Cold War Essay Example

Published: 2022-03-02
Cold War Essay Example
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  History Cold War
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 441 words
4 min read

Turning enemy agents is another challenge that faced the counterintelligence services. Enemy agents are members formerly part of a team that consequently turn against their team. In this regard, the agents would be recruited from team members to pass information against their team secretly. It is one of the most lethal methods adopted by the enemy troops to counter.


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In comparison to early American history, CL changed significantly during the Cold War. The change was attributed to the increased threats witnessed ruing the period. Resultantly, as a measure of controlling the issue, the military incorporated more agents to gather information's and others to deliver it efficiently such that it would allow appropriate decision-making. In addition to that Technology and way of information, delivery took a different turn with every team striving to achieve significant stake in the CL services. CL has become one most sophisticated tool to be used by the military to undertake their operations in maintaining security. In contrast to the early American history, for instance, the Cold War CL services adopted the use of overhead imagery and signals intelligence. The overhead imagery, for instance, proved very useful in establishing the movement of products associated with the manufacture of atomic weapons. Ostensibly this is one significant development of the Cold War related to CL services. Furthermore, with the increase in the need to have improved security measures in the various sectors, it called for more steps towards its incorporation into the field of economic development. This development was a sharp contrast to the counterintelligence during the early American history.


Finally, as is noted from the studies, counterintelligence, which occurred in the Cold War periods, was undertaken under great challenges. However, as time went by, there have been more improvements which have made it possible to conduct what is best for the people regarding security measures. Making security a priority is what the Army continuously strives to deliver. Most of the people conducting intelligence currently base their choices on the historical contexts of the intelligence, which serves as a basis for proper decision-making. Most of the nations borrow from the historical intelligence to conduct their security mechanisms.


Bukharin, Oleg A. "The Cold War Atomic Intelligence Game, 1945-70." Studies in Intelligence 48 (2007): 14.

Haslam, Jonathan. Russia's Cold War: from the October Revolution to the Fall of the Wall. Yale University Press, 2011.

McNeil, Phyllis Provost. "The Evolution of the US Intelligence Community-An Historical Overview." Intelligence and National Security (2008): 1-20.

Sheehan, Neil. A fiery peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the ultimate weapon. Vintage, 2010.

White, John Kenneth. Still seeing red: How the Cold War shapes the new American politics. Routledge, 2018.

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