Comparative Country Research Assignment. Paper Example

Published: 2023-07-23
Comparative Country Research Assignment. Paper Example
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Violence Law Criminal justice Covid 19 Comparative literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 769 words
7 min read

A man dressed as a policeman was shot and killed people at different locations in Nova Scotia. The man chose his victims randomly, and after a twelve-hour rampage and a car chase, he was killed by the police. The man was driving a car similar to a police vehicle. The attack was very tragic, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he addressed the nation by warning Canadian citizens that violence of any kind is prohibited in Canada (Murphy, 2020). He is also grieving with the bereaved families because what happened to them was a tragedy. The shooter Gabriel Wortman shot and killed Constable Heidi Stevenson who served in the force for 23 years, Lisa McCully, who taught at Debert Elementary School, was also killed. Additional victims include James and Greg Blair and Heather O'Brien, who was a nurse. The police have not determined the motive for the killings.

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The Canadian police began moving against a group of protestors who wanted to halt the construction of a natural gas pipeline on the West Coast of Canada ( Austen, 2020). The demonstrators had set up transportation blockades around the country. These blockades affected approximately 19500 people, especially those who traveled by train. Around 200 trains were unable to provide services for the citizens of Canada. The demonstrations were set off nationally by arrests of protestors present at the pipeline. The main reason for the protests is the chiefs who hold the position of Wet'suwet'en leadership position concluded that the project will alter their land. Thus, they do not want to come to any agreement with the pipeline company or receive any economic benefits.

Milo Hsieh, a student who resides in Taiwan but studies in explains what he has been undergoing during this period of the Corona pandemic. He traveled from Europe to Taiwan, where he underwent a mandatory 14 days of home quarantine. His passport underwent checking by both the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and he filled up documents detailing the places he had visited before traveling back home to Taiwan. Additionally, Milo was notified that his phone would be tracked via satellite. The conditions of the quarantine were not to step outside the apartment, not to travel using public means, instead use special quarantine taxis, and lastly, his entire family to quarantine with him (Hsieh, 2020). Officers called him daily to check on his whereabouts and his health. Many students are coming back home because of the closure of their schools overseas. Due to the quarantine measures, they live in fear and are paranoid because they are afraid of being reported by even their neighbors while doing simple tasks such as removing trash.

The World Health Organization has refuted the claims that it blocked Taiwan from the global health discussion. It is after Taiwan featured an ad in the New York Times advocating the slogan "Taiwan can help" (Wang Hsin-yu & Joseph, 2020) World Health Organization spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic responded by listing around 13 cases over the years where WHO has communicated with Taiwan, including its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Silvia Romano, age 25, was freed from Islamic group Al-Shabaab near Mogadishu. Italy's secret service with help from Turkey and Somalia helped secure her release (BBC, 2020). Silvia, who is an employee of Italian Charity Africa Milele Onlus, was captured by gunmen while residing in a small hotel in Kilifi county in Kenya. Miss Romano was the first foreigner to be kidnapped in Kenya since 2011.

An Italian mayor Gaetano Scullino has been fined after he defied the lockdown rules. The mayor was dancing with someone on a balcony. He was filmed singing and dancing on a balcony overlooking the city while wearing gloves and a face mask. The pair danced side by side despite the social distancing rules ( Tidman, 2020).

The top criminal justice issue for Canada is violent behaviors that lead to people getting hurt or dead. On the other hand, Taiwan has a lot of dictatorships, especially by the government, and lastly, Italy has a problem of people not following the law. It is not just the citizens but also, their leaders.


Zoe Tidman, 2020. Coronavirus: Italian mayor "fined" after dancing with resident on balcony during lockdown., 2020. Italian aid worker kidnapped in Kenya in 2018 returns home. 52608614?intlink_from_url=

Wang Hsin-yu & Joseph Yeh,2020. Crowdfunded 'Taiwan can help' ad published in New York Times. Hsieh, 2020. Coronavirus: Under surveillance and confined at home in Taiwan Austen, 2020. Canadian Police Move Against Pipeline Blockades, Arresting Dozens. Murphy, 2020. Canada Shooting: Gunman kills at least 18 in Nova Scotia.

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Comparative Country Research Assignment. Paper Example. (2023, Jul 23). Retrieved from

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