, exposure to smoking, working in dusty environments and where chemical residues are in the air and smoke from biofuels worsen the condition of the disease among the adults in China.

Language translation was needed so that the nurse could understand what the patient brought was suffering from. The nurse understood English while they spoke a foreign language posing a hindrance to communication.

In the intensive care unit, the patient is on medication that makes them comfortable by reducing the pain they could be experiencing.

Mrs Li is against the health care prescriptions given hence less is expected from the nurses regarding care by the family especially the wife.

An overdose or underdose is not medically suitable to make treatments. Using both traditional and the modern medicine only brings complications to the patient.

The daughter in law to Mrs Li has been brought up away from China hence has little knowledge about China.

The Chinese way of life includes the use of bitter and sour soups in their meals which they believe are essential in alleviating illnesses. Exercises are known to strengthen the body and muscles.

Mr Li's family could not discuss his possibility of dying since this is likely to lead to death according to Chinese culture. He stays resilient to pain which is not surprising.

Diseased persons are given a funeral send off so that the soul can rest where it came from, either in a grave or cremating the body.

Mourning is done for the seven days and wears clothes that describe the relationship with the diseased. A white banner is put on the doorpost to indicate death has taken place in that household.

The family put aside their important activities and set up vigils to accompany their diseased till they enter their afterlife.

Chinese perceive the subject of death as a taboo in as much as they understand it is an integral part of their lives. It is perceived as a mystery that brings fear and misery to people.

Japanese case study

Physical examination in Tokyo, according to Marianne, is not at its best compared to the attention given in the United States. Putting parents in care facilities in their old age is not considered with positivity in Tokyo as in the United States. These issues are likely to bring the family into a crisis since Ken may object taking his mother to elderly facility care away from him. Similarly, an annual physical examination may be considered an expense for the family, and now that Marianne discovered she has hypertension, she may prefer relocating to get quality health care in as much she can still get the same in Tokyo. Their mission as Christian family may be put in jeopardy after relocating hence Ken may opt to stay.

Ken works at a Christian university where he teaches. He is responsible for supporting his family.

If Ken had sought annual physical examination, glaucoma would have been detected earlier but since the fees are set by the government which insists on equality for all, poses a hindrance. One can only visit the hospital without exceeding the amount set for each while the examination would be higher than the set amount.

A possibility of stress-reducing in Marianne's life and relocating from Tokyo where she can access health care, while Ken is likely to cease being a lecturer in Tokyo and move closer to the mother and get treatment of glaucoma.

Hypertension affecting Marianne may be contributed to high continuous consumption of meals highly concentrated with cholesterol (Black and Elliott, 2012).

Ken prefers to provide for his family rather than allowing his wife to work and pursue her career too. The wife may be given material resources from the church from time to time and while they are on missionary work might be awarded by their congregants.

Being a housewife for Marianne proves that women in Japan are only limited to serve their families unlike in the United States where she could be a career woman.

The needs of the family will increase when Ken's mother is put in the old facility, and his wife will be seeking medical attention as well as him. He might be forced to seek employment in the United States and may seek the intervention of his wife to seek a job too.

A genetic difference may be a paramount contributor to the difference in reaction to drugs used in treatment for the Japanese and white people. Drugs that contain v-blockers are likely to affect white people while drugs containing diuretics may affect Japanese since the drugs are known to be salt-sensitive (Wise and Yashiro, 2006). Hence therapy may be conducted before treatment, and a medical history requested when being treated in either United States coming from Japanese origin or being a white person and seeking treatment in Japan.

Sources of calcium in Japan include shrimps, cheese, dried whitefish and sardines which are in their diets since they are available in plenty.


Black, H. R., & Elliott, W. (2012). Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease E-Book.

Kastner, J., &Kastner, J. (2009). Chinese nutrition therapy: Dietetics in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Liao, Y. (2011). Traditional Chinese medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wise, D. A., & Yashiro, N. (2006). Health care issues in the United States and Japan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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