Essay on CIA Triad: A Model for Information Security Strategies

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay on CIA Triad: A Model for Information Security Strategies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Security
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 499 words
5 min read

The CIA triumvirate (confidentiality, integrity, as well as availability) is referred to as a typical intended to control information safety strategies in an association. Sometimes it can also be considered as AIC triad referring to availability, integrity, as well as confidentiality to avoid misunderstanding with another CIA that refers to the Central Intelligence Agency (Bashay, 2018). In CIA triad, confidentiality relates to the rules that are set to limit access to the information. Integrity is defined as the guarantee that the data is accurate as well as trustworthy. Furthermore, availability is an assurance of reliable admittance to the data by authorized individuals. In cybersecurity, the CIA triad is vital.

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Confidentiality is intended to ensure unauthorized individuals have no way of accessing sensitive information and ensure that particular information can be accessed with only the right people. The information access must be limited only to those people who are sanctioned to view the needed data (Oza, 2019). The triad is essential for the maintenance of accuracy, consistency, along with trustworthiness in its life cycle (MDN Web Doc, 2019). Sensitive information should not be changed in shipment; plus, security dealings like file approvals along with user admittance controls need to be considered to certify there are no modifications by the unauthorized users. Besides, it is helpful to the retailer since it prevents unintentional as well as deletions changes from authorized users hence preventing it from becoming a problem (Imam, 2020). Furthermore, this triangle helps in maintaining all hardware as well as software needed to ensure sensitive data availability.

I think the retailer should focus on the CIA because it reduces security breaches as well as data theft. Many security that does not focus on the CIA triad reports an unpleasant organization’s picture hence affecting the profile of that particular organization (Brooks, 2020). Many cybersecurity retailers face unprotected data challenges because they have poor policies with the likelihood of leading to breaches as well as massive penalties.

In conclusion, the CIA triad is an essential concept of security since all security mechanisms, security controls, as well as safeguards, are instigated to offer these protections. It has helped many organizations as well as retailers to protect their data and keep it secured. For confidentiality protection, special training is vital, and depending on the groups, the implementation of strict measures should be considered.


Bashay, F. (2018, February 2). What Is the CIA Triangle and Why Is It Important for Cybersecurity Management? Difenda.

Brooks, R. (2020, June 23). The CIA Triad and Its Real-World Application. Netwrix Blog Insights for Cybersecurity and IT Pros the CIA Triad and Its RealWorld Application Comments.

Imam, F. (2020, January 23). What Is the CIA Triad and Why Is It Important for Cybersecurity? Logsign.

MDN Web Doc. (2019, July 16). Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Developer Mozilla.,_Integrity,_and_Availability.

Oza, S. (2019, August 21). CIA Triad: Best Practices for Securing Your Org.

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Essay on CIA Triad: A Model for Information Security Strategies. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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