College Students to Study and Work Abroad - Paper Sample

Published: 2024-01-04
College Students to Study and Work Abroad - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  College Employment
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1240 words
11 min read


Studying is composed of a wide variety of aspects that contribute to the competency of the students. There are various aspects of an area of study that require exposure by the students to enhance their competency in their areas of specialization. When the students advance in their studies, they require more exposure because of the need to enhance their competence. Therefore, it is a current trend whereby the students are encouraged to study and work abroad for many reasons. The work and study abroad will and various benefits to the students, which will add to their competency as they study. Various studies have been conducted which highlight the benefits that students get from working and studying abroad. Therefore, it is factual to state that the students benefit in various ways through studying and working abroad. Therefore, college students should be required to study and work abroad.

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Immigration Intentions

Immigration intentions are one of the major benefits that justify students studying abroad in most cases. Various countries have enhanced capabilities compared with the nations where the students come from. For example, there may be u desirable factors in the country of origin that are inconsistent with the students' development. For example, the state of technology, political climate, and the economy might not support students' dreams. However, the student may be talented and with skills that can be put to use in another country, which can be adequately rewarded. Therefore, there is the motivation for the student to migrate to a foreign land through a chance to study there (Nghia 759). Thus, through studying abroad, the student may get better immigration changes that will enable them to work in a foreign country. In most nations, they should have some minimum requirements for an individual to migrate into the country. For example, they should have a certain level of education, skills, or both. Therefore, the students are in a better position to gain entry into the country and study.

The chance presents itself in the form of an opportunity to further their skills in their chosen field. The major way through which the students gain entry to foreign countries is through scholarships. When a foreign country is involved in educating the students, they are motivated to benefit from their education. Therefore, after the student studies abroad, they are absorbed into the workforce. The conditions of work in the foreign nation, in most cases, are far much better than the nation they came from. Therefore, there is a great motivation for the students to migrate abroad, study there, and be absorbed into the workforce. The state of technology, salary, and chances for advancement in most cases are better than their native country. Thus, more students are motivated to gain from the chances abroad through studying there.

Learning Opportunities Abroad

The availability of learning opportunities abroad, which are absent in a student's country, is another justification for studying abroad. Education opportunities in different countries differ in many ways—the major reason for the difference in educational opportunities in the nations' resources. When a country has sufficient resources, the education system will be advanced accordingly. However, when there is a shortage of resources, the learning institutions will also suffer from shortages. The students are gifted in different fields, which then the local education system may not effectively address (Milian et al. 6). An example is in the engineering field. Some countries have advanced technology being taught in learning institutions. When students learn in their universities, their skills are enhanced because they can train the students effectively. Therefore, the students seek ways to study abroad so that their interests and capabilities are addressed effectively.

Most countries do not have a single university among the top 1000 universities in the world. That statistic is a reflection of the poor quality of education in some of the countries. However, some students can pursue better courses in other countries with better universities, which can enhance their skills and knowledge. Therefore, the students are always seeking an opportunity to study abroad to satisfy their thirst for better education and knowledge. Moreover, some programs are unavailable in some countries. The learning institutions may not be offering the program to the satisfaction of international standards. Therefore, the students stand to benefit from studying abroad, where they will become more competent in the area they are interested in. There are multiple opportunities available fr the students in less developed countries to exploit the available opportunities abroad. In the long run, the education opportunities abroad make the students more competent than when they would have attended the local learning institutions.

Working Abroad

Working abroad is just as important as studying abroad, although its benefits are professional. Professional development is the major reason why students should be encouraged to work abroad. Great career development is characterized by increased exposure than a professional gets from working in a different environment. There are different opportunities available abroad, which is great for an individual's career development. Therefore, people should be encouraged to experience working abroad (Reardon et al. 174). For example, there are different types of technology and expertise in various countries in the medical field. When individuals get a working opportunity abroad, their exposure is increased to a greater level than their native country. Some countries have better states of technology that can increase an employee's effectiveness at work.

Therefore, professionals should get additional experience from working abroad, which advances their competencies. When the student gains working experience in a developed country, there is a high chance they will take the additional experience to their country after the exposure. For example, better management and leadership skills can be taken to their country, which will lead to better service delivery. The enhanced service delivery will help the organization; the student will work, translating to better services to clients. There will be a great source of sustainable competitive advantage the student will take to their native country in the long run. Moreover, the experience will be used in mentoring other professionals; therefore, the benefits of working abroad will be multiplied. Therefore, when more students are invited to work abroad, the associated benefits will be reaped and enjoyed to a greater scale. Therefore, there should be policies that will enhance the achievement of more benefits when students work abroad.


Working and studying abroad have various benefits for students in various places worldwide. When students learn in foreign institutions, they get exposure, which creates the basis for better career development. When the student migrates to a nation with better capabilities, they will have their skills developed better than those who study in a less developed environment. Furthermore, when the students work abroad, they will take great policies to their nations, translating into better service delivery. Moreover, students are encouraged to study and learn abroad to benefit from learning programs unavailable in their countries. Therefore, professional development, better learning opportunities, and enhanced competence are the major reasons that justify learning and studying abroad.

Works Cited

Milian, Madeline, et al. "Personal and professional challenges and benefits of studying abroad." Journal of International Education and Leadership 5.1 (2015): n1.

Nghia, Tran Le Huu. "Motivations for Studying Abroad and Immigration Intentions." Journal of International Students 9.3 (2019): 758-776.

Reardon, Candice, Gavin George, and Oluwatobi Enigbokan. "The benefits of working abroad for British General Practice trainee doctors: the London deanery out of programme experience in South Africa." BMC medical education 15.1 (2015): 174.

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