Essay Sample on Comic Book Analysis

Published: 2023-02-23
Essay Sample on  Comic Book Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Character analysis Books
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1157 words
10 min read

Ms. Marvel is presented in the Marvel comics as a groundbreaking heroine who becomes an international sensation. An ordinary girl from Jersey City Kamala Khan suddenly becomes empowered with extraordinary gifts. That raises the question of who she truly is, a teenager. Muslim/ Inhuman? She takes the Marvel universe by storm owing to the discovery of the dangers of her newfound powers. Her powers are expressed in a polymorphous form, meaning that she can stretch both her arms and legs which come handy when fighting the bad guys. She is the first Muslim character to headline her own book.Ms.Marvel Series 1 offered the world a fictional 'Superhero,' the most popular and vital creation of the 20th Century American imagination. Kamala's focus is used to reveal how her creators and audiences use her characters and mythos in the construction and definition of religious worldviews.Ms. Marvel's narratives in this story, therefore, become theological, metaphysical, and spiritual exercises that enter the realm of religious mythology.

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Her dreams of becoming the visionary caption Marvel were fulfilled when she became` beautiful, awesome, but kicking and less complicated', just like captain Marvel in her description. Ms. Marvel initially had struggles in gaining control of her new powers and only calms down after some time. Her discovery of becoming a polymorph, and having the ability to change her body into any form becomes a shock to her. However, she tries to discover her newfound powers. Through an examination of Jersey residents and local media reception, they use Ms.Marvel's character to form world views and as a lens for interpretation of the older and pre-existing religious systems. They used that in making meaning, exploration, and invention of new modes of religious identification. Ms. Marvel's figure is used to examine people's theological works and contents of religious traditions. Abrahamic God 's attributes as omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresence may, however not be universal among the many gods that human imaginations engage. Throughout the history and diversity of world's religious traditions, the Gods vary in their power, morality, wisdom, and mortality. Much as Ms. Marvel may not resemble the Islamic Allah or Judeo-Christian, that does not preclude her from exhibiting divine qualities.

How Religion Function as a Marker of Identity in This Comic

The use of religious mythology, iconography, and ideology forms the central idea in this comic. Ms. Marvel's mythos is the site for the play and creativity of Religion. Throughout the comic, both angels and demons make appearances. Ms. Marvel is by far depicted in the humorous book narrative as an angel, a god, or a golem. That is seen through her pulling Zoe to safety by stretching her hands to her.

Similarly, she saves Bruno from armed robbery by stopping the burglar, and though shot in the process, she was able to heal from her injuries using her powers. Besides, she saves Vick, Bruno's brother, from the inventor, a mysterious person. Similarly, Kamala's use of Islamic culture is used in the fulfillment of religious functions and the contribution of the broader spiritual understanding among the audience. Kamala's lens of Religion is exemplified with Jesus' as she appears to be responsible, accessible, and relevant, just like Jesus. The American Evangelists use her Christ figure concept in the 21st Century in faith-based marketing of the film Man of Steel.

How the Comic Represents Islam and Muslim

Islamic religious traditions also influence Kamala in the comic as the character is a reflection of the Platonic notion of the Good. That is owing to the multiple changes that she undergoes, "from thinly veiled revolutionary socialism to wartime populism to Eisenhower capitalism, to self-canceling escapism to inhibiting self-skeptics". That is due to the dynamic shifts of America's concept of Good. Kamal's reflection of Good is considered Islamic as it bridges the gap between is and ought in the quest of making world sense existential crises. Her Religiosity in Islam is Graveside, a superhero beyond Jesus. Here, Kamala operates as a savior, and just like in Muslim traditions, her salvation is in the memorial form where the dead characters continue to live. Similarly, she offers cornerstone for an evolving worldview where he symbolizes life, hope, and eternal battle. Her humanity, just like the Islamic Mohammed, stood out and could be considered benevolently and malevolently godhood.

The success of the Comic's Mission to Create a Character, who can become American without Assimilation to Whiteness.

The success of this mission is owed to Kamala's occupants to both inhuman and human identity. That offers transgressing boundaries between categories, especially between humans and Devine. Her powers, as an inhuman heritage coupled with his biological origin, provide the best operational function as godly. Besides her New Jersey influences and mythos references, Kamala's liminal status between human and inhuman is metaphoric for New Jersey's experience in the United States. Her inhumanness is analogous to the cultural and religious otherness of the immigrant New Jersey and their descendants. Her New Jersey character is both influenced by her Islamic creation and her New Jersey-American experience. She, therefore, acts as an examination site for New Jersey-American identity and blurs the boundary between Jersey and non-Jersey-American culture. Her liminal status between human and inhuman thus serves as a good site for American civil, religious work.

How the Comic uses the Idea of the Superhero to Reflect on the Ambiguities of Identity

Kamala can also be portrayed as a superhero, a monster, albeit domesticated by her parents. Her in-betweens (savior and monster) is perceived to be permanently liminal in the quest to avoid the negative connotations invoked by the term monster. Her liminality became her permanent state once her vision to be captain Marvel was realized. That was the beginning of her liminal existence, inhuman raised by humans, and her superheroic strength is exemplified with that of the biblical Samson, a character who exists in a permanently liminal status. Her ambiguity is seen when some characters question whether he is human, inhuman, savior, monster, or a combination of all. Some characters argue that his human persona of Kamala is merely an act and not her real self. However, most contemporary paralysis depicts her as a lady of steel who was raised as a human, and her primary identity is Kamala. Unlike other inhuman characters who came on earth as adults, Kamala is both an alien (genetically) and a human (culturally). Her powers may have been owed to her two mentors Captain Marvel and Iron man, but her morality and humanity guide how she uses them.


Generally, among Kamala's real-world audiences, her similarity encompasses and expresses her divine potential as a Christ figure. Within a Christian context, her religious usefulness existed between human and divine, and that becomes a Christian audience platform of Christianity's relationship and boundaries with the secular world.

Works Cited

Lund, Martin. American Golem: Reading America through Super-New Dealers and the "Melting Pot", 2012.

Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphonsa, Ms. Marvel, Volume 1: No Normal (Marvel), 2013

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