Essay Example on Community Health Assessment

Published: 2018-01-14
Essay Example on Community Health Assessment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Community Community health
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1417 words
12 min read


Diabetes is a health problem that affects a significant number of people in the US; however, its prevalence rate among African-Americans tends to be high compared to the whites due to a variety of reasons outlined in the research. Additionally, diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate and accounts for the rise in mortality rate among the African-Americans who are at higher risk levels. South Carolina is one of the areas with a high number of African Americans experiencing high rates of diabetes. Research by Lynch et al., (2015), links the rise in diabetes among the population to education and basic literacy levels as well as lifestyle and poverty levels which increase the populations exposure to the health problem in context. In this paper, the increasing rate of diabetes in South Carolina, among the African-American population and the preventive measures taken will be evaluated.

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Summary of Community

According to the 2010 Census, South Carolina has a diverse ethnic composition involving the whites, African-Americans and Natives. South Carolina has the 5th greatest percent of Black or African American residents regarding its total population, with the bulk taking up residence in the Midlands and Low Country areas (Lynch et al, 2015). While the state does not have a high percent of Latino or Hispanic residents, it's found the rapid growth of any state in the interval between 2000 and 2010. During this ten-year span, the state found a 147.9% increase in its Hispanic population.

Illness and Health Status

Diabetes is considered a chronic diseases that significantly affects the African-American population in South Carolina. It's prevalence rate also increases with age and is associated with other health issues such as kidney failure and blindness among others. Additionally, it has affected a significant number of people in South Carolina. The Department of Health and Environmental Control provides estimates of diabetes suggesting that close of 350,000 people are affected by the diseases. Additionally, there exists a significant percentage of people in the area without the knowledge that they have the disease which creates the idea that the number of people affected can be higher than estimated. The African-Americans and Hispanics suffer the most which also influences the current ranking of the state in relation to the prevalence rate of diabetes in America. Statistics indicate that in every 8 African-Americans in South Carolina, one person has diabetes. With age the diabetic prevalence increases – a staggering increase can be seen among those who are or above 45 years of age (Samson et al, 2015).

Trends and patterns

There are a million community groups. 416,000 (9 percent) are over 70, and nearly 150,000 (3.2 percent) are over 80. The Percentage of girls increases to 65.2 percent of those older and 80. The percentage of older people in South Carolina is also increasing at a higher rate. Estimates reveals that 27 percent of South People is estimated to be at Carolina by the year 2030, a rise of more than 37 percent from 2012 (CDC, 2016).


The white people of South Carolina are in large number of Northern European stock; great migratory wave from Eastern and Southern Europe in the 19th century migrated from South Carolina almost unaffected. In 2000, the black people were 29.5% of the state's inhabitants (the third-highest percent in the country). In offshore isles and the coastal areas, there can be uncovered some vestiges of African tradition the Gullah dialect. South Carolina has consistently had much of it, an urban black elite. Racial integration continued peacefully by both white and black leaders.(Lynch et al, 2015). The 2000 census counted Indians, up to American 13,718 from 8,000 in 1990. In 2000, there was 95,076 Latinos& Hispanics (2.4% of the entire population), almost doubling the 1990 figure of 50,000 (1.3%). In that very year, In South Carolina there lived 36,014 Asians, 6,423 Filipinos, 3,665 Koreans, Pacific Islanders 1,628 and 2,448 Japanese (Raingruber, 2017)..

Health Status of Diabetic Groups

Majority of the elderly people among the population considered in this context has diabetes which is related to other health problems further increasing their problems. . Abnormal cholesterol levels and high blood pressure are regular comorbidities. Diabetes has an enormous impact on medical care and public health. To describe the burden of diabetes we analyzed the public health surveillance systems accessible to estimate the prevalence, hospitalization and mortality rates plus some impairment data and hospital costs. Diabetes is the top cause of death in old aged blacks, maintaining the five out of the seven top causes of death directly or indirectly maintaining more than 3,000 lives per annum, and Mostly blacks, minorities, experienced more years of potential life and a significantly higher death rate. The racial difference in mortality has widened over the previous ten years. (Bennett, 2015).

People who have diabetes also have higher risks of conditions such as blindness and heart disease among others. Many of whom were still undiagnosed 2014. Therefore, about 450,000 South Carolinians are impacted (Walker et al, 2016). The Medical University of South Carolina has provided a report of an initiative to overcome the increasing danger of diabetes mellitus in South Carolina. The intention behind the Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina (DSC) will be to develop and execute an extensive statewide strategy of community outreach programs, professional health instruction, and diabetes surveillance. The aim will be to supply the tools for control of the disorder so that you can reduce cost weights and serious complications for South Carolinians who have problems with diabetes mellitus (Bennett, 2015). The Initiative represents a distinctive melding of state, private, and national resources and agencies toward this common aim. Nationwide, South Carolina has a top system which organizes attempts that are public in direction and the identification of the chronic disease that is incurable. The community health needs assessment provides a comprehensive set of secondary data, and measures for the health and quality of life needs of South Carolina, and mostly the old aged African American. The purpose is to develop awareness within the communities about this serious fatal disease, to build a better understanding and treatment requirements (Bennett, 2015).

National CLAS Standards that Meets the Health Problem

Diabetes is a critical health issue that is often associated with other health issues suggesting that its negative impact is profound primarily among the African -American population based on the idea that they have poor access to healthcare services. However, NCLAS provides the basis and the standards to provide health equity, reduce disparities and improve the quality of services provided. Addressing diabetes problem in the population requires principal standard that is based on providing effective and equitable and quality care to diverse cultural health practices. The second key standard based on NCLAS involves the communication and language assistance which is helpful in the situation to assist patients with language problems. Some African-Americans lack the basic English proficiency which limit them from access the healthcare services. Language assistance to such individuals is helpful in ensuring effective and patient-centered care is provided. The language assistance and communication aspect also promotes the chances of reducing health disparities and improving equity which often impacts the African-Americans negatively. As such it provides a chance to help patients with diabetes problem by ensuring they access quality and reliable healthcare irrespective of their cultural background (Raingruber, 2017).

Interview Findings Analysis

The interview focused on Debra Keply, a Clinical Director of Primary care and Internal Medicine Clinics at the Medical University Hospital Authority. Debra presented the idea that they serve a majority of African Americans despite the clinic being culturally diverse. Additionally, she argues that healthcare professionals must have cultural competence as established in National CLAS standards. The competence enhances their ability to deliver quality and effective care to diverse patients. The NCLAS standards promote quality and equitable healthcare services my ensuring the patients have language assistance for better communication. They also ensure healthcare providers are accountable and aligns their roles with the NCLAS services to promote positive outcomes.

Kepley further relates elderly African Americans with higher risks of diabetes based on the data captured to identify population at risk. She presents the idea that intervention and monitoring should be prioritized on the population to reduce other associated health complications. On the other hand, Ms Kepley suggests that addressing the diabetes problem among the population requires healthcare providers to have cultural and linguistic competency, provider interpreters and translators to promote better communication. The interview further provided the idea that healthcare institutions in the state should be more aligned towards recruiting culturally diverse workforces or developing them through training to promote equitable healthcare services. From the interview, we derive the conclusion that the effectiveness of the healthcare services provided to address diabetes problem is dependent on the care providers ability to interact and serve culturally diverse patients.

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Essay Example on Community Health Assessment . (2018, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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