Climate Essay Sample

Published: 2022-03-24
Climate Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Climate
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 616 words
6 min read

a. The average temperatures is 48.25

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b. The highest monthly rainfall for the three cities varies from one city to another. Sacramento city recorded the highest rainfall in the month of January with the precipitation of 3.62 inches, and 0.04 in July and August being the lowest during the year. Tucson city recorded high rains in the month of August with 2.24 inches, and 0.2 inches in the month of May being the lowest precipitation in the year. Buffalo city recorded 3.66 inches in the month of March, which was the highest during the year, and lows of 2.48 inches in the month of February.

c. the highs and lows of monthly temperatures were as follows: in Sacramento city, the highest temperature was recorded in the month of July and August at 75 , and lowest temperatures of the city being January with 47

The city of Tucson experienced high temperatures in the month of July that saw it rise to 89 , while the lowest in the month was January with 52 .

Buffalo city experienced the highest temperatures in the month of July at 71 , while the lowest in the city in the year was at 25 in the month of January.

3. The city of Sacramento experiences moderate climatic conditions during the four seasons throughout the year. Winter starts in November through to February with average temperatures of 49 , and rainfall of 3.11 inches. From February to April, autumn sets in with an average of 55 temperatures and rainfall of 2.4 inches. From the month of May to July, the city experiences summer with hot temperatures of 71 averagely and an average rainfall of 0.3mm. During the months of August, September, and November, the city experiences spring followed by summer with an average of 70.3 average temperatures and 0.42 inches rainfall.

Tucson city has relatively moderate climatic conditions during the four seasons. Winter is little cold with an average of 55.6 , and 2.71inches rainfall the temperatures tend to rise during other seasons to climax in summer at an average of 86 .

Buffalo city experiences high temperatures of 70 during summer and lows of 25 during winter. The rainfall is not dependent on the temperatures because during high summer temperatures the city records rainfall of 4.0 inches.


The city of Sacramento has average rainfall throughout the year hence presents a good environment for both agricultural and industrial production.

Tucson city experiences high temperatures, which might not be favorable for agricultural production but offers convenience for other industrial productions. The amount of rainfall is sufficient also to support agriculture.

Buffalo city has more rainfall than all the cities and therefore presents an opportunity for agricultural production.

5. Buffalo is the best with favorable rainfall and average temperatures that can comfortably support both agriculture and industrial productions.

6. The cities of California and Hawaii. These two cities present the best weather conditions all year round. There are no extreme temperatures or rainfall in these cities with an average of 80 degrees temperature and 20 inches rainfall in a year.

7. a. the climate is critical when manufacturing fabricated homes, but another factor to be considered is the distance from the population centers. This is because without the population the climate aspect is useless. Additionally, the ready market is a vital factor in business; hence, it influences location.

b. when considering the climatic condition, transportation of raw materials and goods must also be put into consideration. This is because raw materials have to reach the destination conveniently, and this might affect the location of the site. The two factors might come in hand in hand, but the overall point is the materials have to reach the point of manufacture.

c. Apart from climate, proximity to the shipping lanes for easy exportation will also be an important factor. This would influence the change of location from the one that only considered climate.

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Climate Essay Sample. (2022, Mar 24). Retrieved from

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