Free Essay on Choosing the Right Path in Education for a Successful Future

Published: 2023-01-25
Free Essay on Choosing the Right Path in Education for a Successful Future
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Education Students Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 553 words
5 min read

This report is on my progress with my research on ways of identifying the correct path in education. The study is aimed at identifying the problems and working out the solutions facing the decision-making process of students. This paper will present the research completed so far and then discuss the remaining research and ways of modifying how it can be conducted. Finally, it will outline the strategy for meeting the original deadline of the assignment.

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Completed Research

The research completed was majorly sourced from secondary sources books and articles like Top 10 tips to Choosing the right course for you By StudyLink, and The Key to Choosing the Right Career by Heidi Grant. From there, I discovered that the major problem affecting the students was lacking the understanding of the importance of education in their future careers. In most cases, students joining tertiary institutions end up doing courses that jeopardize their future dream careers. The students become stressed further during job applications when one applicant is passed over for the job for having the upper hand in the qualifications even though they lack experience. They wonder why employers insist on the requirements. Some of them end up doing jobs they never wanted to lead to poor performance at their place of work. But the fact that the students lack understanding raises a lot of queries like Do students have a career vision? Do parents and teachers influence career choice for students? For whom are the students creating a career? How do students view their future work?

To be able to complete and submit the report on time, devised a schedule to ensure the process runs smoothly. A sample plan is shown below:

  • Pre-writing Seeking approval June 15th
  • Audience analysis June 18th
  • Writing
  • Planning for research June 20th
  • Secondary research June 24th
  • Primary research June 27th
  • Proposal writing July 2nd
  • Revising Revise the first draft July 5th
  • Revise the second draft July 10th
  • Final report July 15th

Remaining Research

From the issues raised by the preliminary research, I decided to include primary sources which will complement the secondary sources. This will be useful to obtain information directly from the affected parties, which will clarify unclear opinions from the secondary resources. The data will be collected through studies and interviews with students, teachers, and parents. The students to be involved should be those who have already cleared their high school education and are waiting to join institutions of higher learning, 20 of these students of both genders will be involved.

The report should be extended to cover all the relevant fields because it will be used to advise students on the best ways of choosing the correct path in education to facilitate a future career. To do this, it should highlight critical matters affecting the students like if students love what they learn; if they have dreams, what are they? If the students believe in themselves, if they have a career vision, do their elders influence their choices, among other issues?


This process report has updated you on the proceedings of my research on identifying the right ways of choosing a career path in education for future success. I am working tirelessly according to my work schedule to ensure I beat the deadline and deliver a report that will help students to determine their career paths.

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Free Essay on Choosing the Right Path in Education for a Successful Future. (2023, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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