Communication and Conflict - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-30
Communication and Conflict - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Conflict management Communication skills
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 601 words
6 min read

The communication process is essential in building a strong relationship in any work setting. As depicted in the book, a miscommunication occurs between John and Gail, where John had bagged in Gail’s office and pushed her on discounting for Eagle Mark Enterprises (Scudder & Mitchell, 2011). Gail did not like how John handled the situation and termed John’s action as “irrational exuberance.” The miscommunication resulted from John barging at Gail until she gave in. according to Gail, John had already self-convinced himself that the discounting was good. The miscommunication occurred because John was not ready to listen or gave Gail the chance to speak out her mind. Besides, miscommunication erupted because John was rigid with his decision and could not accommodate anything Gail would have thought to convey. John lacked compassionate assertiveness making him insensitive to Gail’s emotions and opinions.

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Noise is a barrier to effective communication. Noise affects communication negatively, leading to misunderstandings between individuals involved. John engages in physical noise, hindering effective communication from happening between him and Gail. For instance, John roughly enters Gail’s office, forcing himself in. John shouts and continues to barge Gail demanding that she accept his perspective on discounting EagleMark enterprises. Barging is is viewed as violence and disrespectful towards any person in a social setting (Scudder & Mitchell 2011). Therefore, John’s actions towards Gail also led to psychological noise, which affected her emotions. Thus, noise causes miscommunication and misunderstandings between the parties involved. The physical noise caused by John made Gail angry. More so, Gail gave in to what John wanted without giving out her perception of the issue raised.

Practical and rational communication leads to positive results. Consequently, there are numerous recommendations that John and Gail need to put into consideration. Firstly, they should practice self-awareness. Human beings are perceived as reaction machines that blame others, fear scarcity, judge themselves, and reject others when facing dismissal. Therefore, individuals need to understand themselves before they get to know other people. Self-awareness makes it easy for individuals to adopt effective and right channels to curb conflicts successfully. Besides, they need to be concerned with the growth, welfare, and protection of each other. The two workmates should identify, recognize, and deal with conflicts rationally and amicably (Scudder & Mitchell 2011). Conclusively, John and Gail should learn that conflicts can be prevented and managed to build effective relationships for better results. Besides, the two individuals need to adopt persuasive and unambiguous communication that is considerate, concise, concrete, and clear and practice courtesy.

In the future, I intend to handle communication effectively by ensuring that I control my emotion, have a consistent and positive body language, and focus on shoving distractions. Furthermore, I will always understand my feelings and be aware of the motive behind the information conveyed. More so, to communicate differently, I will ensure my communication is spontaneous. Effective listening will enable me to avoid going astray during the communication process with others. I strongly concur with the idea that effective communication allows one to improve teamwork, solve conflicts rationally, deepen my connection with others, and attain social and emotional health. Lastly, by asserting myself directly, I will communicate, value myself, express negative ideas positively, accept compliments, and work on my negative trait. In conclusion, individuals need to practice effective communication, identify and curb communication barriers to promote and enhance good relationships at workplaces or any form of setting.


Scudder, T., Patterson, M., & Mitchell, K. (2011). Have a nice conflict: How to find success andsatisfaction in the most unlikely places. John Wiley & Sons.

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