Dissertation Abstract Example on Servant Leadership

Published: 2019-11-07
Dissertation Abstract Example on Servant Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Servant leadership
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1217 words
11 min read


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A servant leader acts as a role model to be embraced by the followers. It helps to create the needed cohesion between the leader and the people following the leadership in an organization that I necessary for the smooth flow of processes and information. A working relationship helps to communicate a strong and common vision between leadership and other employees. It allows for a voluntary participation of all the stakeholders in the organization and the employees feel as members of the entity. Servant leadership serves as the best remedy for a sustainable organization that meets its organizational goals due to the conducive working atmosphere for all the workers. The researcher gives a clear and concise definition of servant leadership and other leadership styles in the contemporary world and the desirable traits for organizational success.

Different leadership theories and literature review on leadership has been explored from previous studies in the literature review section to give a broad understanding of the leadership styles adopted by various people in the world. The research has explored the use of both primary and secondary data sources for analysis to analyze it for rejecting or accepting the null hypothesis according to the stated research questions. Data obtained from the Toyota motors revealed that the servant leadership used in the human resource management has helped increase productivity and enhance the employee retention in the organization. Data was obtained using structured questionnaires filled and submitted online upon consent to take part in the study. Interviews were conducted to the leaders for quantify the result obtained from the employees in the online survey.

Through active stimulation of the followers, servant leadership encourages formulation of new ways of doing things. This increases the potential for individual development and for addressing the matter affecting the followers in an organization. It encourages creativity, cohesive and productivity in an organization.



Human resource management growth and improvement are the core strategy for the leaders. They want the organizations to thrive and protect their leadership positions at the same time. The leaders are geared towards the common good for the human resource management facility and the good of the followers. Servant leaders seek to show commitment to devotion and commitment to ideological goals to themselves depending on the available motivation and needs of the human resource management facility. Servant leaders take personal risk in all the decisions they make. They embrace sensitivity to member's needs and the environment surrounding the organization facility (van Dierendonck and Patterson, 2010). They show vision and articulation and perform individual tasks to ensure that their names shine, and the organization thrives.

Chapter one of the desertion paper gives an introductory explanation to servant leadership and the possible outcome to organizations that embrace such leadership styles. The definitions are gathered from existing literature and the contemporary definitions. The study background, the research problem, research question, and the aims of the research are also explored in this chapter. The research hypothesis to be tested for the research is stated in this chapter in line with the research topic and the research question.

Chapter two gives a detailed description of the literature review of the exiting theories on leadership and what is expected of them from the followers and what the documented evidence. It creates a connection between the definition given in chapter one and what exist in theory from previous studies. Chapter three details the process of obtaining the sample and the sample size and the method of capturing the required data for analysis. Questionnaires were employed as the research instruments for capturing the primary data from the respondent in an online survey. The sample period as well as the research reliability and validity are discussed in this chapter. The data analysis procedure is discussed in the last part of this chapter. A sample of thirty five employees was used to gather the primary data.

Chapter four provides the research findings from the data collected in chapter three of the desertion. Tables, charts, descriptive statistics are used to analyze and conceptualize the outcomes from the collected data. They give a more appealing and easy to understand data results from the analysis. Chaper five give the recommendation and the conclusion based on the parameters that were analyzed. The conclusion links what was realized from the findings and the stated statistical procedures.

The style of leadership embraced by an organization impacts on the climate of work, productivity and creativity. This explains the fact that leadership style is critical to all organizations given that it affects their performance and effectiveness. In this view, this essay seeks to explain the concept of servant leadership and its role in improving an organizations efficiency explicitly, with a focus in the details of the meaning of servant leadership as a model. Furthermore, the paper explores the four components of servant leadership that an organizations leadership desires to embrace to achieve value in the above-mentioned process. Finally, it looks at some of the benefits that servant leadership can bring to an organization if effectively implemented (Covey, 2007).


1.1.1 The Concept of Servant Leadership

Leaders should be aware of their leadership style for them to achieve and improve an organizational plans and strategies. Understanding your personal leadership style empowers you to work efficiently and be successful in what you do. Knowing your leadership style as well as that of the organization you work for enables you to identify your personal strengths and weaknesses as well as organizational threats and opportunities. You will need this information so that you can identify your strong and weak point in the career you take, thus helping you to grow and develop as a leader. Similarly, the followers should understand the leadership styles of their leaders at the workplace. This will influence the way they work and carry themselves around the work environment. It helps the followers to identify their roles and responsibilities. It helps the members identify what to be done and when it should be done. There are different leadership style based on different assumptions and theories. The leadership style one uses will be based on a combination of their preference, beliefs, values as well as the traditions and norms surrounding the organizations working environment.

1.2 Types of Leadership

Leadership is the art of serving others by providing the vision and motivation to a team, providing training, tools and people as well as your time, energy and own intelligence so that they can realize their personal and professional potential. Leaders should be bold enough to have a vision and humbly use the efforts of others to achieve it. Leaders should create a culture of sharing their gifts and talents to others and let them excel too. Effective leadership is the ability to guide other people into a direction or decision that makes them feel fulfilled and accomplished without using force. The history of leadership is taken on a variety of perspectives. First there is the differentiation between leaders and followers characteristics. Leadership is influenced by the situation at hand, the skills and behaviors of the leader. Then there was the distinction between effective and non-effective leaders. Studies were made to examine the relationship between personal qualities, leader efficacy, and situational variables. Leaders and leadership are an essential component of an organization. Leadership studies have con...

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