Choosing a Successor, Free Essay on Leadership Analysis

Published: 2019-09-16
Choosing a Successor, Free Essay on Leadership Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 956 words
8 min read

Since leadership directly influences an organization's performance, people in such positions face often face multiple challenges that have to be handled appropriately to avoid failure (Shekari, 2012). For instance, certain situations call for instant decision-making forcing the leader to assume the responsibility for the outcome. The risks affiliated to the position has created a debate about whether leadership is an innate or acquired trait. Good leaders need to demonstrate qualities such as fearlessness, exemplary, enthusiasm, confidence, tolerance and transparency. In this case, all the candidates demonstrate some real leadership features as well as some weaknesses. Taneshia is had some experience with leadership as she heads a group of subordinate staff, she is also creative, inspirational, visionary as well as hardworking. However, her rigidity, as well as assertiveness, are likely to limit employees motivation and idea sharing which limits creativity and quality of output. Like Taneshia, Felipe has some experience about the position; he is also hardworking nevertheless he is a poor supervisor. Lastly, Amanda is capable of overseeing execution of tasks, and she can also communicate to other staff members effectively. However, she is intolerant to workforce diversity, lazy and aggressive. Although all the candidates have various setbacks, certain aspects are likely to favor them as Pauls successor. For instance, Taneshias innovative mind will allow her to formulate new strategies that are necessary for the transformation of the institution into a multispecialty organization capable of catering for the diverse population. Felipe can utilize his popularity to mobilize workers towards achieving the set goals while Amanda has the ability to maximize output through proper supervision.

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Liberalization has made a significant percentage of the population to assume that race, ethnicity or gender differences cannot influence organizational leadership. Studies have indicated that race and gender have a substantial impact on leadership experience especially among women and people of color (Chin, 2013). The differences often arise in the definition of aspects such as aggressiveness and transformation. For example, some leaders are likely to confuse enthusiasm which is meant to direct the efforts of the organization towards a specific goal with assertiveness. Since the institutions aspirations are to become multispecialty, consideration of the candidates ethnicity is crucial as it has the potential of influencing the general performance. For instance, Amanda has issues of dealing with workers from other races; such a trait can be an impediment in attaining the organizational goal as it discourages teamwork.

Other than the ability to lead a diverse workforce, leaders must have the capability to deal with the environmental uncertainties. For example, the institution might face competition from new companies, economic constraints due to inflations or political issues. Such factors are external, and thus, the organization has no control over them. Therefore, the business must align their internal operations according to the situation in the macro environment so as to survive and thrive. If Taneshia becomes the successor, the institution might fail to realize its goal because of lack of employees motivation which will also be the case if Amanda is selected. However, if Felipe becomes Pauls successor, the organization is likely to attain its objective because he is a capable inspiring workforce to be creative and increase the quality of their output.

Although all the candidates present some good leadership characteristics, I would recommend Felipe as the successor. His current position places him at a position of understanding market trends which would enable him to draft policies accordingly. Felipes nature which has increased his popularity within and outside the institution, as well as hard work, goes in line with organizational vision (Spears, 2010). Therefore, he is able to encourage all staff members to contribute their ideas which would be crucial for innovations and at the same time the move motivates the members. Eventually, he will be able to create a success-oriented team that would not need to be supervised to yield quality output.

As we had mentioned already, both candidates possess some admirable traits that can make them good leaders. However, their features seem to be contrasting which can lead to conflicts if they were to work together. For example, if Taneshia becomes Pauls successor she might have some difficulties working with Amanda and Felipe. Since Amanda is over-ambitious as implied by her habit of demanding too much from the subordinates and rigid, she is likely to demand the workers put in some extra working hours at some points. Such an expectation will create issues between Taneshia and Amanda because the latter is not used to working overtime. At the same time, Taneshia might have problems with Felipe regarding his weakness of not being able to offer supervision to his juniors.

Given that the present day environment calls for rapid organizational modifications to suit the ever changing demand; an institution requires a leader who has mastered the business operation over a significant duration and hence he/she can make appropriate decisions. Such a need excludes the option of out-sourcing a leader when there are some potential leaders within the organization.


Chin, J. L. (2013). Diversity Leadership: Influence of Ethnicity, Gender, and Minority Status. Open Journal of Leadership, 1-9.

Jing-zhou, P., Xiao-xue, Z., & Xia-qing, Z. (2008). The role of leadership between the employees and the organization: a bridge or a ravine?-an an empirical study from china. Journal of management and marketing research, 1. Retrieved from

Shekari, H. (2012). Promoting Leadership Effectiveness in Organizations: A case Study on the Involved Factors of Servant Leadership. International Journal of Business Administration, 54. Retrieved from

Spears, L. C. (2010). Character and Servant Leadership: Ten Characteristics of Effective, Caring Leaders. The Journal of Virtues and Leadership, 28. Retrieved from

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