Civil Disorder During Corona Virus Pandemic - Free Essay

Published: 2023-08-16
Civil Disorder During Corona Virus Pandemic - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Police brutality Disorder Social change Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 721 words
7 min read

Since its declaration as a global pandemic by the WHO, the novel coronavirus has caused a significant ripple effect across the globe. The volatility and stability of several people across the world are at an all-time high as governments and relevant authorities try to establish a way to deal with the situation. Due to the anxiety and hyper volatility of the case, any trigger would result in mass civil disorder, either in protest of the lockdowns, curfews, or other measures enacted to curb the virus. In the past few weeks, cases of unrest and protests across the country have been high, with police intervention being counterproductive. Cases of police brutality across the country and the world as well are leading to even more examples of civil unrest. While one may commend the lockdowns on their ability to slow down the spread of the virus, one can argue that it also contributes to the anxiety and paranoia among the masses.

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Consequently, any wrong move by the authorities would result in the already existing tension exploding. One of the best examples of such explosions was the civil unrest resulting after racially-biased cases of murder by both white gun owners like the case of Ahmaud Arbery and, in the past week, the shameless death of George Floyd by the police in Minneapolis. While the latter resulted in minimal instances of civil disorder, the latter proves to be the elastic limit of the tension and anxiety that was already building. Currently, the violent riots and looting, as well as the destruction of property in Minneapolis, are hitting the headlines in news outlets throughout America and other parts of the world. Indeed civil unrest during the coronavirus pandemic, which has already caused the death of tens of thousands of Americans, is a classic case of a double tragedy. Moreover, it is a source of a dilemma as one has to acknowledge the protests at the same time condemn the violence and disregard of safety guidelines that may lead to the worsening of the situation through the spread of coronavirus among the crowding protestors.

Personal of a High School Basketball Prodigy

It is a known fact that professional athletes enjoy a life full of wealth and proclivities when they are away from the seriousness of the gym, court, track, or field. While many of these individuals' careers shine the brightest during their professional careers as members of elite pro-athletic teams and clubs, the genesis of their glory often traces back to their times in high school. It is during high school that one discovers their athletic abilities and God-given talent. John Doe, our very own basketball star, was never new to the court when he joined high school, the potential pro-baller, has practically been raised on the court.

Like most male members of his family, he was blessed with the genetics that afforded him the height, strength, and athleticism for the court. Nonetheless, it is not his physical gifts that make him stand out. His eccentric personality and fitness on the court are what makes him shine whenever he plays for the school's team. According to him, he owes his burgeoning potential to his parents and older members of the family who have a passion for basketball. Moreover, he also recognizes his ambition and the time he puts into practice to get better and reach his dream of being likened to a hall of fame basketballer like Michael Jordan.

Outside of his life in school and basketball, however, John Doe enjoys several activities that one would not expect of a basketball player. He also admits to the attention he gets from other students but believes that most of them do not know him for who he truly is. Unlike his peers who enjoy playing video games and hanging out and having fun, the high school champion prefers a quiet time reading books and developing his passion for poetry. He especially acknowledges and admires the works of Maya Angelou and Charles Bukowski. Conclusively, John Doe sees himself pursuing a career professional basketball career in the next five years playing in the most coveted arenas in the NBL. Nonetheless, he posits that his passion and love for poetry will endure, and he hopes to write down some noteworthy sonnets and poems in the future after he retires from athletics.

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Civil Disorder During Corona Virus Pandemic - Free Essay. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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